Learning From History: 1816 The Year Without A Summer, Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death, and Grand Solar Minimum GSM
Down the Rabbit Hole Research Series Volume Six, Part Two
6.1: GSM Grand Solar Minimum: An Overview of What To Expect
6.2: Learning From History: 1816 The Year Without A Summer, Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death, and Grand Solar Minimum GSM
6.3: Why does solar activity matter to us?
6.4: Effects of Geomagnetic Activity Upon Human Health
6.5: CIA studied how geomagnetic storms impact psychic phenomena
6.6: Grand Solar Minimum Preparedness
As we move into the second year of a projected 50 of the latest Grand Solar Minimum, we will need to preempt solutions to food, power, and logistical issues that will arise in order to avoid the pitfalls of the Dalton minimum.
We must learn from history or be doomed to repeat it.
The last trough was the summer of 1816, which was nicknamed “the summer that never was,” “the poverty year,” and “eighteen hundred and froze to death.”
In the year prior, cosmic rays increased as the temperatures plummeted around the world due to the Dalton Minimum, causing Mt. Tambora in Indonesia to erupt and cover the sky in ash globally.
There were devastating crop failures, killing livestock and creating massive food shortages.
On the other side of the globe in New England, six inches of snow fell in June, and every month of that year had a hard frost.
By June 5, the temperature was in the high eighties.
Corn and beans were sprouting.
By afternoon that same day, large clouds formed in the west.
Wind, thunder, and lightning rolled in and the temperatures dropped like a stone across New England.
By June 6, temperatures dropped to the forties.
Snow fell in Salem and Boston.
In Danville, Vermont, there was a drift about a foot and a half deep.
In Cabot, Vermont, on June 8, 1816, a whopping 18 inches of snow blanketed the ground.
Cattle, sheep, and goats died of exposure in the pastures or froze to death in their stalls.
Chickens that survived the volcanic winter did not produce eggs.
Hunting was scarce.
According to the New England Historical Society, on June 11, the temperature in Williamstown, Massachusetts, dropped to 30.5 degrees.
In Montreal, birds froze and fell from the sky, dropping dead in the streets.
The sunlight was subdued.
A "dry fog" gave the skies a yellowish-red overcast.
People in the eastern US noted that the fog was unlike regular fogs formed by water vapors that then dissipate in sunlight.
Wind and precipitation couldn’t lift the fog which created a filter and allowed observers to clearly see sunspots without a telescope, an example of a stratospheric sulfate aerosol veil.
By mid-June, farmers planted a second crop of corn and beans.
Temperatures fluctuated from extreme heat to freezing within hours.
On June 23, a heat wave hit and brought temperatures in Boston up to 99 degrees.
Only a few days later, temperatures shot back up to 101 degrees in Salem, Massachusetts, and then plummeted again, dropping 30 to 40 degrees around the beginning of July.
The dry, cool conditions of late August persisted through September which ended with a series of crop killing frosts.
These resulting crop failures caused hoarding and agricultural price gouging.
Many people went hungry.
Fearing starvation, many people fled their New England farms, seeking better weather elsewhere.
Many headed west to Genesee country in western New York, and on from there into Ohio and the Midwest.
They looked for a more hospitable climate and richer soil, keeping hope alive for a better life.
Remaining residents spent a lot of time in church, praying for an end to cold and starvation.
This same extreme weather in 1816 caused Thomas Jefferson’s crops to fail for several years afterward; all the crops grown at Monticello died.
In the later years of his life, he never recovered from a debt that would equal millions of dollars today.
Grand Solar Minimum slowed down the world's largest weather system, the Indian monsoon cycle, which brought drought, crop devastation, and disease mutations, including a deadly strain of cholera which developed in the Bay of Bengal.
This new cholera strain affected the locals, worked its way into Asia, and then moved around the world.
Tens of millions died.
The failed harvests caused a massive jump in the price of oats which made it more difficult and expensive for people to keep horses for transportation.
Karl Drais responded to this need by inventing we he called a “Laufmaschine” which means “running machine.”
This contraption, nicknamed the Dandy Horse, worked kind of like a bicycle but instead of using pedals you ran it with your feet kind of like like Fred Flintstone’s car.
Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, and Lord Byron were vacationing in Geneva in 1816.
The extreme cold and rain kept them indoors.
In order to pass the time, Mary Shelley suggested that they each write a story to share with the other two.
Stranded in the inclimate weather, she was inspired to write Frankenstein’s Monster.
Brought on by the GSM’s cosmic rays and subsequent erratic weather, the eruption killed 15,000 instantly, and another 65,000 perished of disease and starvation in the global aftermath.
After two years, the ash and debris from the eruption began to settle back down onto the surface.
As happens during cycles, the sun's radiation returned to normal over the time.
Additional Resources:
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Adapt 2030. (2018). How Did The Media Overlook This In The Northern Hemisphere (668). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Adapt 2030. (2018). Once in a Century Snow South Africa & Ancient Kalahari Desert Canal System (648). YouTube. [online] Available here:
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Blašković, T. (2018). Hackett Financial Advisors: We’re going to have to come up with new ways of growing food. The Watchers. [online] Available here: https://watchers.news/2018/03/16/hackett-financial-advisors-we-re-going-to-have-to-come-up-with-new-ways-of-growing-food/
Blašković, T. (2018). John L. Casey discussing the Grand Solar Minimum, earthquakes and more. The Watchers. [online] Available here: https://watchers.news/2018/02/10/john-casey-interview-discussing-the-grand-solar-minimum-earthquakes/
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