Automatic Writing:
We're stuck with some of the shit choices others made. You can still make lemonade. The best thing you can do is remember that grief is for the living. Only the vessel dies. Not the soul. If you think about the soul fifth dimensionally, you'll remember that vessels come and go and that the energy of your loved ones is still there and because you are a being with expanded consciousness you can always access their energy. This is important moving forward. It's a reframe that will help you deal with a lot of loss all at once. That’s what’s coming. You’ll need to prepare yourselves.
If you want to reestablish gamma, laugh. Like full on ridiculous laughter. Pop. Right back into gamma state. It's just the mechanics of frequency. That's all it is. When you get upset your brain wave frequency drops out of gamma. You have to sustain gamma frequency to channel higher realm energy while awake. Otherwise it has to contact you during alpha bridge to theta which is lucid dreaming state or meditation or shamanic journeying. You can't make sense of this energy unless you're in gamma or alpha/theta.
1169 - Anticipate for New Things
7272 - Soul Mission and Humanitarianism
Oracle Cards:
Passion Of The Wild Red Mother:
“Don’t ask the conscious ones about the wine. Behold the glowing effect of it in the eyes of drunks.”
“Bring me your unreasonableness, your insanity, your love without reason and your passion – the passion that makes you crazy and shoos all logical restraint from your mind. Leave your ordered thoughts, sensible plans and appropriate attire at my door. Put on your animal fur and sing to me in gibberish. When my beautiful goats die, I make drums from their skins and their spirits live on in my passionate play. When my birds drop their feathers, I gather them and put them in my hair. Come drum with me, as I place feathers in your hair and we honour the spirits of my animals – of your animal nature too, wild and free as you are in truth. Stick your tongue out and growl at those who try to tame you with guilt, shame and fear. Do you think I gave a damn for any of their silly games? Those games of reason and logic. “Of course, you should do it this way,” they say, “it makes sense!” But I care not for what makes sense; I care for what brings you alive.” You, oh blazing angel, are being invited by the Wild Red Mother to participate in a dance of divine passion. You may be an activist, a poet, an advocate for justice, or a writer, a healer, devoted to the liberation of the suffering of others and hungry to commune with ancient wisdom. Perhaps you are all of these, or some other exquisite amalgam of holy energy in form. Whatever your nature, there is passion in your heart; a fire for something more powerful than fear that can become the fuel for your life journey – if you accept the invitation of The Wild Red Mother of course! This is the invitation to lay aside despair, to lay aside doubt in the capacity of the human heart – even your frustration and impatience. It is time to quit whipping yourself and others, no matter how noble the intention behind the whip may be and start dancing instead. Will you join her, the Wild Red Mother, in her exuberant play? You can choose to lead through joy, to heal through love, to transform suffering into what it is mean to be; the crucible through which ecstasy reveals itself. You do not have to analyze, to stay in the throws of process and ordered stages. You can just choose this passionate path now, if you wish. You are ready. It is open to you. Will you accept? It takes a great spirit, one with much practice of studied rebellion, to be ready to cast off the shackles of society from a place of loving defiance rather than fearful anger. And to playfully say to the world, “I have tasted your stale bread and underdeveloped wine, and have had quite enough now. I decline your offer to gorge upon such lesser fruits. I prefer to feast upon bread, hot and fresh, and wine that is mouth-filling and unctuous. Join me if you like. It is an abundant feast and there is plenty for all.” Even in the spiritually-minded there can be a driving fear, thinly veiled as devotion to the most arduous path. Perhaps for a while that serves as a truth of sorts, but eventually there will come a time when smaller truths must give way to larger ones, so the soul can truly be free to grow. Passion is the bridge that leads you from a smaller truth that suffering is necessary in order to heal, towards a larger and more luscious experience of life as a divine embrace. Yes, sometimes the divine lover, in all enthusiasm for the sport, bites you too hard or grabs you with so much desire that a bruise remains. However, the passion