Channeled Messages:
There is wisdom in knowing when you are deceiving yourself. You are being guided to shift your perception and see in what ways your wounded human ego keeps you trapped. Your thinking is altering your reality to reflect a self-fulfilling prophecy. If you think you can’t do something, you’re absolutely right.
Start trusting in yourself and your inner knowing. This is extremely important to your future if you do not want to live in a state of perpetual Groundhog Day: You need to correct this misalignment before you will be able to move forward. Until You can Bill Murray your way out of every day being exactly the same for you, you will feel like your life is stuck on repeat and you will keep wondering why. Stop wondering. The answer is YOU. YOU must make a change to see a change. It’s not up to anyone else.
You are not a victim of circumstance. Play the hand you were dealt and do it like a fucking poker pro. But do it now before you have to loop around and keep learning the same thing over and over again. You’re only frustrating yourself and banging your head against a wall.
You are not alone. If you can’t see your way out of this on your own, you need to trust the people around you and your guides and you inner knowing and ask questions. You have resources you’ve never even dreamed of because you’ve shut them out thinking that solutions can’t come to you in that way. Stop tying the universe’s hands and allow the universe to help you. It can’t until you change your mind. You have to ask for what you want and then take action toward it.
You will survive this. Stop thinking that you won’t, because if you think you won’t, you will be right. You want a new beginning? Ask for it. The universe will then start to show you the path toward what you’ve asked for. Follow the signs and remain patient, knowing that the universe is co-creating with you to get you what you’ve asked for. Surrender to the universe and take baby steps toward what you want.
You have chained yourself to a false truth about your circumstances. Your guides want you to know that everything is in your control, governed by your thoughts, emotions, and actions. You are co-creating the world around you, so the sooner you stop perpetuating these lousy stories you tell yourself about your own circumstances - and let’s face it - they’re not even GOOD stories - the sooner you will stop seeing those stories reflected in your reality.
Once you realize this, you will be able to initiate rapid movement toward the truth of what is inside your heart. You have been fighting a battle within yourself trying to win at all costs against your shadow self as your shadow self keeps trying to perpetuate these story lines in order to protect you from what it perceives as burning your hand on a hot oven over and over and over again, but you are the one who ends up wounding yourself by going around in circles like this. The oven hasn’t been on in a long time. You can touch it. It isn’t going to burn you. You’re wiser now - try baking a fucking pie instead.
You walk around in the cold outside the perimeter of the building which contains what you really want. You look inside through the glass and wish you could be inside that building. Everyone inside the building is waving to you outside to come in and join them. You gesture to them sadly that you don’t know how to get into the building when, in actuality, the key is on a chain around your neck. Inside the building is the sharp truth of the new beginning you would only have if you allowed yourself. It’s full of abundance and completely without need. If you stop letting your own thoughts screw you over, you’ll figure out you can use the key and walk through the door.
When you alchemize your inner wisdom and allow yourself to put an end to this cycle, things are going to get so much better for you - by leaps and bounds - and you will actually be enthusiastic about your life again. Allow your intuition to take the lead on this. Reach out to the people you care about to help you figure out where these blind spots are, people who cheer on your improvements, care about your growth, and celebrate your expansion with you out of self-created mind-hell. Past this point is literally everything you’ve ever wanted… co-creation, wish fulfillment, a happy family, abundance, spiritual union, self-sufficiency, a balance between momentum and analysis that propels you into the future.
It’s all here, just beyond your vision. That’s the lesson here. You’re being asked to trust fall and let the universe catch you. All you have to do is ask for it and take a few baby steps toward it and the solutions you seek will appear.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Cat Stevens - Morning Has Broken
Enigma - Full Discography
The Wild Hunt Of Yule
13 - Time For Positive Changes
55 - Major Life Changes Are Headed Your Way
109 - Life Purpose: Having Good Health
115 - A Message of Positive Choices
231 - Seek Peace: Embrace A Different Perspective
277 - You Are Valuable: Count Yourself Lucky All The Time
597 - Take Note Of A Constant Message Appearing To You
1331 - Always Be True To Yourself
1553 - Optimism and Excitement: Dominate Your Emotions
3147 - Make Your Own Path and Follow It
4411 - The Way To Financial Glory: Utilizing the Will of the Spiritual Guides to Find Financial Fulfillment
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
A Perfect Circle - By And Down The River
Chasing Shadows - ILL
Evanescence - Hello
Hybrid - We Are In Control
Massive Attack - Everywhen
Matta - U.F.O
NF - Leave Me Alone
Nine Inch Nails - Dead Souls
Portishead - Pedestal
Phutureprimitive - Cryogenic Dreams
The Prodigy - 'Breathe'
Rabbit in the Moon - Out of Body Experience
Scroobius Pip - The Struggle
Smashing Pumpkins - Eye
System Of A Down - ATWA
The xx - Infinity