If You Heal and Integrate This, You Will Love Fully and Passionately From Your Whole Heart Like You Used To Before
Channeled Messages 6-19-2023
Channeled Messages
In order to create a sense of stability and manifest your life’s desires, you will need to deal with change by healing a part of your shadow which has not yet been brought out to the light.
You are being guided to create a ritual for yourself around letting your attachment to this shadow aspect go in order to integrate this wound and move forward from a place of wholeness. The goal is to get back to the mind of a beginner, not to color fresh experiences with the expectation of old wounds reemerging.
The energies are in support of your withdrawing for a little while in order to heal this. Healing this will open you up to finding your bliss again. Doing a burn in order to let go of this energy will reconnect you with your higher vibrational energy which is going to, in turn, open doors of opportunity for you. So, this needs to happen in sequence.
This is a generational wound that requires healing in order for you to feel love again in the same profound and innocent way that you used to when you were feeling love for the first time. You were taught that love wasn’t safe somewhere along the way.
You were taught that you were unlovable or that you needed to be other than yourself in order to be worthy of love, none of which is or was true, and now it’s just a bad habit that needs rectifying.
You were taught to abandon yourself in favor of others, and when those others didn’t live up to the pedestal you put them on, you had to heal from your own propensity to abandon yourself as well.
Your guides want you to be able to access that place in your heart that allowed you to feel things with unhindered love, passion, and intensity. This is happening because the next love you feel is going to be super intense and they want you to be able to accept this, feel it fully, and handle it well.
You need to be open to it so that you will not run from it if/when the intensity of it frightens you because you have old wounds that make “feeling too much” seem detrimental to you.
You will be able to trust new love coming in - but that’s the catch. You will need to trust new love coming in in order for it to come in - and you will need to trust and experience it fully in order for this to flow in the way it’s supposed to if all energies involved are healed and accounted for.
So, right now, it’s time to open yourself up, go back to the beginning of when you first felt love before you thought it was something scary, and get into the practice of not being afraid of loving too much. Ground yourself in your creativity. Spend time in nature to release this energy.
Make an altar and burn a list of the energies you would like to give over to the universe so that you can open the shadows within your heart up for integration. Give yourself the same grace that you would give others - you are allowed and encouraged to feel and heal and recover and do better.
Be very kind to yourself as you heal this. Balancing your emotions and passions alchemizes the way forward into a new connection and keeps you both anchored in your wisdom instead of overthinking this to death which allows you both to find stillness, moving slowly into an energy of abundance from a place of learning to openly and playfully love again the way you used to love when your heart was still young and you didn’t have so much heart armor surrounding it yet.
It’s OK to hold on tightly to this - don’t be so frightened. The fear is unnecessary and it will only serve to block love if you do not let it go. Letting the pain and the fear go leads to a celebration of a newfound love that you will not want to let go.
Clairaudience (Earworm)
Carly Simon - Nobody Does It Better
The Carpenters - We’ve Only Just Begun
Culture Club - Karma Chameleon
Guns N Roses - Live and Let Die
Milli Vanilli - Blame It On the Rain
Tom Waits - Murder In the Red Barn
When Harry Met Sally - Surrey With The Fringe On Top
Anxiety Relief Music - Feel Safe & Secure - Let Go of Fear & Gain Confidence - Root Chakra Healing
4 - Stability
54 - Manifest Your Life’s Desires
3547 - Dealing With Change
Oracle and Tarot Cards
Billy Joel - We Didn’t Start The Fire
Bob Marley - Get Up, Stand Up
The Breeders - Cannonball
Coldplay - Everything’s Not Lost
Coldplay - Yellow
Cutting Crew - (I Just) Died In Your Arms
Die Antwoord - I Fink U Freeky
Duran Duran - Ordinary World
Eagles - One of These Nights
Explosions in the Sky - First Breath After Coma
Explosions in the Sky - Six Days At The Bottom Of The Ocean
Explosions in the Sky - Your Hand In Mine
Fiona Apple - Sleep To Dream
Heartless Bastards - Only For You
Hole - Asking For It
Kishi Bashi - Philosophize In It! Chemicalize With It!
L7 - Pretend We’re Dead
Larry Gatlin and the Gatlin Brothers - All the Gold in California
Mazzy Star - Look On Down From The Bridge
Nirvana - Very Ape
Norah Jones - Come Away With Me
The Outlaws - Green Grass & High Tides
Pearl Jam - Yellow Ledbetter
Peter Frampton - Do You Feel Like We Do
Pixies - Alec Eiffel
The Police - Every Step You Take
Queensrÿche - Silent Lucidity
Radiohead - Creep
Sonic Youth - Chapel Hill
Sonic Youth - Sugar Kane
Sonic Youth - Wish Fulfillment
Tom Waits - Jersey Girl
VAST - Touched
Violent Femmes - Promise
Special thanks to Risteeka.
I am consistently blown away by the timeliness and synchronicity of these messages. I'm going to post my downloads from yesterday below because they so perfectly mirror today's Starfire Codes.
- I, like many others, am going through a process of immense change, and change is hard... learning to love when you've been programmed for fear is hard
- I need to be gentle throughout this process, but not make "gentleness" another stick to beat myself with, as I have used the word "gentle" as yet another way to make myself feel deficient for not living up to my high expectations
- I should focus my attention on learning self-love and self-compassion
- I've felt like I need to be more than human, and my fellow humans need to be more than human, because I see the shitshow (inside and out) and feel like we're not enough and we need to change and do better (myself included)
- It's been hard for me to be honest about where I'm at in my journey, for the same reason
- The belief that I am deficient / not enough has kept me stuck in a trap of silencing and isolating myself, and pretending to be someone I'm not, to avoid abandonment and rejection
- To describe that process in more detail - I really want people to like me, because I'm lonely. So I stay silent, because I'm afraid of saying the wrong thing. I'm afraid that I'll be abandoned and rejected, and my heart can't take it because I already feel so deficient. So I keep quiet and try to please people. And then I find myself all alone because I'm silent, and I'm not being myself, so nobody knows anything about me. I make myself a stranger everywhere I go, and then I wonder why I lack intimacy.
- At a young age, I split myself in two parts - a fearful part and a fearless part... but the fearless part is an act, because it is in fact afraid of love (and every other emotion)
- I have deeply attached myself to and identified with the part of myself that sees itself as fearless yet is terrified of love, and distanced myself from the terrified child inside that desperately needs love
- Terrified of love, there has always been a lack of love, resulting in a void that I've tried to fill in myriad ways that have offered temporary relief but never truly worked
So amazing 👏
I cried through the whole thing good tears🙂