Ghislaine Maxwell Had UN Authorized Control Over the World's Oceans
The TerraMar Project was a UN NGO micronation with diplomatic immunity and its own passports
“I want to introduce the founder of the TerraMar Project. She controls the oceans around the world… If you look up the website, you have the option to buy up parts of the ocean through her… I invite my dear friend, Ghislaine Maxwell, to tell us how to own the oceans…” - Amir Dossal, Special Representative of the Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union for Global Partnerships
Jeffrey Epstein and Ghisliane Maxwell owned and operated a mysterious company called TerraMar. TerraMar listed a Manhattan property owned by the Rothschilds as a base, was funded by the Clinton Foundation, and was considered a micronation with UN issued passports for the ocean which offered its citizens diplomatic immunity until the collapse of the project.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project
In 2012, Ghislaine Maxwell founded the TerraMar Project. At a UN conference, Ghislaine presented and said through TerraMar that she was actually representing the interests of Jeffrey Epstein and the Clinton Foundation, which seeded her project with millions of dollars in funding. Ghislaine Maxwell has already turned in financial records revealing the funding she and Epstein received from the Clinton Foundation.
TerraMar was positioned as an NGO dedicated to saving the oceans from humanity. It seems much more likely that TerraMar, which owned its own submarine, was a front for human trafficking.
According to The New York Times, the TerraMar Project was an “opaque organization that had no offices, gave no grants to other organizations.” However, within a week of the human trafficker Epstein’s arrest, Maxwell closed down her United Nations-sponsored NGO.
Was TerraMar part of a vast ocean child trafficking network?
Associates and financiers of the TerraMar Project included many of those who we now recognize as being linked with child sex trafficking, including the Clinton Foundation, Comet Ping Pong’s James Alefantis, John Podesta, and Tamera Luzzatto, along with many others.
Luzzatto was Hillary Clinton’s Chief of Staff. She is now Senior Vice President of Government Relations at The Pew Charitable Trusts. Luzzatto published a disturbing website called Evie’s Crib. She wrote the infamous email to John Podesta published by WikiLeaks that seemed as though she had been pimping her infant grandchildren to the political elite.
After the death of Robert Maxwell, Ghislaine’s father, in 1991, she moved to a Manhattan property owned by Lynn Foreseter de Rothschild, whose husband is British banker Evelyn Robert de Rothschild. The property was also listed as the base for Terramar until TerraMar was dissolved following Epstein’s arrest.
In August 2019, Epstein famously “committed suicide.” His death was extremely suspicious and many suspect he was either murdered to protect those he had been blackmailing or that his death was faked and he was transported out of the facility. The guards did not check on him even after supposedly hearing screams and the security cameras malfunctioned, which all seems like it might be a bit too convenient. This was just days after Epstein was brutally attacked by a cellmate and barely survived. The attack was not prevented and even appears to have been allowed to happen.
According to permit records referenced by NBC News, this building on Epstein Island was supposed to be a music pavilion with an entirely different design.
“When the FBI raided Epstein Island, they discovered an underwater port to dock submarines, many levels below the labyrinth of occult worship rooms.”
Joe Biden’s brother James owns nearby Water Island with a population of 182 people. According to Reuters, a Politico article “outlines how in 2005, Biden’s brother James and his wife Sara bought a piece of land on Water Island in the U.S. Virgin Islands. The following year they resold a third of the land for what had been the total cost of the entire property to Scott Green, co-founder of Lafayette Group, a consultancy that works and lobbies with the U.S. Government on public safety programs. The ‘land deal’ was related to Joe Biden’s brother James, not Joe Biden. Politico reported that it was unclear if Joe was aware of his brother’s sale, though Politico reported Green and Joe Biden were ‘close’ (saying ‘It is also not clear whether Joe Biden was aware of the transactions’).”
During Ghislaine Maxwell’s October 2020 testimony, when she was asked her citizenship, she replied, “TerraMar.” Some unit in the United Nations had given passports in the name of TerraMar a sovereign territory. TerraMar was meant to provide Maxwell and her cohorts with diplomatic immunity which ended with the collapse of the project.
Ghislaine Maxwell’s trial begins November 29. She faces six charges, including enticement of minors, sex trafficking of children, and perjury. From 1994 to 2004, she allegedly 'assisted, facilitated and contributed' to Epstein's abuse of children as young as 14. She denies all charges.
Additional resources:
Bloomberg Law. Ghislaine Maxwell and Elizabeth Holmes on Trial. Patricia Hurtado, Bloomberg Legal Reporter, discusses the trial of Ghislaine Maxwell who is accused of luring underage girls for Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse them. Joel Rosenblatt, Bloomberg Legal Reporter, discusses the trial of Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of bloodtesting startup Theranos, who is facing charges of conspiracy and wire fraud. June Grasso hosts. Bloomberg. [online] Available here:
Boboltz, S. (2019). Newly Unsealed Court Records Detail Jeffrey Epstein And Prince Andrew Accusations. The Huffington Post. [online] Available here:
Bruce, A. (2021). Ghislaine Maxwell’s TerraMar Project. Forbidden Knowledge TV. [online] Available here:
Canuck. (2020). TerraMar, Submarines and the Elite. Canuck News. [online] Available here:
Dmitry, B. (2020). Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell’s Company ‘TerraMar’ Tied to Clintons and Rothschilds. News Punch. [online] Available here:
Durden, T. (2021). Prince Andrew Accuses Virginia Giuffre Of Procuring 'Slutty Underage Girls' For Epstein. Zero Hedge. [online] Available here:
Grundvig, J. (2021). Micronations, TerraMar Project, and Human Trafficking: What do they have in common? American Media Periscope. [online] Available here:
The Hill. (2021). Ghislaine Maxwell's Trial BEGINS, She Accuses Prison Of INHUMANE Conditions After 15Mos In Solitary. YouTube. [online] Available here:
The Hill. (2021). Katie Halper: Boris Johnson’s Sister PITIES Ghislaine Maxwell, You Can CRITICIZE The Elite & Torture. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Kennedy, D. (2019). Epstein madam Ghislaine Maxwell's host of family skeletons. Signs of the Times. [online] Available here:
Lapin, T. (2021). Ghislaine Maxwell case details too ‘sensational and impure’ for public, judge says. New York Post. [online] Available here:
Leonard, T. (2021). Ghislaine Maxwell meets her reckoning on Monday: The hot-shot lawyer who brought down El Chapo, the defence expert who'll claim 'victims' have false memory syndrome and the big question: Will she implicate Prince Andrew? Daily Mail. [online] Available here:
Mindock, C. (2020). Jeffrey Epstein abused girls as young as 11 on secluded private island, lawsuit says. Independent. [online] Available here:
Mouthy Buddha. (2021). Elite Human Trafficking [Vol. 1] - Ghislaine Maxwell's TERRAMAR PROJECT. Bitchute. [online] Available here:
Netflix. (2020). Who Is Ghislaine Maxwell? | Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich | Netflix. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Saul, E. (2019). Jeffrey Epstein was sent three 12-year-old French girls as ‘birthday gift.’ New York Post. [online] Available here:
Schwab, N. (2019). Schumer got thousands in donations from Jeffrey Epstein. New York Post. [online] Available here:
Stew Peters Show. (2021). Sex Trial Of The Century Begins: Epstein Madam Ghislaine Maxwell Faces Justice. Red Voice Media. [online] Available here:
Tenbarge, K. (2019). Epstein files unsealed: Thousands of accusers' documents have been released from the defamation suit against his ex-girlfriend and alleged 'madam.' Insider. [online] Available here:
Industrialized evil. Odds are she won't make it through this trial.