I was able to do this as a kid. I am working on trying to get back to that. Sometimes my dreams are SO ridiculous, I can't believe that I didn't notice just HOW ridiculous it is! I am working on it. May I awaken, ish. It's really interesting to think about the greater ramifications. The only reason I wanted control as a kid was because I was sick of having nightmares. Now I am motivated by curiosity.

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I think, for most of us who learn early or are basically born doing it, we are coping with nightmares and then the rest flows in after the nightmares end and the abilities we've cultivated sustain. That tracks. I thought until recently it might be difficult for me to teach it because I knew how to do it from a very young age. So, it's not something I realized I was doing or realized other people couldn't do or hadn't learned yet until much, much later. I didn't have words for it until later. I'm excited for you that you're looking into it past the former, more immediate necessity! :)

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You explained it really well. I enjoyed reading it. It's exciting to think about accepting these things about myself. I feel more capable now, since I talk to trees and say thank you to the sun all day long now. I feel surrounded by potential and magic, even in the midst of all the Caca pooey being thrown our way :) Actually , having to think about the darkness led me back to the light, back into nature. Now I am here for it. Time to tell that water melon salesman guy in my dream from last night not to slap my ass next time..............I don't think I even knew that guy :) He was a cheeky one.

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Watermelon slap ass guy?! Ha! Git 'em! 🤣🤣🤣

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How do you approach psychedelics in this context? Specifically, microdosing mushrooms.

It's something I've done in the past and when combined with meditation and journaling, led to a real spiritual awakening for me. My consciousness shifted in some way that I still can't explain but it helped me 'see the world' more clearly.

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Non-ordinary brain wave states plus access to liminal spaces while maintaining overall consciousness of the experiences (as long as the dose is not too "heroic," as they say, which microdosing would not be). You would be able to use this in many ways, especially if done intentionally with a mission or an outcome in mind... for instance, to reset a pattern, to heal something, to explore something, to focus on finding the answer to a question. I would check out Strassman's book on DMT. You'll find a lot of answers there from studies that were done under controlled conditions - I love that book. Also, I think you would find Narby's Cosmic Serpent super interesting. Narby studied Amazonian ayahuasceros.

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Thanks - I'll check out the podcast. I've done lots of research into Stamets and others, plus my personal experience aligns with what you've written. Intentionality is critical.

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We also had a dear friend of mine who is a psychedelic researcher on a podcast I used to produce called Comcastro. Let me see if I can find the episode - it's archived without the intro, I believe. One moment.

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Lovely article as usual. I’m learning into this area and haven’t quite integrated the information. Much of what’s described here is in the fire element. The gaze interacts with reality to help shape it. Consciousness provides a connection to what’s being projected and what’s being received. The heart decides where to go.

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Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫

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How do you deal with the demons? I've had some of those dreams this summer and unfortunately lots of them were very scary and in presence, it seemed, of dangerous thus frightening entities. I didn't know how to deal with them, I was scared, maybe that's the reason the dreams stopped.

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Sounds like sleep paralysis entities. Your fear is why they appear. Fear is food. When you're not afraid, they go away because there's nothing to eat. So the solution is learning to control the fear. You could focus on embodying love instead. Or if that doesn't work for you, you can laugh at them and tell them to go kick rocks. I mean, it sounds stupid, but it works. Demons are actually incredibly childish. Genuine laughter is the best high frequency medicine. Be silly. Connect with the fearless part of your inner child. It will stop.

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that's interesting, I'll try it out, thanks :) it's already helpful to realise it's because I'm scared... might be telling of my conscious personality already

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Now that you realize it, you can take that a step further and control it when it happens. There's nothing to be afraid of. Just tell them, "I'm not dinner," and flick them off.

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thanks! as I remember, there were a few times when I just woke up immediately out of fear, do you think I could dodge those as well?

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Yes, if you practice lucid dreaming, you'll be aware you're only dreaming before the fear sets in. It just takes more practice.

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thanks :)

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As a kid, I once dreamed a huge snake was outside my home. The dream was extremely vivid and I remember the details to this day. An interesting memory.

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Ive not been able to dream since shortly before covid. I used to have vivid and happy dreams, id wake up laughing all the time. Its been almost 4 years and i really miss it.

Does anyone have any tips on how i may re-enable my dreaming once more? Ive asked for restoration of my ability to dream throughout the past few years but no luck 🤷🏻‍♂️

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I've had that happen before while trauma was resolving and then the dreams returned as I healed. Do you think that might be the case? I'm asking because you've made a connection between the end of dreaming and the beginning of "covid," and since the whole "covid" debacle has been megatraumatic, I thought it might be a fit?