behind such fervent embrace can leave you begging for more life, for more of that boundless love, even when it knocks you on the head whilst grabbing for you. This is possible when you give up on judgement of what is good and what is bad, on what is apparently spiritual and what is not, and when you just realize everything in your life is leading to love. Whether through caress or a slap, the divine lover is seducing you. If you can accept this, you can certainly give yourself permission to love what you love, to live how you wish to live, and to forget about holding yourself back because some choices makes sense and others, supposedly, do not. If you are able to rise to the passion that is possible for you, you will let the Wild Red Mother consume your philosophies and doctrines. She’ll feast on your religion and your plans, and devour your doubts and certainties. She’ll tear away your need for maps and directions. Just when you think there’s nothing left, she’ll grab your hands and spin with you. You’ll tilt back your head and laugh so wildly with her, spinning together, along with the earth upon her axis. With a daring and bold love for life that will not be quashed, that Wild Mother speaks to you now. You can choose passion over fear, time and time again. So I invite you to paint the whole world red with me with passionate nature. Let us laugh and change the world! This oracle comes to you with a message. It is a big cosmic yes. It is also an invitation to let go of suffering and struggle; not with regret or shame, but with gentle acknowledgment that it has had its purpose. It now has a bigger purpose – that of passion – which calls you to engage in the embrace of life with more abandon than ever before. Now is the time to let go of belief systems and ‘needing to know’ anything. It is time to trust in the beating of your own heart and in the people, places and experiences that truly move you, whether it makes sense or appears to be logical or not. The Wild Red Mother comes to you when you are ready for her at a soul level. Your mind may think she is a thief in the night, ready to pilfer all you hold near and dear – and be utterly in terror at the prospect – but your soul will be gurgling with such anticipation of freedom it will fill your heart with sweet love and urge you to let go. Let her have her way with you – even if it means she crashes into you in the dark as she fumbles and drags you, half asleep, to go out dancing with her under the full moon, wearing nothing but your animal skin and a smile. She’ll soothe any bumps and bruises you receive in opening up to life with the most tender and effective of ministrations, for she is just as tender a nurse as she is a wild, raging dance partner. This oracle also brings you guidance. You have divine permission to do something ridiculous – be it ridiculous in your own mind for your age or career path, or some identity or version of yourself you or another hold. The more ridiculous or inappropriate it seems – the more it moves you from your heart, without rhyme or reason – the better. This is not about hurting people or behaving without moral code. It is not about childish indulgence and questionable justification for letting the ego misbehave. It is not about the ego at all; the Wild Red Mother eats ego for breakfast. This guidance is about listening to the truth of your heart and allowing your soul to throb with aliveness, making that more important than any restriction, opinion, judgment or fear the mind – yours or that of others – could summon.” Sacred Honouring Ritual: “Place your hands open before you, and say aloud: “I call on the passionate Wild Red Mother, who loves me without condition, and the brother of my soul, Rumi. I ask for your guardianship on to the path of divine passion now. May I lead with my heart, dance in life without fear, and surrender into truth, singing with my soul, becoming a leader of the new way of love upon this sacred earth. It is safe for me to be in my wild divinity. It is the only safe and true way for me to thrive! I am blessed now and in the Wild Red Mother’s unconditionally loving protection and grace. So be it.” You have finished your sacred ritual.”
Sacred Soul Sister:
“When you are conscious, a cloud of sadness surrounds you.
When you are beyond consciousness, the moon rests in your arms.
When you are conscious, the beloved moves out of your reach.
When you are beyond consciousness, the ecstasy of love moves your way.
When you are conscious, you are depressed like fall.
When you are beyond consciousness, the winter cold feels like spring.
All your wavering is due to your longing to be stable!
Look for instability, until you become stable.”
