This is a follow up to our HAM Radio 101 post in which we outlined examination and study resources for beginners looking to get licensed.
Please note that there is a licensing requirement for amateur band transmitting. Many people say in response to this that in a SHTF scenario, licensing would not matter in an emergency situation. However, right now we are in peace time (technically), not in any sort of urgent emergency situation (also technically), and there are laws in place that govern the use and misuse of the equipment which you will need to follow.
Additionally, you might as well, because the entire point of going through this process is really to learn the technology, the protocol, and the etiquette.
If you are unable to setup a station, configure your settings, and practice using the technology to communicate today while there are still resources available to you, including people who are willing to help you learn, what are the chances that you will be able to set up a station and use it to communicate without training or any way to look up the pertinent information when everything you need to utilize in order to do that is effectively gone?
Also, good luck getting your antenna set up if you don’t understand the study materials. Qualifications ensure safe and efficient setups that get a signal out and less often result in harm to operators or equipment. RF output has the potential to be extremely dangerous, causing severe burns or lethally high voltages which can build up in electrical wiring and equipment locally. If you have anything more powerful than a handheld VHF or UHF, studying the materials could save you or your family from harm.
Get the license and work on your skills now while you are able so that when the time comes to use it you will already know what you’re doing without missing a beat. Emergency skills are best when they are second nature to you, when you can do them on autopilot.
If you wait to learn and you need to make contact during an actual emergency situation, the extra time you’re spending fumbling around to learn the tech, if you even have access to the info you need without internet or phone service, could be the difference in time between life and death.
Learn now, not out of fear of some nebulous potential event, but because it’s the responsible thing to do so that it’s one less thing to stress you out in an actual emergency.
That said, if you're booking appointments for online testing, do it SOON!!
I'm really glad I jumped on it and booked a test within a few days of starting to study. When I took my exam, they almost didn't have room for another round of people that night and made room because they got overbooked. The next appointment available, regardless of the group proctoring the test, would have been another month out!
Scroll through the list to confirm. You will see "session full!" 80 times before you luck out and find one section with one or two open slots. And those are mostly a month out.
I highly recommend the HamStudy app. It was easy to use and pretty well designed. Whenever I had a spare block of time, I would just drill questions to commit it to memory. Don't make it harder than it is. Just sign up for a test and knock it out.
Best to jump in, get your feet wet on the cheap, get your license handled, and then you can reassess without spending a lot of money on replacing your setup.
For those of you looking for a deeper dive into the available HAM radio information, here are some additional resources to help you expand your knowledge base.
Additional Resources:
AA9PW. (2021). Amateur Radio Practice Site. AA9PW. [online] Available here:
All Thing Considered. (2020). Long-Lost U.S. Military Satellite Found By Amateur Radio Operator. National Public Radio. [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League. (2021). ARRL. The National Association for Amateur Radio. [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League. (2021). Download or Print Amateur Radio Question Pools. The National Association for Amateur Radio. [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League. (2021). Getting Your Technician License. The National Association for Amateur Radio. [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League. (2021). Search for ARRL Affiliated Clubs. The National Association for Amateur Radio. [online] Available here:
Anderson, J. (2013). Antenna Fundamentals 2 Directivity. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Anderson, J. (2013). Antenna Fundamentals 3 Bandwidth. YouTube. [online] Available here:
BigHickory357. (2016). Bug Out Communications - CommSec. YouTube. [online] Available here:
[Note: Morse code and semaphore are useful alternatives in emergencies. Morse code can be sent by mirrors with sunlight, blaring horns or trumpets, using flashlights or car headlights, waving flags, or blinking eyelids. When you purchase a flashlight, look for one which has a button to facilitate sending Morse. If you do not know Morse and you do not have time to learn, find out who in your group already knows it so that you are ready when the time comes.]
