Jun 20Liked by The Starfire Codes

Silly putty. With a name like that, I feel like the joke is on us. I mean, it’s just a blob of goo and there’s really nothing all that silly about it.

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The two guys on a train: that looks exactly like the Skagway to White Pass train in Alaska which is a pretty cool ride and yes long stretches run just inches from massive rock walls with steep drop offs to valleys below on the other side.

I rode all the way down on an open deck between cars and BTW to the guy who doesn't like the view get off your ass and move to another seat!

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He's too busy lamenting the wall he's staring at to change his situation. <3

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I was fascinated by the wall - I couldn't believe how close to the train it was, and there were little waterfalls trickling down and ferns growing out of it.

My husband slept all the way down because the rocking made him a little nauseous so he took a dramamine.

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Jun 20Liked by The Starfire Codes

Hawks asking, “What is the shamanic meaning of seeing a human?” 😂 😂 😂

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Jun 20Liked by The Starfire Codes

I really did.

Then I studied Austrian economics which has firmly established that all value is relative, that there is not and cannot ever be, any objective value. This fact turns out to be provable, surprising, and distressing to many people. People really want to believe that gold in a refined bar has absolute value. It doesn't. There is always a point at which you value that bar of gold less than you value the things it will bring in exchange, and you swap it for those things, be they national currency units or a big house on a lake, or an orchard full of seeds. And those subjective value exchanges happen for 8 billion people every few minutes each, every day, forever.

Which is a metaphor, friends. It is a metaphor for "objective reality." Reality really exists. Reality is really perceptible. And perception really is involved in establishing what is reality, as Schrodinger and Bohr and others noted, which truly made Einstein a little nuts when he saw how the mathematics actually works. If a photon passes through a slit and nobody sees it, it waves as it goes by. Access?

You have access. But you won't know if it's objective until you reach your goals, and those, friends, are not entirely in this earthly realm. Be blessed. God loves you and wants you to be happy. Amen.

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My faith prohibits nothing in others but guides me in the path of righteousness to experience the abundance of life here and ever after!

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