1737 - Watch Your Steps: Take a Spiritual Path
2122 - Never Give Up
2546 - Focus Ahead: Live A Life Of Focus To Achieve Maximum Goals In Life
3642 - Growth Through Adversity: Growing In Difficult Situations
4441 - Altruism and Generosity: Share Your Blessings
6111 - Family Bonds and Ambitions: Gearing For A Better Life
6417 - Focus on Progress: Moving in the Right Direction
Oracle Cards:
“The Peace in Stillness. All life unfolds according to a perfect divine plan. We mustn’t push, force, or rush our journeys and dreams, for it can create friction and resistance to the magic unfolding at every moment. Things need time and deep nourishment to grow and flourish. When we rush through life constantly striving to reach a destination, working ourselves to exhaustion and barely slowing down enough to listen to our needs, we miss out on witnessing the beauty of it all. This card is here to tell you to slow down, be patient, and trust your path. When you let go, a stronger current of creative momentum will flow! We have been programmed to believe that our value comes from doing, not being, when being is the most powerful gift we can offer ourselves as we grow through life. Let go of your need for things to happen in a certain way. Stillness creates more receptivity for the things we desire to come into our lives. Take a break and simply enjoy this moment. Celebrate where you are now. The future will be there when you are ready, but there is nothing more important than the present.”
“I Keep The Waters Pure. In Egyptian mythology, Nun or Nu is the deification of water and understood to be the representation of the ‘primeval waters of chaos,’ which existed before giving birth to the land. From an elemental standpoint, water is represented as the realm of emotion, the subconscious, and intuition. Alchemically speaking, water is ‘feeling,’ which finds a relationship to earth as ‘sensation,’ and through a connection of these elements, a structured thought is born. A complex element and force of nature - water is a malleable influence which can transmute and transform, purify and cleanse, create and destroy, conceive and birth. In holding the intention of I Keep The Waters Pure, we look beyond the element or deity to water as the metaphor, whose lessons permeate substance and spirit, as water is a life force that is ever-present, fluent in lunar language as it moves with the tides, and the symbolic representation of the subconscious mind. The path of self-inquiry and initiation into higher levels of thought and experience asks the candidate to make the unconscious conscious by exploring the abyss of the subconscious mind. Purification first comes through identification, and in diving deep into the waters of uncharted darkness, the process of transformation begins.
‘You will free yourself when you learn to be neutral and follow the instructions of your heart without letting thing perturb you. This is the way of Ma’at.’ - Egyptian proverb
The depths of the subconscious may show us our demons, such as fear, hatred, and anger, which in turn manifest in the material world through detrimental actions like tyranny, fanaticism, and ignorance. As we look into this reflecting pool of unresolved trauma, we must be reminded that all we will ever see looking back is our own reflection. For the reflection to transform, we must as well. It is through finding love for the unresolved trauma, giving light to darkness, and allowing the beating of our heart to transmute the images of the past that we can clearly visualize what is possible and move forward fluidly. Unlike Narcissus who drowned in a shallow pool, admiring his own beauty, this beauty - your essence - is a pure expression of truth, which can only spring from a cleansed subconscious. Pure beauty hydrates the soul and reflects light in every wave. Our nightmares then become dreams, fear becomes love, hatred becomes acceptance, anger becomes passion, tyranny shifts to democracy, fanaticism to philosophy, and ignorance to awareness. With a light heart and purified mind, even demons can transform int angels, and any prior perception of antithesis is now seen as what makes our life’s thesis that much more profound. In making the unconscious conscious, each ripple of purity expands into the collective, allowing for a more fluid evolution to flow forward with a feather heart - connected to all but attached to no thing.”
“I Embrace The All. Cosmic consciousness is a term first coined in 1901 in the book Cosmic Consciousness: A Study in the Evolution of the Human Mind by Richard Maurice Bucke. Its central tenet is that ‘cosmic consciousness [is] a consciousness of the life and order of the universe which is possessed by few men at present. It is a further stage of human evolution that will be reached by all humanity in the future.’ While at the present moment the various gradients of the collective consciousness tend to anthropomorphize the idea of the all that is as a being, by embracing the ideal of the all we can find relationship with our true be-ing. The all of our individual reality is our poetry in motion, the allegory and the metaphor of our story within the history of the universe becoming conscious of itself through its individual components becoming conscious. Becoming cosmically aware, we illuminate our darkness with the sparks of light that experience provides us as we emerge from the caverns of ignorance into a space of crystalline clarity. To know the all, we must see the all as a type of awareness, a nebula amid nebulousness - the key which opens all doors of perception and potential. Embracing this ideal, we find a relationship with the power of doing as well as being. We allow the stellar force of life to give us gravity in the moments that ground us, but also elevate us through levity, reflection, and creativity in the moments that knock us off our feet. The invisible patterns that govern intelligent design reveal their geometry in nature, the cosmos, and the varying degrees of consciousness you ascend toward as you learn and find your vision by experiencing the all.
