Directed Energy Weapons in Maui: Why Just About No One Will Cop To What Really Happened
Hint: They Already Did. Let's Go Back To The DEWs of September 2020 and Un-Memoryhole All of You....
Wait a minute… this was on my Bingo card for September 2020. Why are we stuck on repeat?
So, Maui’s on fire.
Some are going nuts trying to prove it was an orchestrated attack. Some still believe it was a natural disaster.
And some of us feel like we’re stuck on repeat, yet again, on a carousel fuckloop dumpster fire of insanity….
I can feel everyone squirming…. So, take a deep breath with me.
It’s not a time for spraying out anger willynilly like a Willy Water Bug.
It’s a time for understanding what’s actually happening.
Big sighs all around.
OK. So, now let’s clarify a few things for the sake of everyone’s sanity….
Was Maui hit by a Directed Energy Weapon?
Yes. Just like California was in 2020.
Was it a land grab?
Yes. Just like California was in 2020 and in several orchestrated burnings in California in years prior.
Why isn’t the government copping to this attack?
They already did. Well… in a roundabout way. It was when it happened to California in 2020.
Wait… WHAT?
Yeah, like I said, this is The Bonfire of the Insanities on repeat like a skipping phonograph.
So, now, let’s revisit 2020 for a moment, even though that’s the last thing ANYONE wants to do, and we’ll see what was happening while you were all distracted by nonexistent “viruses,” lockdowns, and various other Hegelian dialectics, and maybe we can unravel some key points here, revisit the Cliff’s Notes, and save us all some time, headaches, and maybe a few nasty existential crises.
First: Do DEWs exist?
The answer is YES.
I don’t question the existence of DEWs. I never have. In fact, I held a repurposed sound DEW in my own hands back in 2004, and I aimed it at another human being on purpose.
Relax. No one was harmed in the making of this weird and somehow oddly applicable story….
This one was a speaker that used the same tech as the sound DEWs that the government had developed prior, but, like much tech that begins in research and development for government usage, when it is finally declassified, it finds its way into the mainstream to be utilized for other innocuous purposes.
(How do you think your smart phone originated? Apple? That’s funny. No, it’s called a tech transfer. There’s an entire office of the Department of Energy which is responsible for permitting the transfer of technology from the classified sector into the mainstream. It’s called The Office of Technology Transitions, or OTT. And it even has a Twitter/X account.)
I was at school when this happened. A professor brought in some sample declassified technology that he had been using in museum and gallery settings as a teaching tool. In this case, it was a highly directional speaker that, when pointed at a person, would sound so clear that it sounded like the sounds it was emitting could be coming from the inside of your own head.
At my school, it was normal to be subjected to the cutting edge technological projects and experiments of other students - so much so that, in order to attend, you needed to sign a waiver stating that you might be exposed to the work of other students in various capacities, and that, as you were doing your own work and you might expose others to it, you were reponsible for disclosing these things to the other students and faculty within an acceptable time range that wouldn’t affect your work but also wouldn’t put others at risk.
We were all very good at following these rules and holding each other accountable for disclosures. In fact, it was very rare that anyone had an issue with the way a project or experiment was conducted. We would just send out an email to everyone: “Hey fam - if you saw XYZ happen it was because of ABC. Feel free to ask questions. Otherwise, disregard.” This was normal for us. Par for the course.
So, we were learning about this speaker and the ways it might be used in a museum setting. It was so highly directional that, if you stepped an inch outside of its projection pattern, you could no longer hear it. So, if you’re setting up a show in a tight space, you could offer audio explanations of what people were looking at as they were standing in front of various exhibits without affecting the experiences of people standing in front of or interacting with other nearby exhibits. This was super useful to us: The majority of us were creating or curating exhibits within only the limited space we had available.
To test how it works, we hooked it up to someone’s first gen iPod and started playing well-known 80s music through the glass door of the classroom and into the hallway. Each person who passed the doorway started looking around frantically to figure out where the sound was coming from. We had a student on standby out in the hallway to round up everyone who heard the sounds emitted so that we could explain to them what had just happened to them and let them play with the speaker too. They were eager to do so and thought it was cool. This was our culture. This was just the way it worked.
