"Take your time in moving toward any new relationships. Be sure that anyone coming toward you isn’t shielding you from seeing their toxicity. Wait until you know the real them before allowing them in."
You’ll see it faster and faster and faster. Always the same signs. Most of all, when you waver, be confident and feel empowered that you are self-protecting and learning to remain self-protected. You are caring for you, no matter how many times it takes to assert your boundaries, fortify the self, and allow the heart to remain open. Be proud of that. 🙏🏻💜💫
I love all your posts but this hit hardest, as it... just wow. Mad relevant, exactly the reminder and confirmation I needed most...especially regarding the privacy during our transformations. This is flat out fkng excellent. Thank you.
I often wonder about the possibility of simception. Maybe what we wake up to is similar to what we are waking up from and there are layers of waking up that we do in order to return to base reality. A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream.
Thank you! Needed this reminder and assurance today. Much love and gratitude 🙏🏾
You are so welcome - and thank you for yours as well!! Sending my love - and I hope you have an amazing week post-eclipse!! 🙏🏻💜💫
I had waiting years, blindly searching...I've had it the whole time. TY for my blessings. In light and Love, ALWAYS!!!
Sending my love!!
"Take your time in moving toward any new relationships. Be sure that anyone coming toward you isn’t shielding you from seeing their toxicity. Wait until you know the real them before allowing them in."
Ooooof, I felt that one deeply. thank you
You’ll see it faster and faster and faster. Always the same signs. Most of all, when you waver, be confident and feel empowered that you are self-protecting and learning to remain self-protected. You are caring for you, no matter how many times it takes to assert your boundaries, fortify the self, and allow the heart to remain open. Be proud of that. 🙏🏻💜💫
Demi, thanks so much for the beautiful message. Very grateful for allowing the universe to flow through you to deliver these inspiring words. 🥰🥰🥰
Thank you so much!
I love all your posts but this hit hardest, as it... just wow. Mad relevant, exactly the reminder and confirmation I needed most...especially regarding the privacy during our transformations. This is flat out fkng excellent. Thank you.
You are so welcome! Sending my love!!
Thanks... seems written for me... and gives me patience and courage...
That makes me happy to hear! You're welcome!!
Sending my love! 🙏🏻💜💫
I often wonder about the possibility of simception. Maybe what we wake up to is similar to what we are waking up from and there are layers of waking up that we do in order to return to base reality. A dream within a dream within a dream within a dream.
No. Not me. LOL.