Is Ukraine's Radioactivity and Weapons Disposal Problem Really a Billion Dollar Cash Cow?
Including PDFs that were scrubbed from the State Department site and, plus Weapons Proliferation Agreement Between the United States and Ukraine, Signed in Kiev, 2005
Below are screenshots of the linked document from the US State Department website containing the weapons proliferation agreement between the United States and Ukraine, signed August 29, 2005.
Notably, this was AFTER the 1994 security guarantee that was provided by Russia for Ukraine in exchange for Ukraine relinquishing its weapons.
Many of the research facilities are outlined herein, and the United States asks that the Ukrainian Ministry of Health provide a list to the Department of Defense of additional laboratories for which the United States has agreed to provide funding for elimination of strategic nuclear weapons and prevention of proliferation of weapons of mass destruction.
Clearly, the United States knew about the existence of these sites and had contracted herein to disarm them.
Instead, as we see here with one such example, Black & Veatch, there are United States companies with US government funding that have laboratories in Ukraine.
Here, we see that Black & Veatch plays a major role in a few underground facilities in the United States. Below, we see pictured NARA in Kansas.
In short, the US Goverment invested millions on construction and equipment for laboratories all over Ukraine, and B&V was named as the lead contractor for the Biological Threat Reduction Program.
Those labs are connected by the Electronic Integrated Disease Surveillance System (EIDSS) Network.
"Where would a wise man hide a leaf? In the forest. If there were no forest, he would make a forest. And if he wished to hide a dead leaf, he would make a dead forest." - G.K. Chesterton.
Why would they blow the sarcophagus when the wind could carry radioactive dust up to Moscow?
The attack on the decomissioned Chernobyl plant seems unreasonable, unless… is it possible that there's a nuke stored in Chernobyl NPP?
Or perhaps it could be used like one if some part of it is still active? Maybe taking it becomes insurance?
Stopping someone from taking a few kilos of rotting Cesium-137 and then sprinkling random cities with Cancer-inducing radioactivity perhaps?
It makes sense, given what GAO found (notes in the Additional Resources section below), with how "sloppy" the handling could be.
Fuel “disposal” efforts have been ongoing inside the Chernobyl sarcophagi with Holtec International USA as the contractor.
From a business perspective, Ukraine’s radioactive “problem” might be a billion-dollar-cash-cow ready to be milked dry.
Here, I am including screenshots below sourced from which no longer exists and has been scrubbed from so that you can get a better picture of the rest of the story by just a few of the many examples we found therein.
Special thanks to The Bottom of the Newsfeed, Paktani, Python Exchange, and Ramblin.
Screenshots of the Weapons Proliferation Agreement Between the United States and Ukraine.
Additional resources.
Burrows, E. (2022). EXCLUSIVE: I have been given a copy of document issued today by Russian Ministry of Health. It indicates Russia is anticipating a massive medical emergency & has ordered health organisations to immediately identify medical staff ready to relocate & work. Twitter. [Thread.]
DODDTRA. (2018). Cooperative Threat Reduction Overview. YouTube.
Feinstein, L. (2022). Ukraine got a signed commitment in 1994 to ensure its security – but can the US and allies stop Putin’s aggression now? The Conversation.
Lviv Research Institute of Epidemiology and Hygiene of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. (2012). US State Department via
Pifer, S. (2011). The Trilateral Process: The United States, Ukraine, Russia and Nuclear Weapons. The Brookings Institute.
Radio Free Europe / Radio Liberty. (2018). How Ukraine's Holodomor Famine Was Secretly Photographed. YouTube.
US Department of State. (2021). Secretary Blinken's joint press availability with Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba - 8:30 AM. YouTube.
US Department of State Office of the Spokesperson. (2021). U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic Partnership. US Department of State.
US Government Accountability Office. (2012). Nuclear Nonproliferation: Additional Actions Needed to Improve Security of Radiological Sources at U.S. Medical Facilities. US Government Accountability Office.
Zitser, J. (2021). Chernobyl's nuclear fuel is smoldering again and there's a 'possibility' of another accident, scientists say. Business Insider.