Down the Rabbit Hole: A Research Series
I've been compiling research for years. Here's how to access it, contribute, and support the project.
Most of you who already know me know that I have a pretty excessive, extensive, and prolific research habit.
It goes in many directions and covers many topics.
I love to learn, and while I do have formal degrees in film and television and interactive telecommunications, I’ve always been an autodidact at heart, and I prize and value others who bring all of themselves to being committed to learning, people who carry that same spirit of independent curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.
The real innovators - the people who change the world - are most often the self-taught people, the ones who have a strong sense of exploration and march to the beat of their own drum.
In a land of many “experts” wearing lab coats who likely graduated at the bottoms of their classes with beer degrees fueled by nepotism and not merit, and none ever having to prove their mettle beyond the acquiring of accolades from what amounts to aggrandized Cracker Jack boxes, the ravenous due diligence of the information consumer becomes our most powerful line of defense against fuckery.
I believe that many heads are better than one. I believe in crowdsourcing information. I love working with others to find answers and solve puzzles.
Theories are always welcome. Pattern recognition is a necessary skill set. And ideas should win favor based on their merit alone.
That being said, I’d like to give all of you access to the research my friends and I have been compiling over the past few years.
None of these deep dives will come close to being comprehensive. This is reality - being comprehensive is only possible with closed contrived narratives, doctored stories that we are fed that have a beginning, a middle, and an end tied up in a neat little unquestionable package. We don’t want to tell you what to think. We want to encourage you to think and research for yourselves.
These posts will serve to give you the baseline of what we were thinking, looking into, and the directions we took so that you can pick up where we left off, dive further into the topics, and contribute your own thoughts to what we’ve begun to outline.
A few of us have been powwowing on what would be the best way to do that and we’ve come up with a plan that may change over time… but for now, here’s the rough sketch….
Each topic will become its own rabbit hole. Keep this post. It’s going to serve as a table of contents for future rabbit hole collation.
We’re going to do breakdowns with synopses and links by topic.
Each new topic will be Part One of that topic’s series.
If we add to an existing topic, the new post will be a Part Two, Three, or Four, etc., of the same topic already presented.
We can’t open up the comments to non-subscribers because there aren’t enough hours in the day to deal with trolls and bad faith arguments, so if you’d like to contribute to our thoughts, please subscribe and post. Your subscriptions are valued and crucial to the work we’re doing so that we can keep providing this as a learning and collaboration tool for you and we welcome your thoughts and feedback!
Additionally, we welcome you to use the comments section of this post to make suggestions for future research topics that you would like to see us cover. We would love that! Please reach out below!
2.1: Who Watches the Watchers?
3.1: Hindsight is 2020: The Medical Industry
3.2: Hindsight is 2020: The Contagion Emperor Is Naked
5.1: Everything You Need To Know About THE SHOT But Were Taught To Be Afraid To Ask
6.1: GSM Grand Solar Minimum: An Overview of What To Expect
6.3: Why does solar activity matter to us?
6.4: Effects of Geomagnetic Activity Upon Human Health
6.5: CIA studied how geomagnetic storms impact psychic phenomena
6.6: Grand Solar Minimum Preparedness
7.1: Analysis and Assessment of Gateway Process (Including Missing Page 25)
8.1: HAM Radio 101: A Collection of Resources for HAM Radio Beginners
8.2: HAM Radio: Additional Resources for Beginners
8.3: Additional HAM Radio Resources
9.1: Tartaria: A World of Circuitry
9.2: Tartaria: Early Aerospace
Awesome, Demi. So glad to be here and watch what unfolds in The Starfire Codes.