As a Gen X'er without a microwave this meme drop is fire, soo much YES!

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Love these! A personal meme: I am not nice, but I am kind. The more it grows on you, the more powerful you feel. People in general don’t trust nice, but they do trust kind. Great armor against narcissists as well. Clarifies in your mind how to handle difficult people.

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Like the Steinbe[a]ck: "I don't think I'm better than anybody, personally. I don't think I'm better than anybody, spiritually. And I mean, I don't think I'm better than anybody in any way, or form, or fashion. But as far as this rap thing, I think I am better than everybody. I'm a competitor, I hope everybody else feel the same way." —Lil' Wayne, "I'm The Best Rapper Alive"

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Also, with you on the ads from thoughts thing.

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Constantly. 🤣

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Yes, the ads with thoughts are creepy. Seriously, knowing all of my thoughts is not always a good thing. There are some things you can’t just say.

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I have noticed this too, so creepy!

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I got a freaking ad for an epi-pen when I SAW that a co-worker had left it. I don’t think I had heard him say anything about it.

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Absolutely. Lol.

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As a fellow involuntary member of the collective, thanks for raising frequency and the love!

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Reminds me of one of my Russian teachers accurately dubbed by us trembling students as the Iron Babushka. She had survived Stalingrad and that was enough for us to treat her with great respect. My training group felt honored to be named the Пираты, pirates, by her (just because our ranking member wrote in the name Donald Duck as one of our class members on the first day of class and the Russian teachers went around the school looking for Private Duck much to our collective amusement). 😉😇

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Funny thing is... I love the time I am having on this beautiful planet. I actually want to come back. That is prolly why I won't.

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Awsome. Enjoyed all of it. -GenXer

Yes I dont want to fit in this world. I am passing through it. Thank you and drive through. 🚘🤣

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The CIA cannot Astral Project! That is reserved especially for DIA! Duh! 😂


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