GSM Grand Solar Minimum: An Overview of What To Expect
Down the Rabbit Hole Research Series, Volume Six, Part One
6.1: GSM Grand Solar Minimum: An Overview of What To Expect
6.2: Learning From History: 1816 The Year Without A Summer, Eighteen Hundred and Froze To Death, and Grand Solar Minimum GSM
6.3: Why does solar activity matter to us?
6.4: Effects of Geomagnetic Activity Upon Human Health
6.5: CIA studied how geomagnetic storms impact psychic phenomena
6.6: Grand Solar Minimum Preparedness
A Grand Solar Minimum occurs approximately every 200 years.
The last notable GSM event was the Dalton Minimum, which lasted from 1790 to 1820.
A new Grand Solar Minimum began in 2020 and is projected to last until 2070 - up to 50 years.
We expect cooler weather overall during this time period.
During a GSM, the sun’s magnetic field weakens.
The weakening of the magnetic field allows extra cosmic rays into our solar system, including the Earth’s atmosphere.
Animation of our weakening magnetic field, years 1600 to 2000.
These particles propagate low level cloud formation by acting as cloud nuclei by ionization.
Historically, these cooler time periods have been linked to drought, heat waves, and wildfires as a result of extreme jet stream disturbances caused by a slowing of the formation of ozone in the atmosphere.
Earth’s jet stream when the sun is active.
Earth’s jet stream when the sun is inactive. This is our current state. Our weather is nothing like it used to be 20 years ago.
Cold and warm weather systems, forced and squeezed together in the “gap,” result in violent thunderstorms and extreme weather (the image on the right).
As cosmic rays reach the Earth’s surface, and often penetrate it, we expect an uptick in the frequency and intensity of phenomena like solar flares, lightning, irregular lightning events, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, flooding, flash flooding, hail, downpours, tornadoes, blizzards, snowstorms, hurricane, cyclones, typhoons, tsunamis, and overall global cooling.
As we approach Grand Solar Minimum, the magnetic field of earth continues to weaken.
It will not go away completely, but we will start to see phenomena in the sky which no living person has never seen before.
May 18, 2017, Oklahoma City. Upward lightning.
The video only shows a few instances; however, reports say that there were more than 100 of these.
Instances of the recently discovered aurora phenomenon called “Steve” at Space Weather’s Realtime Image Gallery.
As we see the weather become more erratic, we will face new challenges.
Global cooling will increase the need for heat. We will need more light to get by during darker days.
And while facing a greater demand for power, we will end up generating even less.
For example, wind generators often turn off when the wind is excessive or may end up freezing in place.
With less available solar power, we will need to find other ways to make up for the lack.
During GSMs, erratic and cold weather make crops more difficult to grow and sustain.
We will need to generate even more power to sustain enclosed and indoor food production.
Above the 45th parallel, food will not grow at all.
Under these conditions in the past, famine has led to starvation which contributed to societal upheaval.
And we only have seven years before we hit the lowest point.
Additional Resources:
Adapt 2030. (2014). Sunspots and Cooling Earth Temperatures | Mini Ice Age 2015-2035 (1). YouTube. [online] Available here:
Adapt 2030. (2016). Exact Dates Given for Grand Solar Minimum Cooling Globally, IPCC Tries to Suppress Research. YouTube. [online] Available here:
The American Patriot. (2011). Svensmark: The Cloud Mystery. YouTube. [online] Available here:
"Henrik Svensmark's documentary on climate change and cosmic rays.”
Archibald, D. (2017). Solar Update June 2017–the sun is slumping and headed even lower. Watts Up With That? [online] Available here:
Astronomy Now. (2015). Diminishing solar activity may bring new Ice Age by 2030. Astronomy Now. [online] Available here:
Avery, D. (2017). New Euro-studies Confirm Sun Dominates Earth’s Climate. Townhall. [online] Available here:
Barker, D. (2016). Over 30,000 scientists say 'Catastrophic Man-Made Global Warming' is a complete hoax and science lie. NaturalNews. [online] Available here:
Blašković, T. (2017). April's solar flares through the eyes of Solar Dynamics Observatory. The Watchers. [online] Available here:
Blašković, T. (2017). Intensifying cosmic rays, grand solar minimum and Earth's climate. The Watchers. [online] Available here:
Blašković, T. (2017). Natural disasters loss in 2017 at US$ 306 billion, almost double 2016 loss. The Watchers. [online] Available here:
Blašković, T. (2017). Solar activity cycle falls to the bottom 1.5 years earlier than expected. The Watchers. [online] Available here:
DPPMeetings. (2016). Evaluating The Integrity Of Official Climate Records. YouTube. [online] Available here:
GWPF. (2016). GWPF Interview: New Solar Research Raises Climate Questions, Triggers Attacks. YouTube. [online] Available here:
“Recent research by Professor Valentina Zharkova (Northumbria University) and colleagues has shed new light on the inner workings of the Sun. If correct, this new discovery means that future solar cycles and variations in the Sun's activity can be predicted more accurately. The research suggests that the next three solar cycles will see solar activity reduce significantly into the middle of the century, producing conditions similar to those last seen in the 1600s – during the Maunder Minimum. This may have implications for temperatures here on Earth. Future solar cycles will serve as a test of the astrophysicists’ work, but some climate scientists have not welcomed the research and even tried to suppress the new findings.”