‘Man is a star bound to a body.
until in the end,
he is freed through his strife.
Only by struggle and toiling thy
utmost shall the star within thee
bloom out in new life.
He who knows the commencement of all things,
free is his star from the realm of night.’
- The Emerald Tablets of Thoth
Once you begin to see this pattern, the idea of embracing this ideal becomes manifest in awareness of the concept that creation created you to be creative. All is within, but also without, and if you look to beyond the surface, you can appreciate this pattern with your every breath. You are the cosmos made conscious, and this moment is but one chapter in a story that never ends.”
“I Am Trustful In My Relationships. Our personalities are forged from a dynamic combination of the natural disposition called forth from genetics and the nurturing of our families during the developmental ages of our youth. Nature and nurture walk hand-in-hand as we follow the path laid in front of us by experience embedded into epigenetics. Sense memories become manifest from the tendrils of these experiences, which can either taint or tether our lens of perception and projection. Whether we realize it or not, we most often tend to see things as we are, not necessarily as they are. How we relate to the world is rooted in how we relate to our own nature, and what we choose to nurture inside of our heart shimmers in the light we shine on the mask of personality chosen. When we are secure in ourselves, we can find security reflected back in the relationships we cultivate and allow. When we relate to our relationships with an intention of seeking vision within the fractal fragments of the greater whole, we can find, and unite to, a consciousness that sees and nourishes the interconnected nature of all. The Lakota tradition shares this concept with the prayer Mitakuye Oyasin, which translates to ‘all my relations’ or ‘we are all related’ and honors the harmony that reverberates through every realm of consciousness and every walk of life. The Lakota cherish this prayer, their prayer, as a tenant of their cultural ethos, and this perspective is not something that is taken lightly. In applying the ideal of finding trust in relationships, we are reminded to trust that we are a microcosm in the macrocosm, a meta of the metaphor, a mirror of the one mind. Famed theosophical writer, and one of the first to use the term ‘new age,’ Alice A. Bailey also emphasized the notion of ‘right human relations’ within her occult teachings. As a channel for the Tibetan master Djwhal Khul, she taught that meditation was the vehicle for students to imagine right human relationships by visualizing love and light pouring into all human hearts and minds. When we feel insecure, we must remember that the tendrils we tend toward may reveal lessons in the tapestry woven. If we see a certain pattern that is a projection of pain, broken promises, and poor treatment, we must pause and meditate on what may be learned and how we may let this go so that a new design can emerge. Transmute tension with the power of breath, the beauty of awareness, and the security of knowing that time becomes malleable when we can relate to it in confidence.”
“I Affirm That All Life Is Sacred. In ancient days, Egypt was called Khem, which translates to ‘black Earth’ and refers to the fertile soil of the Nile River Valley. It is believed that both chemistry - the study of the substances that form matter - and alchemy - the art of understanding the relationship between consciousness and matter - both find their roots in Khem’s cradle of civilization. An alchemical understanding of the world lends itself to a vision of sacredness within all of life, with the idea that life itself is a by-product of mind, with the understanding of mind being the ‘soul’ of all that exists. Similarly synchronous, the ancient Egyptian ethos places the pinnacle of the personality as a force of nature’s soul. From the one mind, alchemically symbolized as a circle, emerges the square of the four elements of earth, air, fire, and water. Surrounding the square, we then find the triangle of the three alchemical principles that govern the all of it: sulfur, which is the soul/consciousness/awareness; mercury, which is spirit/mind; and salt, which is the body/structured thought. The synthesis of symbols is what is referred to as the philosopher’s stone, the elixir of life that unlocks immortality, the greatest ‘gold,’ the magnum opus. The magnum opus is the great work of an artist, and when analyzing life with an idealized perspective, we can find the art within the natural world to be nothing short of sacred. Human beings have the potential to be the greatest pattern recognition machines: neural networks activated through experience, memory imprinting consciousness with coded language. Nature can be a great activator of enhanced perception and the embodiment of the force within the source of it all, the lattice of life, the effect of soul as the ‘actuating cause.’ Once the pattern is understood and we find fluency in the language of consciousness and alchemical code, we can find the magnum opus materialized. Nature’s potions and poisons are equally potent, but with the wisdom of an alchemist, even the most poisonous forms of life can be beneficial when the elements are properly manipulated into a medicine. The same is true when it comes to philosophy and the art of transforming words into golden wisdom. If the light is within you, the light of the world will come alive and reveal itself. If the spirit is refined, the soul will enter. If you embody the ideal of sacred life, the foundation of your reality becomes hallowed ground, and celestial consciousness can be seen and received infinitely as you appreciate and affirm the art of your unique expression within what is infinitely expressed from age to age, eternally.”
