Aug 12Liked by The Starfire Codes

I swear you have a crystal ball. I imagine it sometimes lol 🙏🌙💜✨️🐈

How that cat made it up to the top of my recent emoji list is impossible, cuz I've never seen it...but it wanted to be added I guess. 😋

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Oh, and thanks for the gentle nudges here and there.....the mentions on the Scroll kept calling me back.

New season, new game. I'll pick back up where I left off with Will and Luci this Winter. For now it's all irl stuff, tis the season to get shit done and I miss writing. So I'm gonna write here, under my really real name, about really real shit that I'm doing. Farm stuff, land management stuff, some hunting and meat processing, who knows what all it'll be.

I hope you'll check it out once I get it started up. Your posts have inspired a lot, a lot. Thanks again.

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Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me!! :)

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Weird like me huh? I searched for a long time, nothing to be found. I literally had to make my own 😂

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Aug 14Liked by The Starfire Codes

Always such a great read and listen- thank you for putting it all together 😊🫶🏼🙏🏼✨✨

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Thank you so much, Tracy! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Aug 13Liked by The Starfire Codes

“If you could read my mind love

What a tale my thoughts could tell”

Put that together with your first paragraph and it goes a long way, doesn’t it.

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If you're that close with someone energetically, you might be able to read their thoughts! Totally possible!! :)

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“ move bravely forward with your plans and keep your spirits high….” Will do. 🙏

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Aug 12Liked by The Starfire Codes



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Aug 12Liked by The Starfire Codes

So much goodness in there, and great collection of songs too.

Perfect way to start a workday. Thanks as always Demi.

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Thank you! ☺️

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