Erik Roth - Saturn, Mercury, Pluto and Jupiter all going direct in October
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Mumford & Sons - I Will Wait
111 - Manifestation, Prosperity, Spiritual Awakening, Urgency, and Confirmation
414 - Get Familiar With Your Gifts: Let Your Gifts Give You the Life You Want
555 - Are You Ready For The Changes?
644 - Your Good Luck: Divine Fortune
666 - The Hidden Truth: Unlock the Mystery
961 - Sign of a Better Future: Appreciate Yourself
1010 - Trust Yourself Always
1111 - Think More About What You Want
1221 - A Symbol of Initiatives
2666 - Always Watch Out: Learn to Communicate When You Are Around Other People
4141 - The Path To Your Soul’s Real Purpose: How Universal Energies Influence Our Day To Day Lives
Oracle Cards:
“Al-Uzza Star Of Venus:
I am the pure Light, my son. I am not a handful of worthless dust. I am not just an empty shell. I am a regal pearl formed in this world! Close your eyes to see and become aware of me. Perceive me with eyes that see the unseen. Come into the mystery to find me. I am a carefree visitor here for you.” -Rumi
“My beautiful one, born of pure radiance, you have love in your heart and a passion for play that cannot be dulled by bleakness, boredom or fear. Your soul is sensual and dances with life with utter abandonment and devotion. Though the ways of this world seem strange to you at times, you eventually declare it to be nothing but strange beauty, and expand your heart, resisting nothing, to allow all to be bathed in the radiance of your being. You are here to share the light of another world, a blessed world of consciousness pure, and divinity so absolute that it transcends duality and instead, brings all into the oneness of the greatest love.”
“The Star Of Venus is the great androgyne; neither solely masculine nor feminine, but an integration of both. The power it bestows is mighty and based utterly in love. When this star seeks us out, multiple blessings are bestowed and our spiritual growth can be accelerated in ways that may be quite dazzling and surprising to our more limited mindset and belief systems. With great blessings, great growth is possible. However, the blessings don’t do the growth for us making it magically happen. They give us the oomph we need, the power, and the opportunities and assistance we need, yet it is still we who take the journey. The great spiritual journey for old souls at this time in earth’s history is the journey from duality to oneness. Many are signing up for that wild, loving adventure. This oracle has come to you as a reminder that you, too, have been granted a ticket for that journey. This journey of oneness is not about denying duality, but about experiencing it as an expression of one love. It is about no longer being enslaved by it. It is about avoiding what is not wanted in order to pursue what is wanted. It is about embracing the all, of finding the freedom and joy originally sought, but now through a path that takes you into joy and freedom existing within. To take the great transformation from man or woman into cosmic androgyne does not require that we lose our sense of femininity or masculinity. Rather, they become so superior in development that they cease to be distinguished from each other! Our masculine clarity, with its discernment, practicality and application, becomes so tender, loving, compassionate and tempered with grace, that the feminine is integrated with it. Our feminine nurture, dedication, and connection to life become so fierce that discernment and wise action naturally prevail. With this great androgynous integration of the masculine and feminine into oneness, men and women of this beautiful earth become capable of new consciousness. It is of one based in love, of service to life, of letting go of judgment, stereotypes and limited belief systems, and of opening up to compassion for all life. As the consciousness is anchored, spiritual growth becomes rapid. This is not necessarily without some bumps and bruises. Letting go of old notions of what it is to be a man, or a woman, to be masculine or feminine; letting go of fear of women or men, of emasculation or victimization,; letting go of wounding are all great steps forward! They promise liberation, empowerment and compassion, as well as peace and happiness, yet they are not easy steps to take. Great resistance can be evoked within you as an individual, and also within the culture around you which might find your notion of personal spiritual empowerment confronting and challenging to their culture of fear-based enslavement of the soul. (They will be right about it being confronting, but mistaken in assuming that confrontation is something best resisted!) So then, what to do? Al-Uzza, the ancient shining one, also known as the Star Of Venus, holds much power and strength. Even a small blessing of her light is more powerful than the fear of thousands if not millions of people. She is known as a worthy ally in battle of any kind – even spiritual battle. You must, however, stay aligned with her way which is not to fight fear with fear, hate with hate, or anger with anger. Does this mean you “should not” feel fear, hate or anger? Of course not! Venus denies no experience. So let yourself feel whatever you feel. The guidance is not to stop being human. Take the next step into the divine human, into allowing the star blessing to nestle in your heart so you can shift as you feel the feelings, holding them with compassion, then choosing your own truths that resonate at a fear more refined vibration. The rebellious passion of the Star Of Venus is that she seeks out whomever is ready to know more fully the truth of divine oneness. Whether the culture around them can acknowledge one of “their own” become more enlightened as a blessing or not, it is a divine gift nevertheless. How liberating it shall feel to be truly empowered to live life as you feel is truthful, and to feel completely empowered to allow others to do the same, with joy in your heart. You understand that everyone is walking an unfolding path, and that we don’t have to understand or justify the path of another to feel peace in our own hearts. If you are stumbling with judgment within yourself, do not fear. The blessing of Venus is coming to you to help you surrender it, to help you find your way through so that you can be free now. Your guidance then is to trust your path, trust your evolution, even in the face of those around you reacting to it possibly in fear or discomfort. Trust in the paths of others too. For in truth, there is one path and we are all on it! You do not have to convince anyone of anything, that is not your job. Your job is to embrace your wisdom, embrace your freedom and empowerment to grow spiritually and live your life accordingly. You are becoming, through bestowal of grace, something more of a goddess and a god, of a human and a sacred animal, integrated as one. This is sacred alchemy, amplified in the star fires of Venus who loves you as a brother/sister and honours your soul with her blessing. Shine true, beloved, shine true.”
Shufflemancy (Music):
Brandon Jenner - Something About You
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
Coldplay - Yellow
Garth Brooks - The Dance
Hoobastank - The Reason
Mindless Self Indulgence - Bring the Pain
The Proclaimers - I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)
Regina Spektor - Fidelity
Steve Winwood - Valerie
Sublime - What I Got
Shufflemancy (Spoken Word):
Jiddu Krishnamurti - Why Are You Hurt?