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Manipulating subconscious source code so conscious intent reshapes reality from the lucid dream state. Wow. How might tech and applications like Neuralink or VR enhance or detract lucidity? To be a means of subverting lucidity or of training our consciousness while asleep or awake to access this quantum realm of consciousness?

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Depending upon who you ask, we may or may not already be there. But, as far as your particular question goes, I think these two pieces go hand in hand. We may have already been given the beta test for the infrastructure of the IoB, depending upon whose theories you're following....


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Recently I experienced a lucid dream. I was unaware I was dreaming as I traveled through a tunnel. I woke up, but I want to go back there.

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Set an intention before sleep that this is what you are going to do, use lucid dreaming music - preferably long enough not to wake you up fully but loud enough that part of you will be conscious of it as you drift partially in and out of sleep (the goal is alpha bridge to theta - remember the brain wave states we went over earlier in the week), and as you drift in and out of sleep, focus on returning to the tunnel. Let me know what happens. The key is to keep reminding yourself that you are dreaming. That's why you want to be in that halfway state - it's easier while you're learning. And then you'll be able to control it while fully immersed in theta. But if you go too far, to delta, that's deep sleep. You won't remember, you won't be aware, and you can't control it from there.

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Thank you! Where can I find a good source for lucid dream music? 💭 🎶

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The meditation sections of each of these have them - odd because I know you said you resonated with the messages here... maybe they were meant for you to find:




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I posted a few tracks in the readings.... one sec - I'll find a couple for you. :)

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"This advanced phase is known as a waking lucid dream. Yogis and meditators access this state through conscious astral projection. They activate the lucid dreaming region of the brain while awake, then enter the dreamworld with total awareness."

During yoga, I have fully left my body and fully consciously travelled right though a brick wall in this present physical dimension and seen exactly who was standing outside my door after they had knocked, someone I had not seen for a very long time who I could not possibly have anticipated or identified by ordinary means who had just knocked on my door without speaking when I was in a deep meditative state during a 1.5 hours yoga session, the noise having attracted my attention and spontaneously drawn me accidentally and unintentionally from my body, and when I physically got up to open the door after returning inside my body and then walking around 18 feet or so to open the door, the person was exactly as I had seen them after I left my body and gone through the wall, but with the same new style haircut and entirely different clothes I had never seen that person wearing before while in my body, the exact colours and style of which I had just seen while out of my body, that I could not possibly have imagined, so astral projection is not a lucid dream state, it is literally leaving the physical body on the physical plane on this present physical plane in some instances, and can also enable a person to enter astral or other planes that are not inside the skull, but are vast alternative real 3D landscapes as vast as the present physical dimension that one can only begin to perceive with the faculties of alternative subtle material bodies and senses in the 'linga sharira', for instance, that being the subtle, or astral body double.

I have also experienced people from my 'dreams' on the astral planes entering my physical body after I have woken up and they have consciously continued their connection with me from that astral or subtle plane into this present physical plane fully consciously, seeing through my eyes from within my body as a 'walk-in' and now seeing this present plane of existence also with me while continung to communicate with me.

The book by Bishop Leadbeater, 'The Astral Plane' explains all this and makes a very fascinating study of the many planes that co-occupy this same physical space all around us beyond the purview of the range of sense ability of our present gross physical human senses, though in Bishop Leadbeater's case, he was a highly gifted member of the Theosophical Society (which I myself have never been a member of) who could see many different planes at once.


These planes are not just in our heads, but are as expansive and unlimited as this present realm of perception is, thus on one alternative plane that actually occupies the same physical space as this present physical dimension, one might see a vast forest, or alternatively on another plane a vast ocean from above or even from within, or a city or mountain range, or outer space, and so on, but in different other dimensions that co-exist, each occupying the same volume of space as this present vast physical dimension.

And one can literally experience being above this present physical planet while out of the body, or vast distances away from it seeing other galaxies many light years away during a state of meditation where one experiences bilocation, such as the Draco Triplet Galaxy group that I have seen closer up than any Hubble Telescope image after entering that area seemingly instantaneously, then travelling along in lotus pose with several chakra-like flashing lights above my head and several chakra-like flashing lights above each shoulder pinging with a regular dual pulsing ning-ning, ning-ning, ning-ning sound with a thrilling sensation seemingly almost like living aircraft navigation lights as I travelled in my subtle body horizontally along the final approach through an enormous and majestic huge rectagonal black and white checkered tunnel 'wormhole' with a huge cinema screen-shaped and sized opening at the end looking out over dark space illuminated by the vast expanse of the Draco Triplet Galaxy with absolutely perfect clarity occupying the full width of my field of vision.

