Channeled Messages:
Something is ending so that something new can begin. You used your intuition to discern that someone in your life was operating from the space of their wounded toxic ego and they were being duplicitous about their intentions.
This caused you a lot of anxiety, strife, and headaches while you tried to sort out what to do about it. You needed to transform the situation because it was the only way to move forward. You’ve been in a state of disappointment focusing upon what you lost instead of seeing what you still have and what the universe is offering you.
That which you are being offered is exactly what you’ve asked for and it is so much better than continuing to focus on this state of emotional lack, so you’re coming out of that to see what’s in front of you. You are strategizing to create a balanced situation in order to hold space for a new person or situation to enter your life.
For most of you, this will be a person who has been like a beacon of hope in your heart holding the light for you to help guide the way. For others, it will be a situation, manifestation, goal, or career step that carries the energy of feeling like a path has been lit up in front of you and you are grateful for the opportunity.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
U2 - Ultra Violet
2 - Cooperation and Peacekeeping
27 - A Sign of Spiritual Awareness
28 - A Symbol of Wealth and Joy
141 - Your Dreams Are Valid
255 - Get Out Of Your Comfort: Letting Go
421 - Focus On Success: Nothing Should Hold You Back
469 - Let Go Of The Past: Make Sacrifices
951 - Times of Tribulation: A Strong Desire
6754 - Success Comes At A Price: With Determination You Will Succeed
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Björk - Hyperballad
The Breeders - Cannonball
Kishi Bashi - Violin Tsunami
Luscious Jackson - Naked Eye
Man Of No Ego - Blinkers Removed
No Doubt - It’s My Life
Peter Gabriel - Digging In The Dirt
Phosphorescent - Song for Zula
The Soup Dragons - Divine Thing
Veruca Salt - Seether