“I love you; I am your other self. I am with you always, your partner on this soul journey. I am the you that you do not see. I am the you that speaks through intuition and instinct. I whisper and sing and shout my crazed truth-telling to you, through your dreams, through your body. I am the you that is wise, that trusts in life, that knows. I am the you that sees reality rather than appearance. I am the you that knows how to be happy and free. There is a valid point of view that we travel this path of our life journey alone. Our deepest descents into the psyche happen alone, we meet death alone, and come into the world alone. And yet there is a vaster perspective that we are never alone, that it would be impossible to really be alone. We are connected to all of life and there is no such thing as being alone in reality, only in limited and temporary perception. As if such community were not enough, there is a partner, an ally who journeys with you from birth to death and beyond, again and again. You have a sacred sister, a sister of your soul. She weaves the stories of truth through dreams and insights that come upon you as if from nowhere. Perhaps they drop into your mind or seem to erupt from within you; but, that is her talking to you, demanding or reassuring, depending on what the occasion best calls for at that moment. Her truths may seem overly dramatic so you may discount them as workings of an overactive imagination, or perhaps her truth-tales are so subtle you dismiss them as meaningless, fleeting fancy. The wise ones know, however, that the truths of the Sacred Soul Sister are powerful, relevant and worthy of time and attention. They know her oftentimes strange and startling offerings hold the keys to unlock entire worlds, to open up new realities, and to transform the nature of our existence, firom the deepest and most esoteric spiritual levels, to the most palpable, practical, daily realities of our living bodies in the physical world. Your Sacred Soul Sister is your partner in consciousness. Make no mistake, she is you; she is just the part of you so great, you cannot always see her from your conscious mind. It is sort of like the eye of the dog trying to see its whole self which is a bit tricky, for as it moves to see its rear, so the rear is moved along too! So rather than through direct perception, the Sacred Soul Sister is met through reflection. She can be received in those moments of rest where great ideas are born (she is a genius, you see, vastly creative and inspired). Her worlds are those we access in sleep and meditation, or absorbing engagement in activity, where the mind can relax and drop into realities far more vast than those of daily life and be replenished. To tap into her wisdom, to distil a teaching from the fragmented memory of a dream, or a subtle feeling experienced in meditation, requires that you walk with her gait, and not the fast-paced, forward-moving canter of your conscious and intellectual mind. Her gait is meandering and apparently unstudied. Yet she is in deep concentration, tofeel for truth of movement, to allow for what is emerging to express itself through her, and she is listening rather than demanding to know, to force, to speak and to direct. To receive her genius and benefit most fully from it requires a willingness to surrender logic, and open up to inspiration, to become empty, to let the mind soften and become receptive, open and permeable. She delivers questions that lead to answers, but not according to demands issued by an insecure and fearful mind. She offers what is genuinely needed, and answers the deepest questions of the heart. She is trustworthy, this sister, she cannot betray truth; therefore, she can be relied upon as a faithful way-shower for the heart. So to commune with her - wise as that impulse is - requires that you learn the ways of her world and the strange symbolic language she speaks. She will never tell you what you already know. Why be so inefficient ? No, she prefers to educate, elucidate, intrigue and beguile as you are drawn into far more beautiful, powerful and helpful truths. So in her world, and in her language, you must suspend your need to immediately understand. Let yourself absorb the imagery, the feelings, and the possibilities, to dwell, ponder and be permeated by the wisdom. The appearance of a horse may signify your own spiritual being, and the appearance of you may signify a false sense of identity, and not the real 'you' at all. You may see desert landscapes and moonlit nights in your dreams 一 when so much inner growth is happening you will soon bloom like the springtime. You may dream of charging up hills with great energy, when in your physical world you can barely muster enough strength to get out of bed in the morning. What does this all mean, this apparent contrary, world-upside-down, nothing-is-as-it-seems symbolism? The meaning is the communication, and the communication is received in repose, in reflection, in quietness and rest. And you must trust - trust her and trust yourself When something needs to be known, so it shall be. This is necessary, so much less than what we expect. Your lack of knowing is not ignorance; your unknowingness is your bowing to life with trust. She has come to you through this oracle to remind you that everything is all right, that she 'has your back; no matter what appearances may seem to be to your more limited, dogs eye consciousness in the light of day. She is guiding you with her wider knowledge through circumstances and situations that are ultimately going to free you into a greater love than you have ever known - no matter whether you feel like a rat in a maze, or a bewildered drunk stumbling through labyrinthine back alleyways, trying to find your way home again! No matter how out of control life may seem, she’s letting you know all is proceeding just as it should and that her will shall manifest. Her will is your wholeness, your completion. Her will must manifest and shall, because her will is nature. It is growth. It is God. She is God, in you, now. Remember that and you'll realise (if you don't mind the ending being told before the last chapter) that everythings going to be okay. This oracle comes with particular guidance also. You know something; deep in your bones, without knowing how or why, or without particular reason, you just know. It doesn’t make sense, but you know. It may be joy that you know. It may be that you know to avoid a certain situation. It may be that something is going to work out beautifully, despite appearances to the contrary, at a particular moment. It may be that you are meant to take a certain path. You just know. This oracle comes as confirmation that your knowing, mysterious as it is, is your Sacred Soul Sister talking through you. Trust it and act, or not, accordingly. Sacred Honouring Ritual: Kneel or sit comfortably, preferably on the ground, or somewhere you feel grounded and anchored to the earth - that could be on the floor, if practical. Rest your hands on the ground, or on your legs. Say aloud: "I call upon the sacred sister of my soul, the shadow priestess of wisdom in the temple of love. You guide me to love, and under the merciful grace and protection of Rumi, who loves me unconditionally, our relationship is one of respect, care and divine guidance. May I be blessed with receptivity to your genius and capacity for the grace of growth. So be it." Rest for a few moments. You have finished your ritual.”
