"Having children or not having children is not a measure of a person’s worth. Period."

—No it isn't.

I was thinking of writing a piece, though, about people who say that they "hate" children, express disdain towards "breeders" or towards other people's obnoxious children, etc., with the hook that all the people who express these blankets judgments were themselves once obnoxious children. It seems unsporting to blanket-bitch about children once one is an adult…

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I want to go back to the days when people had nuanced opinions about things. Maybe they never existed. But it feels like maybe they did... in certain circles, in the before times. Let's bring back nuance. ⚡️💥🔥

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"I want to go back to the days when people had nuanced opinions about things. Maybe they never existed."

—The preview of your reply only showed the first of those two sentences. My first thought was to ask the question raised by the second. I strongly suspect no such time existed.

But perhaps we can set aside thoughts of the before-times and instead envision a time to come…

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Not to mention "elite human capital" sounds like a term for people herded into a pen.

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I had to pause so many times just to marinate on the absolute banger this is. You are one inspiring lady you know that right. I said to myself, damn she says, elegantly, the things most of us( I hope) think or really want to say. There's a method to my madness but I am but a sappling and here to say people who get what you talk about would do well to marinate on it. It serves me well. Thank you for your work Demi and the rhizo rising we're all going through in thought and perspective. I'm mad at myself for not knowing about your work sooner but I guess the universe presented it when I was ready to digest it properly. I'm all about sticking with coffee while art Chad is cool the skincare crap is funny and I'm glad you picked up on the ridiculous nature of that commercial. Grateful for you and what you do lady!! 🙂🙏❤️🔥🔥👏👏👏 Bravo.

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Thank you so much. That is so kind of you. Thank you, Jess. I'm honored. 🙏🏻🥰❤️⚡️💥🔥

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I went to the batting cages Fri night and had so much aggression released and it wasn't performance. I'm sore. My whole body got a workout, as did my mind. One of my line drives connected in a way that hit the pole in the middle in the air( this is always a goal of mine in these kinds of cages) that feeling when mind and body utilize tools to make matter move to the place your mind dictates is an amazing feeling. It's the principle behind place hitting I learned as a child. That's what you did here. HAFITP for real! If you were chopping wood you would have broke that are. In my best Borat impression "very nice"! You hit a grand slam here. You know it right, I recognized it immediately when you led with one of my favorite Lex Friedman interviews. Dadgum getting called a Martian is a comment in clown world. # goals!!

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Thank you!! 🥰❤️

They called themselves The Martians - it was a massive compliment. It was all of the scientists who came over to the States, fleeing Hungary at the start of WWII. They were brilliant!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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* are


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Predicated text sucks I corrected are to axe twice and this stupid Samsung made my lazy ass hit the check and it's so aggravating dude. 🤣

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Yes, there is consciousness in all manner of things. Floors are not going to be harmed by walking upon them. Rock awareness is consistent with knowledge about what happens to rocks. In Genesis and elsewhere in the old Testament the building of altars to God required no cutting of stones and no mud type mortar. God is aware of all trauma. Eventually, out of mercy, God accepted the building of the temple of Solomon using cut stone and timber. Each of us has choices to take. There is abundance in the world for all needs.

That doesn't mean that mElon is going about anything in a good way. He clearly wants to hurt people with implanted brain taps and to push the ideology of artificial consciousness because he is wanting to build machine slaves and enslave human beings. And I have seen considerable evidence that he and the other AI champions are demon worshippers.

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Agreed. I couldn't possibly trust him. I don't see how anyone does at this point.

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Thoughtses from the bagginses.

1. A general intelligence for a large language model is not possible without God. The self aware things in this world are souls and demons. Souls are from God. All souls are created in heaven. No soul will be sent into a machine without God's will. Which means that a self aware machine is possessed by a demon. See "Christine" demon car story by Stevie King.

2. The preponderance of six fingers in large language model art is suggestive of "training" databases from before the flood of Noah eleven thousand eight hundred years ago. Many of the things that are being ascribed to "ufo" tech are likely to be from archives of ancient knowledge.

3. People who claim to be Christian are in no position to impose judgement on other people who have no, some, or many children. Convents, monasteries, and hermitages are full of people who are blessed by God and have no children. Earlier today I listened to an insufferable biker gangster at breakfast yapping about the importance of college education and not having "too many children." I asked in prayer for approval to dress him down and this was not okayed. But the concept of judging the choices of others is evidence of ignorance. Either they never read the Bible or they came to idiotic conclusions. Jesus Christ judges the living and the dead and none of us are in any position to know enough to judge others. The clamouring for a king was a sin in Samuel's day and is sinful yet.