Our professor then asks the assembly of students taking the class and students brought in from the hallway if we should walk over to the windows and project it down at passersby below.
And we all scream, “NO! ABSOLUTELY NOT!”
He says, “Correct answer. Why?”
Because it’s unethical. You don’t do that to another human being without their consent. The people below could think those sounds came from their own minds. They could think they were going crazy. We’d have no way to know if those people might have some kind of preexisting mental health condition. Those people did not sign our waiver. We’d have no way of rounding up the people we’d affected to explain it to them. We would have no way of knowing whether they’d understand it or whether they might have an adverse reaction due to fear. There was no way we could turn that into a controlled experiment in a congested area with random folks walking by.
All good points.
He said, given our positions on usage, that he would trust us to do the right thing with that particular technology within a gallery setting.
He goes on to explain and caution us that this tech is declassified wartime technology and that amplifying the signal on it or using this tech with speakers at a higher frequency or decibel rate could cause massive physical, emotional, and/or mental harm to people. It could even kill them. While there are practical use cases for the tech in gallery and museum settings, there are also unethical harmful use cases for which it was initially designed which should be avoided at all costs.
He was using the Socratic method within the bounds of our program’s social contract to instill in us a sense of responsibility, accountability, and care.
The takeaway, for our purposes: DEWs absolutely exist.
Knowing what I know, when people say “DEWs don’t exist,” I find this beyond laughable. In the years since, as I have shared this experience with others in private, I have met many targeted individuals who were affected by this kind of technology through gangstalking and also heard accounts from people who were former military looking into the testimonies of TIs that this type of tech is often engaged for that purpose - unethically and in secret - to make people think they are hearing voices.
Having experienced it myself in a classroom setting, I could see where this would be effective, disorienting, destabilizing, and completely unethical. So, “normal” for black ops. Par for the course.
How else do we know that DEWs exist?
We were already told that they exist by the United States government in 2020.
The California “wildfires” in 2020 were extremely high tech arson.
I’m not sure how many of you were paying attention at that point, but we had a massive disclosure occur in 2020 while most of us were distracted by the fake virus, the lockdowns, and the travel restrictions. On top of all of that, California was set ablaze.
And there were videos going around in September 2020 showing a laser pick up pattern where clusters of fires were reported shortly thereafter. Within days, the existence of DEW weaponry was disclosed by the American government.
Let’s check out the following videos to see what I’m referring to here.
The following videos are from the YouTube account of Michael Janitch of St. Louis, better known as dutchsince, who documents global earthquake and weather events and anomalies. In the midst of doing exactly what he ordinarily does, Janitch found and recorded laser anomalies in real time and then reported on them in his blog and on his YouTube channel.
9/08/2020 -- Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) beam shooting from California to MALHEUR NATIONAL REFUGE
9/09/2020 -- California Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) -- Color enhanced view
9/09/2020 -- NIGHT 2 of Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) off Coast of California -- Color enhanced view
A few days later, Secretary of Defense Mark Esper released the following statement:
This was also seen to have occurred in the US Northeast and both eastern and western Canada in the past two months.
All at the same time?
That’s a pattern, no?
So what about Maui?
If we already have a pattern that has arisen with confirmation from the US government that DEW weapons exist and could potentially be used in this capacity, why is no one in an official capacity owning that there’s a possibility Maui could have been attacked?
There are a few ways to look at this.
First, if the United States is at fault for the attack, the United States is unlikely to cop to the fact that Maui was attacked. When we look further into this, we can see there is a motive for another land grab similar to the land grab motive in California when the exact areas that burned were the areas the government wanted to scoop up to install a high speed railway.
There is a motive to grab the land in Maui in order to establish a smart city island and that plans were already underway to do so in Maui, as we can see looking at the Hawaii Digital Government Summit agenda scheduled in Hawaii for next month, as well as the Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences which occurred in January 2023.
If this was an attack from the outside, we need to ask ourselves what happens every time the United States acknowledges an attack: A full blown kinetic war occurs. If the United States acknowledges that this was a DEW attack, the already ongoing war goes from asymmetric to kinetic.
Never mind which countries have them - everyone has DEW weapons. Go back to what Mark Esper was discussing in the video above.