Hardiman, K. (2016). Professors tell students: Drop class if you dispute man-made climate change. The College Fix. [online] Available here:
Kelly, J. (2017). Congress Investigates Federal Climate Study After Whistleblower Exposes Fake Science. The Federalist. [online] Available here:
Lloyd, G. (2017). New Study: Cosmic Rays, Solar Activity Have Much Greater Impact On Earth’s Climate Than Models Suggest. The Global Warming Policy Forum. [online] Available here:
Martin, S. (2016). Earth faces another ICE AGE within 15 YEARS as Russian scientists discover Sun 'cooling.', archived at Biblioteca Pleyades. [online] Available here:
Miyake, S. (2017). Cosmic ray modulation and radiation dose of aircrews during the solar cycle 24/25. Space Weather. [online] Available here:
Morano, M. (2016). Russian scientist: 'The new Little Ice Age has started.' Signs of the Times. [online] Available here:
Newsmax TV. (2015). Dark Winter. YouTube. [online] Available here:
“Former NASA expert Dr. John Casey reveals why global warming is a lie, and being backed by establishment scientists, government and even churches. Casey reveals the details of his bestselling book “Dark Winter” – which proves that solar cycles and sunspot activity, not global warming caused by man-made carbon emissions, is creating changes to the earth’s temperature.”
“NASA expert Dr. John Casey is the author of the bestseller Dark Winter. In this film he shows why “climate experts” say the world is warming -- in direct opposition to the latest research and temperature data showing a global cooling and potential new ice age.”
“The CO2 emissions claim about global warming is false, and their adherents’ forecasts have not come true, says Dr. John Casey, former NASA expert and bestselling author of Dark Winter.”
“Dr. Casey, author of the bestseller Dark Winter, dives deeper and explains what’s driving the experts who are propping up the global warming theory. Dr. Casey also looks at the effects solar cycles have had on Earth throughout history.”
“Former NASA expert Dr. John Casey says new evidence indicates the sun is entering a “solar minimum” phase, which will signal the beginning of a new global cooling phase. This will result in increased volcanic activity and earthquakes across the globe, he argues in his new book Dark Winter, which in turn will block sunlight and reduce global temperatures even further.”
“The last global cooling helped spark the French Revolution and a massive cold spell. In the final segment of "Dark Winter," based on his bestselling book, Dr. John Casey details what preparations people will need to take to prepare for a coming global cooling trend.”
Newsmax TV. (2016). SSRC President John L. Casey: "We're Heading Into a Long Cold Climate Era." YouTube. [online] Available here:
Rose, D. (2017). Exposed: How world leaders were duped into investing billions over manipulated global warming data. Daily Mail. [online] Available here:
Shelton, J. (2017). Study finds potential instability in Atlantic Ocean water circulation system. Yale News. [online] Available here:
Simpsons1966. (2014). John Casey Exposes Global Warming Fraud. YouTube. [online] Available here:
“In this video Mr. Casey exposes the global warming fraud and brings your attention to an ice age threat which is threatening our planet and the peak point is about 2030 - 2031.”
Suspicious0bservers. (2013). The Next Ice Age - An Introduction to a Possible Shift Soon. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Suspicious0bservers. (2014). Why "Global Warming" Failed & Why Climate Change is Real. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Suspicious0bservers. (2014). Solar Wind Introduction | Sun Series 1. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Suspicious0bservers. (2015). 5 Truths About Earth's Magnetic Reversal. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Suspicious0bservers. (2015). The Sun Is Going To Sleep. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Suspicious0bservers. (2017). Magnetic Reversal Special Episode | S0 News Feb.24.2017. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Suspicious0bservers. (2017). State of the Sun [From OTF2016 (January), Earth-Facing Quiet]. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Swiss National Science Foundation. (2017). Sun's impact on climate change quantified for first time. [online] Available from:
ThunderboltProject. (2017). Ben Davidson: The Path Forward Is Clear | EU2016. YouTube. [online] Available here:
“From an obscure and outlandish idea has come the driving force behind much of the discovery in modern science. Electricity, electromagnetism, electrostatic forces – these are the under appreciated elements of our universe, underpinning the interactions and phenomena we are yet to fully understand. Puzzling observations that confound modern understanding all point a keen observer down those same lines of investigation. How will the electric universe break the glass ceiling? Ben will discuss ideas about the path forward from his vantage point as the founder of the Suspicious0bservers collective. Ben Davidson JD is the founder of Space Weather News and The Mobile Observatory Project. He hosts the world’s most-watched space weather news program, has more than 260,000 subscribers, and operates,,, and He is the researcher behind the Suspicious0bserver channel on YouTube, a channel that has rocketed in under 4 years to tens of millions of views, and is Director of the Mobile Observatory Project. Ben was classically trained in law and legal research, before taking up independent research in diverse sciences. His online presence has been a constant source of data dissemination, inspiring public interest in a variety of scientific fields, including the ‘electric universe’ theories. Ben focuses on the daily solar environment and the electromagnetic interactions between the sun, earth, and the galaxy.”
TruNews. (2017). Not Settled: Astrophysicist Says ‘Mini Ice Age’ Staying. TruNews. [online] Available from:
Watts, A. (2017). Solar Slump: The Sun has been blank for two weeks straight. Watts Up With That? [online] Available from:
Zharkova, V. (2015). Heartbeat of the Sun from Principal Component Analysis and prediction of solar activity on a millennium timescale. Nature. [online] Available from: