Demi, if you look into German New Medicine (GNW), you will be challenged to shake off the programming of Modern Medicine. For starters just look at the explanation of the Spanish Flu. See if that does not shake the tree. Of course Modern Medicine has buried GNW. It has been easy to spot the manipulation with Covid and any other so called virus.
From 2007 to present I started down an alternate path to modern medicine. It has led me to where I am today, with validation from 4 conditions being completely healed without medicine, surgery or treatments of any kind. I did this on my own with a understanding that I had to take charge of my own health which led me down a path of investigation.
I had 3 criteria in evaluating information I came across. 1. It had to embrace that life was created from an innate intelligence and who's design was perfect for surviving and thriving. 2. It has to have a logical and scientific framework that would be able to account for and explain conditions that arise. 3. There had to be resources for help in understanding applications in real life terms.
I broke away from Modern Medicine when I found German New Medicine. It met all 3 of my criteria. The greatest gift is having no Fear of conditions, symptoms, cancer or functional loss.
Sir Jeffrey Amherst had smallpox blankets distributed to Native Americans in 1744. It was a British colonial policy, not an American one. And it came rather a long time before the vaxxajabs of the 19th Century.
It's okay. Massachusetts named a college after Amherst so it must be all better.
Demi, if you look into German New Medicine (GNW), you will be challenged to shake off the programming of Modern Medicine. For starters just look at the explanation of the Spanish Flu. See if that does not shake the tree. Of course Modern Medicine has buried GNW. It has been easy to spot the manipulation with Covid and any other so called virus.
From 2007 to present I started down an alternate path to modern medicine. It has led me to where I am today, with validation from 4 conditions being completely healed without medicine, surgery or treatments of any kind. I did this on my own with a understanding that I had to take charge of my own health which led me down a path of investigation.
I had 3 criteria in evaluating information I came across. 1. It had to embrace that life was created from an innate intelligence and who's design was perfect for surviving and thriving. 2. It has to have a logical and scientific framework that would be able to account for and explain conditions that arise. 3. There had to be resources for help in understanding applications in real life terms.
I broke away from Modern Medicine when I found German New Medicine. It met all 3 of my criteria. The greatest gift is having no Fear of conditions, symptoms, cancer or functional loss.
My go to resource is
I did a search of your archives this morning for a friend. This is so relevant today with the monkeypox they are pushing.
Sir Jeffrey Amherst had smallpox blankets distributed to Native Americans in 1744. It was a British colonial policy, not an American one. And it came rather a long time before the vaxxajabs of the 19th Century.
It's okay. Massachusetts named a college after Amherst so it must be all better.