“Love. Love takes many forms, and this is a depiction of Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, and fertility. The otherworldly charm of the distant landscape dissolves into the shimmering golden seas below, as if to light a path back to the heavens. Aphrodite is a water goddess, said to have been created from the foam of the sea. Her symbolism extends to anything that makes the heart sing, including music, nature and the arts. The tones used in this image are predominantly violet, which has the shortest wavelength of all the colors in the visible light spectrum. Violet is the color of the crown chakra found in the human aura, and creates vibrant energy that illuminates and connects us to higher planes. A passing dove hovers in the air above Aphrodite, as if enchanted by the hypnotic sound of her music. According to folklore, pan created the panpipe and memory of his lost love Syrinx, which is still the Greek name for panpipe to this day. We can easily forget that we are spiritual beings having a mortal experience. At times we are blinded by fear, scarcity and material survival. Fear and love cannot occupy the same space. As souls, love is what we are and love is where we came from. The appearance of this card calls for you to realign with the mighty healing power of love so its light can eliminate your pathway. It may be your time to powerfully give or receive love, to forgive someone or overcome issues from the past where there has been hurt and disappointment. Love invites you to leave judgment and prejudice at the door. Let her warming rays move through you, touching those around you, whether family, strangers or enemies. Don't let the moment pass if you are given an opportunity to do things differently by expressing love in some way, no matter how small. Love invites you to dissolve barriers and let in the magic. All obstacles can be transcended because where love is present with no condition or agendas, all things become possible and miracles can happen. Love underpins the very foundation of life itself. Trust in its power and look forward to the prospect of giving, receiving, and sharing love. Above all, be willing to be guided by the wisdom of your loving heart.”
“Priestess. How are you being called to step up and lead? The Priestess is a teacher dedicated to service, freedom, and leadership. You don’t need to have it all together to lead. In fact, it helps if you don’t. No one wants a perfect angel who hasn’t made any mistakes. Let your life be your message. Don’t underestimate the power of sharing your story. It’s by hearing someone else’s journey that we feel less alone. We realize that we’re actually all in this thing called ‘life’ together. The difference between a follower and a leader is that a leader has the courage to go first. In stepping out, they shine a light on the path for others to venture forward too. Don’t fret too much about trying to work out who is your tribe. Don’t get stuck in age, income, hobbies, or occupation. The best way to discover your tribe is to look in the mirror. If you feel called to lead, chances are it is because at some point in your life you longed for someone to lead you. Your tribe are longing for exactly the same thing as you were (and are) and might only be one step behind you. Hell, they may even be right alongside you. You don’t need anyone’s permission, just the courage to stand up. Embrace your struggles, the peaks, the troughs. You don’t need to know the way. Just believe that there might be a different one. Your tribe is waiting for you. Step forward so they can find you. Work Your Light Inquiry: How are you being called to step up and lead? How can you be the leader you wish you had?”
“To The Celestial Mountain: There are times when divine energy is needed to help us achieve our spiritual goals. When you do not feel completely in control of your destiny, the divine is usually gifting you with an opportunity to reach for assistance and to invoke divine power, to call to the celestial mountain so that you might be gifted with a far superior outcome. Your permission to beings that love you unconditionally to offer you help is an expression of spiritual empowerment, you empower those forces to come to your aid and help you to manifest your life purpose and destiny. You are being asked to empower the divine to help you, to call to the celestial mountain within your own heart, to reach out and allow the divine to assist your current life unfoldment. We live in a free will Universe and no matter how much you are loved, in fact, because you are so loved and respected, no being will intervene for you without your permission. Do not believe that asking for help means that you will grow weak or dependent and not grow spiritually. You are doing this to grow in your own mastery at a soul level, not to hand over your life and not take personal and spiritual responsibility for it any more. Asking for spiritual assistance helps you grow int rust, wisdom and understanding of the nature of the Universe and how it operates. Learning to ask for an receive divine assistance helps us learn the art of surrender so that we can merge with greater spiritual forces than our own individual Selves. Something wonderful begins to happen. You will discover that your Divine Self is a powerful, living expression of the Source of the Universe. You have within you the power, love and sustenance of the Source of Life itself. When we call to the celestial mountain we are remembering that we are divine in our own heart. We gain power through this remembrance and we can help others remember too. So the more you choose to spiritually empower the divine to assist you, the stronger and more conscious your relationship with beings of Light becomes and the more you being to realize the similarities that exist between your own divine nature and these beings – in other words, in keeping good spiritual company you begin to realize your true nature. Make sure that you empower those beings who genuinely love you unconditionally. When asking for help, always say three times, I call on those beings who love me unconditionally, then say, I thank you for your clear guidance and assistance on this matter so that I may grow in my own spiritual mastery with peace, love and joy, of my own free will, so be it!”
