As an ENTJ, I approve this message. I didn't understand the uniqueness of Intuitives in the world. It has caused a bit of frustration for me, especially when trying to communicate. This change in understanding how my perspective compares to others is helpful in making decisions and moving forward. Thank you.

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I second this thank you. I kept thinking and thinking about the first post about this Twitter vs Substack "issue" and it made me wonder about my profile. Don’t quite recall it but i recognize certain things and considering both sides of the issue - i.e. whether i would have a similar profile or not - feels like a practical thing to do these days.

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Wow, you got interviewed by one of my favorite podcasters... I'd say that's an accomplishment!

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Brendan is wonderful! Good taste!

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I am thoroughly impressed with the full interview.

Despite the calming presence of the interviewer and Demi, it's, for me, scary.

Questions like, how do I detox from graphine abound.

As for the INFJ nature of Musk, he's just so embedded in the world of control that he can't be trusted in anyway. Plus because of that nature he'll self destruct.

I wish it wasn't so, but it's so important for community to be involved in taking back some functionalities of tech. As I think Demi says, reclaiming soviergnty.(sp)

Thinks like local 3d printing, faraday cages to gather radio and wi-fi to power homes, generator technology; measures to support small farming are vital innovations that go hand-in-hand with restoring small communities.

Regarding the system of psychological myers-briggs--I'm not sure I'm ready for that.

The reason for that is I'm at the point where I'm still learning to open my heart.

The reason I say that is because I've dabbled in different systems and Astrology and I'm pretty good at it; but what I've discoved is that in any system it's important to have eyes to see.

Maybe for me it's also a control issue (meaning my own) I'm running from (reality) regarding the personalzation of heart opening.

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Yes, except he's an INTJ. Open heart and open eyes. Stay balanced among heart, consciousness, and mind. That's the way to get centered. Best of all worlds, most accurate information, no loss of intuition or instinct.

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I posted a direct link of this post as a suggestion for Substack Reads.

Though i’m avoiding reading or otherwise getting into these kinds of rabbit holes these days -much better for my mental health, thank you very much for your channeled messages!- i suggested this as a Substack Reads because i simply love how you’re guiding us or facilitating for us to examine things from Elon Musk’s perspective (i.e. by using empathy). Didn’t think empathy could be used in that manner...I love your Dark Premonitions interviews too btw.

Really makes you pause and reflect instead instead of jump and react to any new, revamped, little or big scandal. 🙄

We need to develop that kind spine, so i personally thank you🙏🏿

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Elon wants to go to Mars. He is going to focus on that goal. He knows how much it will cost. He has planned through all the steps he can foresee to get there. Only a space settlement enthusiast understands his dedication.

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Good luck breaking the firmament...

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