“Wish Upon A Star. Key concepts: intentions based on your desires and aspirations, the act of consciously committing to a vision, sacrificing something of value, gambling on yourself, trusting that dreams can become reality, the importance of daydreams. Do you believe your dreams can become real, or do you shrug them off and chide yourself for being unrealistic? What if you could trust that the world around you holds promise you have not yet realized? Perhaps the point all along is not how something can happen, but the power of wishing and intending. We humans have multiple ways to ritualize “owning” a dream we want to see manifest in physical form. Think of a wishing well: you infuse a coin with your intention, tuning in to the feeling of having a particular experience. Tossing the coin into the well symbolizes the act of letting the “how” go, walking away, and allowing the universe to do its part in the co-creative partnership. Another method is to wish upon a star. In doing so, you also look back to our origins, for we are made of stardust. Today, allow yourself to dream and play with different realities. Even if it seems impossible, if it calls you and feels good, why not choose it? Wish upon a star, then live as if your wish were already true. Know that those beautiful dreams you have been nurturing are in the process of becoming real. Don’t forget that the act of wishing, dreaming, and intending is more important than figuring out the “how.” It shows the universe you’re serious about playing the game of life and you trust the essence of the partnership. Remember: every dream you believe in and hope for is a call to a twinkling star. The answer will come, sometimes swiftly, sometimes slowly. No wish is ever wasted.”
“Turtle Spirit. Slow and steady wins the race. Oracle Message: Turtle Spirit arrives to remind you that when you do what you need to do, putting one foot in front of the other and trusting that you will see your intentions manifest in perfect timing, your prosperity and love will grow exponentially. Now is not the time to rush around trying to force matters. Move slowly, perhaps even so slowly that it almost feels as if you are not moving at all! This may be a time to crawl before walking, taking your time to align to Turtle Spirit’s place as you contemplate this road you are on, doing what you need to do in this small moment that will soon pass. Turtle Spirit reminds you that sometimes the best action is to slow right down, so if it feels as if you are not doing enough, know that simply being aware of what is happening right now may be an important step toward determining whether you need to pivot or simply keep putting one foot in front of the other. “True love and true success comes with Patience,” says Turtle Spirit. Focus on the now, and the next step will be clear.”
“Here and Now. Essential meanings: Being fully present in the moment; living one day at a time. Protection message: Whenever you find your mind drifting into the past, wondering if things could have or should have been better—or whenever you find yourself longing for the good old days—you leak power. The same is true of looking too far ahead and hoping the future will provide you with certainty. Driven by ambition, you might wander too long in a place with no substance and forget that you are here today. The past and future are illusions. Whenever you leave the present moment, you’re disconnecting from your inherent power to manifest your reality with true substance. Neither past nor future can give you what you need. Now is all that counts. Come back from those eternities and be here now. All will be well, and miracles will appear as if by magic in the perfect timing of Spirit!”
Amber Run - I Found
The Beatles - Help!
Black Sabbath - Loner
Death Cab for Cutie - Soul Meets Body
Depeche Mode - Halo
Dr. Roger Payne - Songs Of The Humpback Whale
Duran Duran - Ordinary World
Ed Rush & Optical - The Kindred
Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road
Louis Armstrong - A Kiss to Build a Dream On
My Life With The Thrill Kill Kult - Dementia 66
The National - About Today
Nine Inch Nails - The Wretched
Run The Jewels - Legend Has It
Tom Petty - Free Fallin'
Tori Amos - Crucify
Tove Lo - I’m Coming
The Zombies - Time Of The Season