4. Fred Saberhagen wrote his Dracula tapes long before the disgusting woke Anne Rice filed off the serial numbers and emitted her interview with a vampire. He wrote a long series of stories and novels set in a future in which an ancient species created space robots that became distorted in an interstellar disaster and began slaughtering all life. "Good life" was the robot term for people that helped rat out and exterminate life. When the robots enter human space we call them Berserkers. Interesting stories.

5. The "woo" is stronger with some. This seems to reflect in part a time of training in the heavenly realm. "An old soul" need not reflect any reincarnation. We used to say about such persons that they are gifted, as in "the gifted learning programme." Gift from whom? From God of course. The demon worshippers hated that term so I gather it is being phased out.

6. To build the new models of which Buckminster Fuller wrote you start. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step and determination to go the distance. Goethe long ago wrote about it: If you would see a thing done, begin it. Boldness has power and magic within it.

If what you choose to create should be, you will find support arises rhizomatically from people you never met and in ways you never imagined. And if it should not be, perhaps you are ahead of your time. Many inventions are.

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1. Anything that cannot tap into source consciousness would be suspect then - but all matter has consciousness. It was interesting to see QHHT transcripts where Dolores Cannon was revealing the past life of someone who could remember being a rock. The main point of the exchange was how slowly time passes when you're a rock. After I heard about this, I started to get upset about walking on the floor. I didn't want to upset the floor by walking on it and I became hyperconscientious about it for a while.

2. You know, I was wondering about that and it's an excellent point. There was a specific video I was watching which made me think of it - I'll grab you the link - but I was also thinking of it in terms of the sim and that we could just as easily be an older version of AI which is, in turn, creating AI. If this is a sim, everything in here is already AI, including us. Strange thought. Anyway, this is the video I was watching that made me wonder if this AI is, in fact, older than we are told. And since we know that our old innovations are being kept from us and then doled out according to a timeline which is then reset every so often, this seems likelier than not. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sQSO201RjpM

3. I was thinking about that too - where is the reverence for the opinions and thoughts of our childless holy people, regardless of doctrine, who put forward their lives in service of either humanity or a higher power (and often both)? Where is the respect? And how could anyone think they know what someone's life path should be better than what people know themselves by accessing their own internal connection to the divine? I can't imagine ever thinking it's OK to think that way or to subject the will of what I think is perfection by force upon someone else's blueprint from the divine. How does anyone end up where they actually think that's ok? How do you think to yourself, "I know better than this person does about who they are and what they should and shouldn't do?" I can't fathom it. It's not my place. I would never presume that it is. And beyond that - to be so unhappy as to attempt to spread that unhappiness to everyone else by mandate? Wow. Just wow.

4. These sell out humans are the ones in "power" now. They don't realize that, as soon as they have outlived their usefulness, those "above" them will dispose of them as soon as possible.

5. Makes sense. I was in the gifted program. We were sequestered from everyone else so that we wouldn't teach them how to do what we could do - in literally any form.

6. Agreed. We need to build what we want to see and experience. This system does not belong to us. It's not ours to change. Never was. We need to make something different and better and the many different/better things we make will add up into our own version of reality over time. Hopefully, we are not here so far before our time that we cannot make an impact. I think we're likely here on time to do whatever it is we're meant to do. I trust in that.

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Some big events are about to happen. Very much this Summer.

The other side, the demon worshippers, are losing control. Some of the events are theirs. Some of the events are from God.

We are here to do what is right and good. We are here to start many good things and stay around while they take firm root.

My friend Aubrey de Grey knows more about human ageing than anyone else in science today. Back in 2005 he said that the first person to live to be a thousand years old had already been born. I think of his work from time to time. God provides. Praise God. Amen.

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I was "invited" into the gifted programme in 1972. A year earlier they gave us the "Iowa basic skills" test and I was at least three standard deviations above normal. So I was one of the guinea pigs.

I found out later that it was experimental. We were observed by grad students from education and psychology at the university of Kansas. But at the time, all I knew was, there were no books

The first time my 4th grade teacher drove me to another grade school and picked up another student and drove us both to the bigger school where we were put in a circular room with amphitheatre seating and about twenty two other students grades 4 to 8, it was kinda fun. There were games and musical instruments and yarn and crafts and puzzles. But no books.

