Channeled Messages:
Your plans might be facing delays. If you are dealing with any perceived failures, focus on the lessons you’re taking away from the situation, not on the fact that what you tried has failed. It’s perfectly fine to fail. In fact, it’s the most effective, fastest way to learn.
We often remember to hold space for others but how often do we remember to extend that same offering of love and compassion to ourselves? Most people are faster to give others a pass for their shortcomings than themselves, unless they compulsively view everyone else as "other" and are super cynical rather than realistically neutral about judging other people’s intentions. Because of this, most people don't want to look at their own shortcomings because that's painful. So they don't and they repeat them and it spirals on from there. Recognizing which internal voices are produced by the ego and which are coming from intuition, being able to discern quickly between the two, and then checking in with your guidance will be valuable skills to cultivate here.
Not beating yourself up over mistakes so that you can be objective about your mistakes and just move forward with wisdom instead is key. This does not mean not owning your failures. It means you should avoid internalizing them because that's counterproductive. Then you have to spend time working through whatever emotions you have anchored in an ego attachment to the failure and that energy could be better spent just resting up and trying again.
You’re being guided to stay present, to rest and meditate, to give yourself the time and space to recuperate from any failures or losses. Having empathy for yourself in the acceptance of what is will help you to rekindle the passion you need to pick back up again and approach the task with adaptability and a beginner’s mind without falling prey to the mental trap of self-doubt that failure might bring.
Nurture yourself and allow yourself to approach the problem more like a happy peaceful child at play without a care in the world. This will infuse the situation with the balance required in order to fully blossom. Doing this without putting pressure on yourself will help you flourish.
20 Minute Guided Meditation to Build Emotional Resilience
4 - Stability
9 - Humanitarianism, Enlightenment, and Compassion
54 - Manifest Your Life’s Desires
994 - It Is Time To Change: Use The Insights Of This Number To Change Your Life
1234 - Keep Your Life Simple
4123 - Self-Improvement: Keep Moving Forward
9544 - Secure The Right Job: Be Ready For Change
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Alina Baraz and Galimatias - Pretty Thoughts
Attlas - Parallel Lines
The Cure - Friday I'm In Love
Iamamiwhoami - Fountain
James Blake - The Wilhelm Scream
Journey - Faithfully
Lane 8 featuring Lulu James - Loving You
Litany - Bedroom
Molly Nilsson - Pompeii
Odesza - Bloom
Yuna - Lullabies (Adventure Club Remix)
Special thanks to Amelia Zarden.