On one occasion I was riding my motorbike with a passenger sitting behind me round a curved section of road, and I spontaneously suddenly left my body to be looking down from just behind my physical head but around 18 inches or so above my head looking down upon my body riding the motorbike beneath me, seeing both myself and the passenger simultaneously then at that time, and this state persisted for several seconds, while the course of my motorbike was seemingly maintained by some volunteer other rider in my body who had apparently exchanged positions with me so that the motorbike could continue safely on its intended course, before I resumed my usual position in my own body which all occurred entirely naturally without any will or intention on my part, and seemingly without any sense of necessity, to get back inside my body, everything seemed so automatic, taken care of, the experience presumably having been given to me to educate me.

Coming out of the body and looking down on the skull from behind from about 18 inches above the gross physical body is commonly experienced during meditation sessions, and even seeing through the front of the skull even with eyes closed for many minutes at a time, this state used to persist in me for 20 minutes at a time solid every time I practiced one technique of yoga, but different siddhis manifest spontaneously with each new yoga technique you try.

Some Buddhist monks and blind people can use their skin to detect colour instead of using their eyes, and actually, science has detected photon receivers in human skin all over the body, though during yoga, one may experience a subtle body that is covered in eyes all over the body and head and with wing-like protrusions extending over 20 feet either side at around shoulder level and above covered in eyes, the entire body having the appearance of a shineless clear glass with the eyes providing a compound kind of vision, it is quite interesting to see like a spider does with eyes looking simultaneously vertically above the head, and in ring-like fashion all around the head simultaneously, and being able to see in any other direction of course from anywhere else on the body.

Ancient paintings of 'angels' depict beings with such eyes on their 'wings' and all over their bodies, and a woodcut depicting a medieval English witch shows a human-like figure of glass-like substance covered in eyes, but without any wing-like structures either side at shoulder level and above, which may in fact be the huge petals of the third eye chakra, this subtle body is in fact quite a normal aspect of one level of subtle body that anyone can access or be granted access to within their own bodily network that is already there waiting for them to discover and expand their multidimensional awareness with, the creator has provided many different senses for each of us to experience through in different states of consciousness should we wish to access them, in a far more complex manner than any current mainstream material science with knowledge of mere gross physical material DNA on this present plane can anticipate or evaluate. The beauty of the human aura is absolutely amazing and an actual ecstatic thrill to both see and feel simultaneously, that sense of feeling extending well beyond the gross physical bodily area.

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Thank you so much for sharing this!

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We were all born here to learn to become reawakened as 'yogis' or transcendentalists by any other name or practical spiritual path, this should be the main topic for study before all else for all in any school right from the very beginning of academic life even at kindergarten as we are all eternal souls with the potential to recover our natural beginningless state of pure spiritual cosmic consciousness within and throughout the beginningless infinite body of the cosmic supersoul or oversoul by recovering our natural principal relationship with that spiritual 'sun' as a spiritual person before we can truly know ourself and all others in their true fully potentiated beginningless original eternal natures.

The false religious practices and present state systems run by thoroughly forgetful demonic souls are specifically designed by deliberate intention to kill the souls of those they control and to keep them in that state of actual death. The victims of these false leaders for the most part naively and mistakenly believe that those in power are really there to protect and nurture the people.

Those in power commit this atrocity so as to maintain subjugated and enslaved souls in an almost lifeless torpor only as cattle in the pen to be used as mindless drone slaves and as spiritually dead and thus easily manipulated to be made lethally-minded soldiers whenever required by those who are entirely ignorant of the real eternal nature of the transcendental spiritual communal origins of all souls in all species in all dimensions, and mistakenly only seek to push themselves up by pushing all others down, which can never work of course in any way, these false leaders themselves have gone quite mad and do not realize it, such as the WEF/UN/WHO et al.

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The seeming dichotomy between how things appear to us in dreams and the "physical laws of reality" is a misunderstanding of reality. The experiences of quantum mechanics are reality as it really is, which is why so many quantum physicists are very spiritual. They have seen the multi-dimensional aspects of reality.

The creator of the realms we call heaven and earth is God the Father Almighty. In Matthew 6 verse 33, Jesus says "seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you." Once you access the heavenly realm you begin to understand reality. The coarse matter we are told is really real is an aspect of the earthly realm and is also an illusion.

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Sep 28, 2023
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Thank you so much!

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