Don't Be Afraid To Leave It All Behind. There Is New Light, And New Life. There Are New Worlds Waiting.
Channeled Messages 9-23-2024
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Channeled Messages
Before you may cross a threshold that leads you through a portal, there are elements of your current life that you will need to give up because they cannot come with you where you are headed….
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Listen for guidance, succeed with integrity, and choose things that impact your life very wisely. You are stepping into a period of spiritual redemption in which you are getting a second chance.
You will face some doubts, fears, and difficulties in the beginning, but these hurdles are here to make you become stronger as you search for answers regarding the incarnation of your future self that you would like to bring into being.
You are searching for answers and perhaps feeling a bit lost and lonely. Once you begin taking decisive action based upon the silent whispers of your heart, setting the chosen events in motion, order is restored.
Some kind of shocking upheaval reveals a hidden path to you that you didn’t know existed. Moving ahead on this path alchemizes your dreams into materiality.
This regeneration or rebirth brings in a positive outcome if you go inward, maintain a low profile, and self-protect. A past offer of love turned into a betrayal that left you feeling exposed and skewered.
Once you started working on picking up the pieces of your life and creating what you wanted your life to look like, you were able to see clearly what would make you happy.
You are creating rapid movement toward this situation despite obstacles and challenges that might serve as temporary setbacks. You are prepared to stand your ground and you are succeeding in doing so.
The energy that betrayed you declares some sort of truce which feels like closure to you and opens you up to moving forward into a new beginning with great abundance.
Clairaudience (Earworm)
Bananarama - Venus
Letting Go of Negative Energy
174 - Succeed With Integrity
1087 - Embrace Wisdom: Be Wise When Choosing Things That Impact Your Life
3369 - Support From Your Angels
6777 - Revival Times: Spiritual Redemption
Oracle and Tarot Cards
Chris Isaak - Wicked Game
Depeche Mode - Strangelove
Edie Brickell and New Bohemians - What I Am
Jane’s Addiction - Jane Says
Love and Rockets - So Alive
Luscious Jackson - Naked Eye
Primitive Radio Gods - Standing Outside A Broken Phone Booth With Money In My Hand
Simple Minds - Alive and Kicking
The Smiths - Bigmouth Strikes Again
Violent Femmes - Gone Daddy Gone
Special thanks to Risteeka.
Disruption follows intention. That is, you have decided on change, and that may be a process of creating finely tempered steel. That is a process of intense pressure, what comes out of the fire is something far stronger than the components themselves.
So when things aren’t working, life is working against you, you need to let those things work ON you, and soon, those things will be working with you. Utimately those skills and strengths honed will work FOR you.
But it’s not a quiet process.
Thurisa - what a timely reminder for me Demi, as I begin a new time in my life, to look back on everything I have done. Have you ever heard of Kaedrich Olson? He does a lot of work with runes.