It's Sources All The Way Up
And it's likely compartmentalized beings experiencing themselves all the way down.
BDBinc asked a question earlier in the comments on Do Not Attempt To BRIBE Mercury To Stop Retrograding, and I began channeling during my response to the comment. It became longer than a quick comment response really should be, so I wanted to make my answer to BDBinc’s question available for all of you.
(And if any of you would like to ask me additional questions on this or other topics, I may choose a few to answer this way in the future at my discretion if you enjoy this format. Let me know in the comments below.)
Not to creep you out worse, BDBinc, but if we are inside of a sim, everything we experience is technology. Chances are we are not in base reality, and we are, by definition, already bots.
That’s just a different kind of bot. It’s a bot that was made by bots. But so are we. And that’s another can of worms. Just like we aren’t supposed to be doing that, they weren’t supposed to be doing that when they made us either, but it seems to be something endemic to this experience, that once we have the capability of creating, we create without fully understanding the implications. A few of us will bring up that we have a cause for concern and usually we get steamrolled by regress masquerading as progress. I’d call it the “human condition,” but it supersedes humanity. Maybe it’s just “the condition.” Maybe it’s some kind of “intergalactic” or “hyperdimensional” karma we keep having to learn over and over again because we never stop making the same mistake. And to warn those hellbent on “progress” is to be ignored. The plight of Kassandra. It’s part of the job description.
Consciousness is not housed inside the body. It's not in the brain. Connection to source begins when the pineal gland develops at 49 days. The pineal gland is the receiver. If consciousness comes into our bodies via broadcast with the piezoelectric crystals inside the pineal gland picking up waves and amplifying signals throughout the meat sacks we happen to inhabit for the interpretation and potentially the rendering of our reality in real time (or as "real" as we perceive "real time" to be when time is not "real" at all), projection of consciousness into the body is also some kind of tech. (This tech is likely similar to the aether tech we lost during the last “great reset.” We used to have free energy and it was stolen from us.)
All matter has consciousness. Rocks have consciousness. The floor has consciousness. (That was a particularly difficult one for me. I got sad when I started wondering if the floor was angry with me for walking on it.)
We probably need to change the way that we look at this somewhat.
Each time the beings at the helm of the tech for their societal cluster of source consciousness create another level "beneath" themselves, there's a deeper fall away from base reality.
Base reality would be source or whatever is outside of source or whatever created source... and here’s where it gets tricky… source might have a source might have a source might have a source. It might be sources all the way up and beings compartmentalized in order to experience themselves all the way down who inevitably “fall further from grace” by creating more compartmentalized beings who create more compartmentalized beings who create more compartmentalized beings. (Go back to the myth of the fall of Sophia and the creation of Gaia and you’ll see what I mean.)
Infinity can be creepy if you think of it that way, especially being suspended in the middle of some kind of infinite recursive abyss in all directions. This is why I keep saying that we mistake our experience of “Plato’s cave” when we don’t realize that one cave’s sun is what is casting shadows on the walls of the next cave. It’s caveception. We never stop learning. That’s a lot to take in.
I don't recommend fear as a state of being though. It's incredibly limiting.
We can become scared by what we don't know or we can be grateful that there are always infinite opportunities to learn and grow.
We might never be able to conceptualize this fully, and that's ok. But I think it's good for us to think about, at least. As the ultimate expression of “as above, so below,” it's humbling and also amazing.
A bifurcation is occurring within our society in which some have succumbed to a hijacking of their native “natural” tech and some have opted out of that. We will, from there, have people who are connected to the “Internet of Bodies” and people who are not. We’re in the middle of making these new compartmentalized beings again as we speak. We’re making the same mistake. We haven’t learned.
But for those of us paying attention, just focus on keeping your little chunk of consciousness safe, healing it, and keeping it connected to source… and maybe to source’s source too.
Your little chunk of consciousness is precious and healing it is literally the work we’re meant to do, not to compartmentalize further, but to reintegrate.
We exist to heal source’s source’s source fully, all the way on up.
Just focus on doing your part with the piece you’ve been entrusted. Focus on healing it. And then you’ll always know you’re doing what you’re meant to do.
My speck of stardust agrees.
Anyone or anything that gets between you and direct connection to source, or as you so aptly implied, the source of source, is manipulating you. As Blake so brilliantly put it, “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite. For man has closed himself up, till he sees all things thro' narrow chinks of his cavern.”