“Mountains. For every climb to the peak there is the satisfaction of the descent back to the valley, to share the gift that has been experienced on the mountain top. Empaths tend to experience steeper precipices of energetic and emotional experiences - each one at times seemingly insurmountable. This, though, in itself creates more mountains to climb. Could it be possible that the gift is found in the challenge of the climb to understanding what is unfolding? See this experience as a journey to a reward, that which adds to your energetic growth and achievements. Sometimes it is just about the journey. Sometimes the journey ends up being longer in order for you to arrive at your destination more fully equipped for your next adventure!”
“The Golden Children. Inner child. Tenderness. Innocence. Rare gifts. Golden Children (Children of the Sun) are highly advanced, extremely intelligent souls who are incarnating increasingly on planet Earth. They have little or no personal karma and possess incredible gifts and intuitive abilities. Golden Children are born with a very clear mission – many remember it from a young age and begin answering and sharing it early in life. Due to their unique intelligence, they may find themselves easily bored at school. Most have never incarnated on Earth before and so, if they’re not supported in the right ways, they struggle with physical life here. They’re often referred to as the ‘new humans.’ If you pull this card it may be a sign that you’re being called to mother, father, or nurture a child. If you’ve no desire to have children you may be called to tend to your own inner child, a creative idea or project, or a new beginning. To treat yourself or the new beginning with sweet, tender love. To nurture and nourish it. To give it every chance to grow and reach adulthood. To encourage it. To water it. To see the world through the innocence of a child. To see yourself and all others as innocent children of God. To remember that deep down, everyone is trying their best and if they’re treated with a tender heart, they’ll not harden as they journey through this great adventure called life. Starseed Activation: How can you treat yourself (or others) more tenderly?”
“Cracked Open. Rock bottom. Surrender to the alchemy of life. Don’t let the weight and density of the world squash your tender spirit. Instead, let it call even more of it home. Into your body. At the center front of your life. It’s through the extreme pressure of life’s trials that diamonds are cultivated. It’s when things are at their darkest that we cultivate proper faith and our light is ignited. It’s through the crumbling that we can allow our wounds to be alchemized. Let your pain, sorrow, and losses make you not break you. Let life alchemize your tragedies into gold. Be open to being cracked open. Wide open. It’s the difficult times that help us grow in leaps and bounds, and in ways we could only dream were possible. But first, they have to crack us open. Sometimes it hurts like hell. It’s nature’s way. Whether you let it happen or not, it’s going to happen, so surrender to the process. It’s how the light gets in. When your heart cracks open, a space is created for your soul to more fully enter. When your soul cracks open, a space is created for the grace of the Holy Spirit to enter. Let your trials, your sorrows, your pains, and your losses transform you into more and more of yourself. Stay open to the possibility that your tragedies, your losses, your sorrows, and your hurt happened for you, not to you. Bless the thing that broke you down and cracked you open, because the world needs you open. Surrender to the alchemy of life. Starseed Soul Inquiry: How can you let life crack you open?”
“Morrighan. Death and Magic. Consider your life a magical gift and your experience of it a beautiful opportunity to leave the world a better place. You give that gift back when death comes and ends your time on this plane. Experiences, relationships, projects, and even long-cherished dreams are all subject to the natural laws of death and the magic of the Celtic goddess Morrighan. Now is the time for you to let certain parts of your life die and recognize this process as something to celebrate as well as to mourn. Let go with love and gratitude. Leave your fears behind. For in death, there is great magic as nothing can ever be truly destroyed. From the ashes of the old, a new life and new dreams will come to be. Face this time of dying and death with love and courage. Be willing to be empty. Soon the goddess Morrighan will fill you up with magic, and a new world will be born for you. This is her gift for you when you surrender your resistance and allow things to be as they are.”
Sleep Token - Dark Signs
York & Au/Ra - Golden Hour
Special thanks to Sophia.