If no one acknowledges that this was an attack, warfare remains asymmetric only.
Some want a kinetic war, some don't, but the overall losers of a kinetic war are always the entire populace indiscriminately.
We, as people who understand what is happening and are attempting to self-protect peacefully, lose the iffy high ground we already have in that scenario.
If we start banging a gong about this, it turns into Pearl Harbor all over again.
And the US kinetic military is already beyond decimated by the shot mandates.
So... disclosure of a DEW attack... cui bono?
Not us, that's for sure.
Are we being mocked, or is the White House going to play this off as though this was written by this doddering fool over whom they have no control and yet felt the overwhelming need to subvert democracy and install through the use of the same regime change software which is in play via the CIA across the entire world?
This set up, if it is allowed to play out, leads to the next “reset.”
I say “next” because this “Great Reset” idea was not their first rodeo.
But that’s a nightmare-inducing bedtime story for another time….
Suffice to say, if not stopped, it will be DEWs, mudfloods, Bartholomew and The Magic Chisel, and yet more mind-boggling bullshit explanations of how we got here and why nothing adds up. Tech transfer revocations, the further destruction of history, depopulation, orphan trains, and reeducation asylums disguised as insane asylums and orphanages. Just like last time.
Dystopia continues. The two worlds remain bifurcated. And we're right back to the cyclical post-apocalyptic Dark Ages we've been clawing our way back out of for the past 200[0] years.
Are you paying attention?
Special thanks to Aries Azazel, CultivateElevate, Dynamic DV, Human Beeing, Jules AO, Kobalevsky 42, Moon Maiden, Ramblin, and Susan Guest.
Additional Resources
Boger, M. (2009). Operational Defenses through Weather Control in 2030. Air Command and Staff College, Air University.
Committee on Science and Technology, House of Representatives. (2009). Geoengineering: Parts I, II, and III. One Hundred Eleventh Congress.
El Husseini, M. (2017). Current projects of weather engineering and their side effects on the environment, natural resources, agriculture and human health. 10th International Conference on Agriculture and Horticulture.
Expert Market Research. (2023). Global Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) Market: By Product Type: Lethal, Non-Lethal; By Technology: High Energy Laser, High Power Microwave, Particle Beam, Others; By Application; By End-Use; Regional Analysis; Historical Market and Forecast (2018-2028); Market Dynamics; Competitive Landscape; Industry Events and Developments. Expert Market Research.
Haskell, F. (1973). S.3028 - Weather Modification Regulation Act. United States Congress.
On Hawaii Time. (2023). Lahaina Maui fire aerial view. YouTube.
Preston, B. (2002). Space Weapons Earth Wars. Project Air Force. RAND.
Redmond, W. (2008). Directed Energy Weapons Safety. Air Force Instruction 91-401. Department of the Air Force.
Reese, G. (2023). Maui Wildfires and the Theft of Sacred Hawaiian Land. Rumble.
Reilly, P. (2023). Experts say green laser beams spotted off Hawaii came from Chinese... New York Post.
Stanley, J. (2018). Presentation to the House Armed Services Committee Subcommittee on Emerging Threats and Capabilities. U.S. House of Representatives. Department of the Air Force.
Timcast. (2023). Hawaii Announces It Will 'Acquire' Lahaina Property And BLOCK Sales Escalating SMART CITY CONSPIRACY. YouTube.
The burning of Lahaina is hearbreaking and enraging. I had only heard yesterday about the Paradise, California, fire and others in Cali, also being DEW-generated, from Reinette Senum. (She also carries the story of deliberate destruction of huge swaths of a city along with massive loss of life and displacement, blamed on climate change, back to Katrina, 2005. Something blasted open the levees, and of course, weather manipulation played a huge role as well.) And the satellite pix of the fires in Quebec all in a row, starting at the same exact time. Thank you for pulling all this together, and especially the videos of the lasers from Michael Janitch. I hardly have words for how this feels.
My sister was up in Northern California for those Paradise fires. Everyone was saying how there was absolutely no way they were of a natural origin. How people don’t think DEW’s are a thing is mind-blowing. Elon knows all about tech transfers, it’s how he has been able to do half the shit he gets away with.