True. But we have truth on our side. And every day more are waking up to it. Our numbers are increasing, theirs are dwindling. And it really feels like we’re getting close to that critical mass where it just explodes in a fireball and annihilates all in its path.
My view is that it's classic divide and conquer. And I believe that one always has the choice to stand outside of it as an observer OF it rather than a player IN it. That is true sovereignty.
The Matrix explains it well. They Live explains things early on. Many movies are disclosure and are documentaries. Folks just have to open their eyes and ears to process the information. Go back and watch old movies seen before and it will make more sense.
I second that! Many movies I just enjoyed unconsciously decades ago or even 4-5 years ago now have totally different resonance. There are SIGNS everywhere when your eyes are open and ready to be aware of what you are "digesting".
Those will be used extensively. Thank you!
True. But we have truth on our side. And every day more are waking up to it. Our numbers are increasing, theirs are dwindling. And it really feels like we’re getting close to that critical mass where it just explodes in a fireball and annihilates all in its path.
'Twas always thus. Ask Mother Goose.
I borrowed a few of these. 😬
We are fighting a trillion dollar propaganda machine… with memes… and winning
Love it!
"Raiders Of The Lost Ark" was originally titled "Bring Me The Head Of Brandon Garcia"?
Great memes, like usual, thank you, Demi!
Thanks, Susan! 🙏🏻💜💫
I am waiting with bated breath.
I can't help but wonder....
Have you never actually met anyone who makes their own memes in your entire life?
When you are someone who thinks for yourself this is not actually a problem.
A thing may be 'fed' to me- I still and will always have a choice as to whether I eat it or not.
My view is that it's classic divide and conquer. And I believe that one always has the choice to stand outside of it as an observer OF it rather than a player IN it. That is true sovereignty.
The Matrix explains it well. They Live explains things early on. Many movies are disclosure and are documentaries. Folks just have to open their eyes and ears to process the information. Go back and watch old movies seen before and it will make more sense.
I second that! Many movies I just enjoyed unconsciously decades ago or even 4-5 years ago now have totally different resonance. There are SIGNS everywhere when your eyes are open and ready to be aware of what you are "digesting".