WOW!!! Thank you for saying this! It's about time...my marriage fell apart because I had to lead AT ALL TIMES. I also was unappreciated, controlled and I developed bad habits to escape the way it made me feel about myself. Weak men have caused our society to collapse...were surrounded by effeminate men who are incapable of leading they way God intended them to.

Brilliant article!

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Thank you. This is a perspective that clearly needs to be shared.

When I witness my partner put himself down or place limits on his abilities, I know it’s a voice stuck in his head from his childhood and rage wells up in me and I want to throat punch whatever bitch put those falsehoods in his head.

I know so many women who put down their husbands, talk behind their backs, bitch and complain about how they do things “incorrectly” or “not good enough” or “not the way I want” and I think to myself - what do these men see in these women? Since when is “my way” the only way to do things? Doesn’t sound like a partnership I want to be in.

Are we not supposed to encourage them and support them and hold them accountable in love?

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I restacked with a note - important post. Thanks for sharing!

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Here, here!! 🙌🙌

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May 17, 2023
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Love, love, love this share!

There is a lot of wisdom in stoicism as well. I will definitely keep that Cherokee warrior proverb. Thank you 🙏🏻

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