FBI investigates "smallpox" vials "found in lab," media responds by attempting to create panic on the heels of insanely suspicious Gates warning about "smallpox terror attacks"
DHS leadership issued an alert that FBI and CDC are looking into "questionable" vials labeled "smallpox" found in a Merck freezer. Remember, contagion was NEVER PROVEN.
According to an unclassified "For Official Use Only" alert, there were fifteen “questionable” vials found at a Merck location in Philadelphia, five of which were labeled as “smallpox” while ten others were labeled as “vaccinia," which you’ll remember from our report this afternoon was thought to be the true cause of the AIDS epidemic.
The facility was on lockdown after the discovery; the lockdown has since been lifted. DHS says that the vials were secured immediately. FBI and CDC have launched investigations, which remain ongoing.
Contagion was never unequivocally proven for smallpox, and yet the stories emerging right now intend to create a panic surrounding the activity at this Merck lab.
However, according to Yahoo! News, “Scientists have debated for years whether to destroy any remaining samples, citing the danger of a mishap that could unleash a disease that has been eradicated since the 1970s. Those in favor of keeping samples have argued they are needed to develop new vaccines in response to a new outbreak. The majority of Americans are not vaccinated against smallpox, and those who were vaccinated would likely now have waning immunity.”
What we found: In 1831, a smallpox outbreak claimed the lives of almost 1000 people who had received a vaccination in Wurtemberg, Germany, as well as 2000 vaccinated people that same year in Marseilles. Undoubtedly, someone will bring up smallpox blankets distributed to the Native American populations in order to kill them and take their land. But when you look at the timing of the Indian Vaccination Act of 1832, it becomes obvious that the smallpox blankets were a psyop to clear a path to enforce “vaccination” which was the real cause of death. In 1854–1863, after the introduction of compulsory vaccination programs in Europe, smallpox killed over 33,000 people. Other epidemics followed in which thousands of vaccinated people died. By 1907, compulsory vaccination laws in England were repealed after their failure became obvious.
In 1987, Pearce Wright of the London Times linked the smallpox vaccine to the spread of AIDS in the 1980s. The article states that the World Health Organization (WHO) led a huge campaign aimed at “eradicating smallpox;” the vaccine is thought to have triggered AIDS in many of the recipients. Wright wrote, “The smallpox vaccine theory would account for the position of each of the seven Central African states which top the league table of most-affected countries; why Brazil became the most afflicted Latin American country and how Haiti became the route for the spread of AIDS to the U.S.”
There are theories that immunization with polio and smallpox vaccines are what may have brought about the entire AIDS epidemic, and questions have arisen as to whether this was designed as a bioweapon to occur this way intentionally in order to eradicate targeted subsets of the population.
In 1994, Dr. Robert Willner injected HIV into himself on national television to prove that he would not contract AIDS from doing so. When Dr. Willner was asked why he would risk his life to make a point, he said, "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind." He tested negative multiple times. He died of a “heart attack” four months later.
Still, no connection to HIV has ever been proven.
According to the fear machine, supposedly smallpox “is considered so deadly that only two labs in the world are authorized to store samples of the virus, including one in Russia and the other at the CDC in Atlanta.”
And guess who was ahead of this so-called smallpox scare, telling us there were going to be smallpox “terror attacks,” acting like you’re probably too stupid to put two and two together about this when only two labs on the planet even still had a sample (if we even believe that they did)?
I’ll give you three guesses. But I bet you only need one.
You know… you just can’t make this shit up.
How the hell do any of you BELIEVE this anymore?
According to The Independent JUST LAST WEEK, Bill Gates made comments in a Policy Exchange interview with the chair of the health select committee Jeremy Hunt that he warned governments to prepare for “smallpox terror attacks” and “future pandemics” by investing billions into research and development.
Clearly, we have a conflict of interest here when one has sunk billions into R&D for “vaccines,” which aren’t really “vaccines,” the sale of which would make one unfathomably rich all over again, and one is also “believed” when alerting the “authorities” that there is a potential “terror attack” (*cough*false flag*cough*) on the horizon just in time for roll out… and then vials just so happen to be found at Merck within a week….?!
Come on already, guys. Seriously. How gullible are you?!
No one wants to watch all of you die of a case of the dumb.
Honestly. Grow a little street smarts and some cynicism, would you?
Your stupidity is breaking my heart.