Don't let them pull your heartstrings
You're being manipulated to push an agenda that doesn't benefit you
It is important to understand the agendas that this rhetoric covers for. When push comes to shove, you're depriving yourself out of a sense of duty to a class of people who do not care about your well-being or the well-being of the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat, or the products you use as clearly evidenced by the fact that they are controlling all of these and literally poisoning you with them.
So, I'm sorry if I don't feel some sense of manufactured obligation to be beholden to what they want me to do because they made up more propagandized data to entice me to sway in that direction.
This is a pretty good rundown of what's happening right now and why the environmental agenda is so tied into the overall plan.
Let’s put it this way: if you want to face climate lockdowns and subsist on bugs and soy and become estrogen dominant and sick within inches of your life, beholden to big pharma to keep you alive, keep toeing the line without any idea of why you're being told to have these ideas and push them as though it were your self-righteous duty to do so.
If you'd rather understand why people are pulling your heartstrings to get you to feel this way by making you fearful of a dystopian future so that you will spread their message thinking it is your obligation to do so, read this:
I believe one can always trust a rebel philosopher who dangles half a smoke from his lips. No such man is allowed to lie. This is a universal law.
But seriously, thank you for bringing up agenda 21. It is very difficult to get people to understand or even believe that such a thing exists. It would be great to see a follow up article sometime on the origins and direct motives of that idealism and how it insinuates itself into the world today.