So that first evening after school, mom asked me at the dinner table to say how it was. It was spooky to be asked a question at supper because my older brothers went silent and waited for me to answer. And I said what happened and what was there and commented on the absence of books.

The sessions were once a week. Every Friday at noon I was delivered to the gifted programme and every Friday evening mom would ask me to say how it was. Every week the same report. "I don't think we're learning anything. There are no books." Not even a set of dumbass school encyclopedias and yearly update volumes. No access to the school library.

So in December the teacher sent me home with a permission slip. Would my parents agree to push me into the programme for another year. Well, mom and dad asked me if I wanted to go. I said no. I didn't. Because "gifted learning programme" was a lie. We weren't learning. I guess that was one of the first times I encountered the system lying about something that I knew about from direct experience.

Anyway my mom passed away in 2014 and she had a photocopy of a newspaper clipping on her desk. It was from the local newspaper and from that Christmas of 1972. It said that the gifted programme at unified school district 497 was a great success because "all the students, except one" had agreed to come back the second semester. Mom had underlined "except one." She knew who I was and who we were.

It was mom who learned that we were experimental subjects and that graduate thesis papers were written about the kids in the programme. I think that's very bad in a really creepy way.

So I wasn't exactly sequestered because the sequestration didn't take with me. But the following year my fifth grade teacher, Mrs Thornburg wasn't able to put up with my shenanigans in class. I would get bored and make up a game and get the other kids to play and we would have a great time. So Mrs Thornburg would wait until I was done with the class exercise or reading and immediately ask me to go to the school library. Where I managed to read all the books before I was done with grade six. In that sense I was sequestered by virtue of my boredom.

It's a weird idea, really, to take children away from parents for seven or eight hours a day and pretend to teach them. It has proven to be bad for children in a really comprehensive way. The slow kids struggle and are humiliated or passed along without skills. The smart kids are bored and irritated. The in between are indoctrinated and shown exactly how much bullying can be done with limited consequences. I think public schools are a mistake.

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We had books. I was in it a decade later and in another region. Experiences vary, so I wonder if different experiences and experiments were crafted for measuring for different data at different sites. It wouldn't surprise me. At this point, there are GATE or TAG programs at most schools in the United States or an anchor school will be set up within a region if less students qualify in the area.

Someone asked me if I remember it. I remember everything. It seems some have no recollection. They ask if their memories were "wiped." I wouldn't claim to know what happened to everyone in every version in every region of the program. Who knows? But this was not my experience.

My experience was that I was given an "IQ" test. It did not measure "IQ." It was ALL pattern recognition, peppered with a few very easy logic questions. By "human cognitive ability," they mean they are testing for anything out of range of the norm, which I believe includes some kind of measure of "psychic ability," which isn't - it's expanded consciousness. Expanded consciousness is a human trait. It's only "exceptional" if it's being suppressed in the majority of the population. But I know this is where "high IQ" is derived. What we do, we are not doing with our brains. We are doing it with our ability to tap into expanded consciousness and remain there.

There are literally people who have been tested whose brain areas are nothing but a vacuole. How are these people still testing with an average IQ with minimal meat brain? This is not where thoughts come from.

Thinking with your meat brain is slow, clunky. It makes a lot of mistakes. Consciousness straight up clocks the meat brain. It runs circles around it. If you're scoring high on an "IQ" test, you are not using your meat brain to do it. In fact, it's literally testing that you are NOT.

There are physical things that you can do to improve the meat brain and it will make scores higher but only slightly. You're improving the quality of the receiver equipment, basically, but not the connection itself, if that makes sense.

I highly urge you to read a book called Forever Angels by PMH Atwater. I couldn't recommend it enough. Having access to her analysis of that data is life-changing for people with these kinds of abilities and their families. Understanding skyrockets.

It sounds like your mother understood you well and knew you needed to be given the space to self-direct, that you would know what would be correct for you given your own internal connection to the divine and your own access to your own blueprint. She was watching, noting, and guiding, but allowing you to make the decisions as long as you were clearly communicating your reasoning behind them. Very, very smart.

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It's definitely not the meat that thinks. There is a certain amount of "muscle memory" related to the spine for reflexes and learned motions for e.g. fighting. But neither cognition nor memory are local. And there are skills that develop faster because of prior training before earthly life. I learned English and typing at astonishing rates.

Mom tested super high for verbal skills (perfect 800) on the college boards that became the SAT in 1944. Full academic scholarship to Washington University in St Louis. Yes, she had much direct guidance on raising her children. God provides. Praise God. Amen.

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