This message here fit like a glove. The actual words and music he shared, all of it. The follow ups mostly too. What doesn’t fit speaks to me of having more of a supporting role myself for the collective as all my relationships are in the gray. All the room I make gets filled back up with the pain and mournful projections of family. This challenges me to embrace compassionate detachment while in residence, accepting the unknowing of how these connections will transform, change or end entirely, and maintaining compassionate boundaries throughout the process. Codependency grasps at me, trying to trap me in ideas of limitations in self-sufficiency. I see it. I resist anger toward it, as I work to maintain faith that a path will be revealed. There are successful movements in growing away from negative thought patterns and gratitude for these lessons. Letting go takes a different form than I have known before. The true partnership seems to be possibly a partnership with self in all circumstances. A releasing of all expectations and traditional understandings of manifestation which included any attachment to conceptualizations of what my higher self called in. I don’t know, and there is beauty and grace in this un-knowing. Yes, God, Universal Love, use me. Use all of me.
This is a great Generation X pep talk. Our inner child can relate to The Goonies. "GOONIES NEVER SAY DIE!" Perfect!
That is my favorite movie! with Labyrinth and Stand by me.
Love this reading. Thank you Demi! The karmic wheel is turning and you have hit destiny’s jackpot 🎰. I love it!
Thank you! <3
The prologue: “Did you ever wonder what happened after they found One-Eyed Willie?”
I think, by now, we all know. :(
This message here fit like a glove. The actual words and music he shared, all of it. The follow ups mostly too. What doesn’t fit speaks to me of having more of a supporting role myself for the collective as all my relationships are in the gray. All the room I make gets filled back up with the pain and mournful projections of family. This challenges me to embrace compassionate detachment while in residence, accepting the unknowing of how these connections will transform, change or end entirely, and maintaining compassionate boundaries throughout the process. Codependency grasps at me, trying to trap me in ideas of limitations in self-sufficiency. I see it. I resist anger toward it, as I work to maintain faith that a path will be revealed. There are successful movements in growing away from negative thought patterns and gratitude for these lessons. Letting go takes a different form than I have known before. The true partnership seems to be possibly a partnership with self in all circumstances. A releasing of all expectations and traditional understandings of manifestation which included any attachment to conceptualizations of what my higher self called in. I don’t know, and there is beauty and grace in this un-knowing. Yes, God, Universal Love, use me. Use all of me.
Such beautiful self-awareness and acceptance, Xana. Thank you.
I am going to add The Big Moon to my music playlist. Thanks!
You're welcome! 🙏🏻💜💫