BITCOIN. (2019). Off Grid â‚¿itcoin Transactions Using Ham Radio and Blockstreams Satellites. YouTube. [online] Available here:
BlackPilled. (2019). Intro to Ham Radio. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Bottomley Adventures. (2019). Introduction to Ham Radio and Technician Training Class. YouTube. [online] Available here:
BWC Electronics. (2011). Amateur Radio Station Grounding and Lightning Protection. BWC Electronics. [online] Available here:
Copasetic Flows. (2021). Amateur Radio Practice Exams. Copasetic Flows. [online] Available here:
Cornell University. (2009). PHYS 101/102 #1: Electromagnetic Waves. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Crazy Danish Hacker. (2019). Listening to Astronauts ON THE ISS with a Baofeng UV-5R. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Dellis, N. (2019). Learn Morse Code From a Memory Champ (in 15 minutes). YouTube. [online] Available here:
EHam. (2021). Ham Exams. EHam. [online] Available here:
F4HDK. (2019). Build a Long-Distance Data Network Using Ham Radio, Send data via IPv4 up to 300 kilometers with easy-to-assemble hardware. IEEE Spectrum. [online] Available here:
The Fieldcraft Survival Channel. (2020). Mike Glover Talks Ham Radio and Preparedness. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Fisher, B. (2010). Truths in Ham radio. Vimeo. [online] Available here:
Geek Prepper. (2014). Best Ham Radio Antenna Upgrade for BaoFeng UV-5R & BF-F8HP. Geek Prepper. [online] Available here:
Geek Prepper. (2014). How to Manually Keypad Program the BaoFeng UV-5R. Geek Prepper. [online] Available here:
Geek Prepper. (2015). How to Program a Baofeng UV-5R with CHIRP Software. Geek Prepper. [online] Available here:
Geek Prepper. (2020). Ham Radio Made Simple: Ultimate Beginner Reference Guide. Geek Prepper. [online] Available here:
Gibilisco, S. (2014). Ham Radio and EMP. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Graywolf Survival. (2013). How to communicate when the world goes silent. Graywolf Survival. [online] Available here:
Guns and Gear Network. (2015). Coded secure communication for your prepping group in a SHTF situation. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Exam. (2021). Amateur Radio Practice Exams. Ham Exam. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio 2.0. (2020). Ham Radio Remote Testing with W5YI - Get Your License Now! YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2015). HAM Radio Crash Course Intro - Why Radio? YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2018). Ham Radio, EMP & Grid Down Disasters How to prepare? YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2020). What Ham Radio Should I Buy? (Remote Licensing Update!) YouTube. [online] Available here:
HamRadioConcepts. (2020). How To Send/Receive Emails Over Ham Radio Using IC-7300 And Winlink. YouTube. [online] Available here:
HamRadio.World. (2019). Ham Radio Etiquette 101 – How to Make a Contact on a Repeater. YouTube. [online] Available here:
The HAM Whisperer. (2011). International Morse Code: Lesson 1. The HAM Whisperer. [online] Available here:
Harris, S. (2021). Talk, Listen & Communicate Around the World in an Emergency. Radios 1234. [online] Available here:
K0LWC. (2020). Ham radio is dying! No it’s not, it’s evolving. K0LWC. [online] Available here:
Kertz Productions. (2011). HAM Radio. Vimeo. [online] Available here:
KM4ACK. (2020). Ham Radio Raspberry Pi | Build a Pi V3. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Laster, C. (2001). Beginner's Handbook Of Amateur Radio. Internet Archive. [online] Available here:
LeBlanc, D. (2017). Antenna Theory Propagation. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Lee, D. (2012). How AM and FM Works. YouTube. [online] Available here:
MeOn Tech. (2016). EMP Resistant Ham in a Can, QRP radio and batteries, Getting ready for the next disaster part 4. YouTube. [online] Available here:
MKme Lab. (2014). SO-50 Amateur Radio Satellite with Baofeng UV-5R Jan 2014. YouTube. [online] Available here:
ModernHam. (2020). SSTV on a Budget - Baofeng Radio and Cellphone. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Moleculo. (2009). How to work amateur radio satellites with your handheld (HT) radio. Vimeo. [online] Available here:
Numbers Stations. (2021). Intro to Numbers Stations. Numbers Stations. [online] Available here:
NW7US. (2020). Morse Code is NOT Dead, Dude! 2020-06-03. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Overland Addict. (2019). Use This Shortcut to Pass Your Ham Exam In 24 Hours. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Overland Bound. (2018). How EXACTLY Do You Get Your Ham License? YouTube. [online] Available here:
Owen KF5CZO. (2012). Ham Radio and Mesh Networks. Amateur Radio. [online] Available here:
Pepitone, J. (2020). The Uncertain Future of Ham Radio. IEEE Spectrum. [online] Available here:
PeriscopeFilm. (2017). WWII U.S. Navy Radio Operator Training Film "The Radioman Fights" 52364. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Prepared Survivalist. (2019). 9 Best HAM Radios For Preppers. Prepared Survivalist. [online] Available here:
QRP CW. (2020). QRP Radio. YouTube. [online] Available here:
QRZ. (2021). Callsign Database. QRZ Ham Radio. [online] Available here:
RadioMaster Reports. (2013). 3-3-3 Radio Plan for SHTFÂ Communications. RadioMaster Reports. [online] Available here:
RadioMaster Reports. (2013). SHTF Survivalist Radio Frequency Lists. RadioMaster Reports. [online] Available here:
Radio Prepper. (2020). QRPVer Minion SDR First Impressions. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ramey, J. (2017). Beginner’s guide to amateur (ham) radio for preppers. The Prepared. Available here:
Reddit. (2021). r/AmateurRadio. Reddit. [online]. Available here:
Reddit. (2021). r/HamRadio. Reddit. [online]. Available here:
Rogue Preparedness. (2018). How To Pass HAM Tech Test In 1 Week [Prepping 365: #23]. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Romanchik, D. (2021). No-Nonsense Study Guides. KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog. [online]. Available here:
Romanchik, D. (2021). No-Nonsense Technician Class Study Guide. KB6NU's Ham Radio Blog. [online]. Available here:
RTL-SDR. (2020). Decoding Radio Telemetry Heard on News Helicopter Video Footage with GNU Radio. RTL-SDR. [online]. Available here:
SnailTrail4x4. (2018). What is the difference between CB Radios and Ham Radio? YouTube. [online] Available here:
Stern, B. (2020). Getting My Ham Radio License // Becky Stern. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Survival Comms. (2018). Digital Weekend – Turning your Cell Phone into a Scanner with RTL-SDR. Survival Comms. [online] Available here:
Survival Dispatch. (2020). What Radio Should I Buy? - Budget Tri-Band Ham Radio Setup. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Svoboda, M. (2010). Ham Radio - Ancestors of the Internet. Vimeo. [online] Available here:
Szcześniak, M. (2020). Listening to astronauts on the ISS via radio baofeng uv-5r + handmade antenna Yagi and Nagoya NA-771. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Talon Survival. (2019). Baofeng for Beginners: How to Use Baofeng UV-5R Buttons and More. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Techquickie. (2016). Amateur Radio (Ham Radio) as Fast As Possible. YouTube. [online] Available here:
TinHatRanch. (2016). HAM Radio Basics- HAM 101. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Uncle Doug. (2014). How Tube Amplifiers Work, Part 1: The Power Supply. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Uncle Doug. (2014). How Tube Amplifiers Work, Part 2: The Pre-Amp and Power Amp. YouTube. [online] Available here:
W5GAD. (2016). Amateur Radio Q-Code. W5GAD. [online] Available here:
Warrior Poet Society. (2017). Intro to Ham Radios: The WHY, WHAT, and WHERE. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Wave Talkers. (2021). Q Codes. Wave Talkers. [online] Available here:
Xraytonyb. (2017). Shortwave radios 101 - What is Band Spread? YouTube. [online] Available here: