Channeled Messages:
You are receiving messages from Source to remind you that you are a multidimensional being. Source is using various unconventional ways to communicate to you that you are limitless and cannot be contained. Asking directly will bring you the inspiration you require in order to know what actions to take next based on the direction you would like to go. Ask to see signs and to have synchronicity guide your way.
Through Source, you have a vast reservoir of energy available to you. Tap into potential energy to find strength and transform it into the kinetic. Change and transmutation are part of your sacred path. It’s time to embrace inspiration and make changes for good which support your truth and open you up to joy, progress, and prosperity.
Use what you know about the Sun and the Self to change the world for the better. You are meant to share your message and allow the brilliant light of your heart to shine on the path for others. Often, you will see, hear, and understand things first before others do.
This is an advantageous place to be because you can sow the seeds of creation within the darkness of the soil in incubate using the knowledge and wisdom you have cultivated prior to others. You can take action toward growth and change and inspire others to act upon the same. This teamwork is at the center of what you’re meant to create.
Your passions have been ignited and you have chosen to fight for them at all costs, setting aside any fears or doubts. You are being protected in this endeavor by your guides and by following the intuition of your own heart. You’ve reached the end of a cycle in which you felt heartbroken and betrayed by a karmic relationship. You needed to make a sacrifice in order to move forward but this is either over now or in the process of winding down like the gears of an unwound clock. The end was slow moving until it finally just came to a standstill.
Blessings are on the horizon. The universe has presented you with what you’ve really wanted all along and all of the different movements of the paths along the way have finally brought you to this point where you feel like you open to what the universe is giving you and you are learning how to love all over again. You are utilizing universal flow to make each decision and choose each path on the flow chart toward the best possible timeline. This is correct. Even if the world seems weird, this is still correct. Continue to do so.
You are heavily protected. Maintaining childlike curiosity in all things is advantageous as it opens you up to visionary, inspired ideas that create expansion and movement in your life. You are being guided to be optimistic about embracing change. People need to hear your voice. Share your song.
In the world around you, things have felt like they’ve been at a standstill for quite a long time. You’ve been dealing with overcoming doubts and fears but these are merely growing pains. A disciplined effort toward overcoming what is going on in the world around you is beneficial. Like fish, you are being guided to school together with those who are like-minded and to bifurcate from those who are not. Strength in numbers is advantageous, and dedicated, committed teamwork is the way out and through.
Do not make emotional decisions. Stay detached so that you will always be able to see the big picture. This will help you make the best survival decisions for yourself and your family moving forward. Things are going to change abruptly. In order to remain stable in the chaos of an environment filled with uncertainty, insecurity, dark emotions, and fear, you will need to have courage and trust that co-creating a better future with the universe is the way toward liberation from obstruction. Work with the factors presented to you and you will find a solution. Harness lightning into usable electricity. This solution brings relief and release.
Expect that all of this ends in victory because, if that is your choice and your intent, it will. You survive this by maintaining an abundant attitude and expressing yourself openly so that others can hear your voice. Even if the message is not the happiest to share at the beginning, the delivery of it leads to protection, protection leads to safety, and the road ahead if this is the approach is auspicious.
Be confident, enthusiastic, and dynamic about what you would like to create. Build the world the way you want it to be, not the way it used to be. This is a chance to make the future into something great. If you balance self-discipline with spontaneity and magnetize others to work together with you on creating an inspired future, amazing things are going to manifest.
You have been fighting back feelings of hopelessness, but this is ultimately in your head. If you trust that the universe is going to help you to overcome any obstacles, it will be smooth sailing after that, especially if this involves a romantic partner: Trust and teamwork to overcome obstacles will lead to a passionate union.
This happened now because you are meant to have increased mobility. Do not get more animals.
If the enemy doesn’t see you coming, they will spill the beans.
Watch Bandersnatch on Netflix. Pay attention to what Colin says.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Sia - Unstoppable
Ancient Kemetic Meditation Music
33 - Creativity: A High Point In Your Life
36 - Focusing On Your Spirituality
44 - Hard Work
115 - A Message of Positive Choices
154 - Optimistic Energies: Great Day Ahead
917 - Forgive and Forget
1335 - Anticipate for Change
2130 - Unveil Your Talents
3638 - Exercising Personal Power
3830 - Growth Opportunities: Eliminating Fear and Doubt
4145 - Dreams Coming True: Persisting Through Pain and Discomfort
4441 - Altruism and Generosity: Share Your Blessings
4459 - A Sign of Truth and Values
8331 - Leadership Identity: Leadership and Authority
9113 - Infinite Flow In Your Life: Harbinger of Prosperity and Change
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
Ansuz. A message from source. Ansuz represents godly grace, heaven’s gift, the divine protection, and the fulfillment of prayers. The keyword is receiving - messages, signals, gifts. This rune relates to communication, inspiration, good, truth, joy, openness, progress, and prosperity. Even a timely warning can be received as a gift. If the messenger rune brings holy knowledge, one is probably blessed. Put effort into every meeting, visits and accidental encounters, be especially attentive and aware – in particular with people who are wiser than yourself. Messages will come through in unexpected ways. Inspired insight, communication, understanding. A kind of harmony in the place you are or the ideals you hold. Change and awakening are about to occur and you must be focused and ready to take advantage of the moment. Self-change is imminent when this rune is drawn, it is a rune of exploration and understanding. By working on and nurturing yourself, you have more to give to others. Family closeness or family business is also depicted by this rune. This rune brings plenty of health, good moods, increased immunity and peace.
Billy Raffoul & JJ Wilde - Let Me Go
Death Cab for Cutie - I Will Follow You into the Dark
Leonard Cohen - A Thousand Kisses Deep
Lynsay Ryan - Tennessee Whiskey
Special thanks to Amelia Zarden, Michael Bell, Ramblin, and Sophia.