Dating Heuristics in the Time of the Great Bifurcation
Pay attention: The threat assessment for dating post-2020 is literally life or death.
I’d like to go back to the subject of the Great Bifurcation and how it relates to the emergence of a new set of dating heuristics….
There's more to this than we're accounting for at the present moment because we just don’t know what this looks like yet, so I wanted to run some thoughts by all of you to open up a dialogue on this….
First, what is "The Great Bifurcation?"
Well, we have an ideological split occurring in society.
There are people who believe what we are being told and people who do not.
The people who believe what we are being told, by and large, are choosing to allow themselves to become willing guinea pigs for the shot.
We don’t know what this will do to them.
We have some ideas based on what has already occurred, but we can’t say for sure, and long term effects have yet to be seen.
There is another group of people who have chosen to remain organic.
They have chosen not to put anything experimental into their bodies just in case the shot wreaks havoc on your system.
So we have a variable group who have chosen the shot and a default control group who have chosen against it.
Because the shot introduces engineered live mRNA into a person’s system and indiscriminately alters the programming of whichever cells it touches, it stands to reason that if you have sex with someone who has this live alteration in their system and they move live altered cells over to you that when those cells come into contact with other cells in your body your cells will be indiscriminately altered as well.
So, already, we have the potential for these cells to spread like an STD would.
Until you know what it does, if you’re not okay with having it in your system, you will need to offer these decisions the same kind of vigilance that you would in deciding whether to sleep with someone without getting tested.
However, because there’s no way to test for this and because people could lie or fake cards or fake not having gotten cards, all inquiries into this will be on the honor system.
If you are in the control group, this means making a decision never to sleep with anyone in the variable group in order to remain in the control group.
And with the threat of miscarriage, potential hormonal alteration, sterilization, Bell’s palsy, seizures, and a host of other side effects that have appeared in the Open VAERS reports, this all becomes an issue of major importance if you have chosen to avoid exposure.
So, with no ability to test for the shot, at the baseline, you will need to know the person you’re sleeping with well enough to trust them.
Having even what one would have termed a somewhat reasonably responsible one night stand in "the before times” is now a complete no go.
There’s no way to trust that someone you don't know will answer this question honestly either way, people are already announcing their having gotten the shot as though it is some sort of mating call, and many seem touch starved to the point where they might lie.
Some are bragging that they have had the shot.
Some are bragging that they haven’t.
If proof spreads that the shot causes damage, people will stop bragging that they’ve gotten the shot and may even start lying to hide the fact that they have had it.
If we find that the effects are sexually transmitted, and we find that the shot is causing harm, this would be tantamount to lying to someone that you do not have HIV and sleeping with them anyway.
In many places, this is a prosecutable offense.
Let’s be clear: If you CHOSE to get the shot, you are now part of the VARIABLE GROUP.
The rest of us were FORCED into the CONTROL GROUP by default because merely sharing space with the variable group can affect us adversely.
IF YOU ARE IN THE CONTROL GROUP, you will need to AVOID members of the VARIABLE GROUP - even if you love them and care about them deeply - because you have to value your own safety and potentially even the literal continuance of humanity as a species.
We didn't sign up for this. We didn't sign up to potentially lose everyone we love.
Let that sink in.
Ironically, it makes more sense to quarantine now than it ever did before (because it didn't). Now, you're probably hiding from other people's pheromones. Good luck with that.
Add to this situation other aspects that we know about that already limit the dating pool.
Depending what your IQ is, there is a sweet spot you need to hit for your partner’s IQ in order to be happy.
In fact, this is one of the predictive models of whether or not a relationship will last.
This becomes a factor that limits choice if you want to stay within the range of compatibility.
Then account for the other usual compatibility factors... beliefs, religion, attraction, language, culture, etc.
All of these factors limit the possibility of finding compatibility.
Add to this the fact that many women culturally are more apt to adhere to whatever the social status quo is for their group.
They prefer not to rock the boat or make waves within their social circles.
While not all women share this attribute, enough do that it makes the characteristic worth mentioning.
Add to this the fact that, in order not to rock the boat, many women in social circles that are more apt to take the shot will convince their partners to take the shot.
They will cite social pressures, solidarity, cohesion, and a sense of safety/security as reasons why not conforming would not be an option for them and will attempt to corral the rest of their families in that direction.
Add to this that some countries are already lopsided as far as gender populations are concerned.
This will make it even more difficult for a control group male to find a compatible control group female.
Add to this the notable issues the “incel” population is already facing and the ways these issues tend to come to bear over time.
This will cause an intensification in this population as even less women meet criteria for what is considered safe partnership among control group “incel” men.
My points here are by no means exhaustive or conclusive.
These are merely the first items that sprang to mind as I was brainstorming how we might all be impacted by this change in our society.
We are entering into a new world and the implications of all of this are shaky and unsure.
Thinking this through as far as we possibly can is the best hope we have of developing social protocols to mitigate the majority of these problems so that we can all remain comfortable with our decisions and do our best not to derail each other's decisions, honoring the fact that we all have our own free will and are free to choose our solutions accordingly.
And while that can never be 100% effective, we can at least get closer to finding ways to function or form some sort of accepted etiquette as the landscape shifts so that we are less likely to be broadsided by events we could have foreseen had we taken the time to have open discussions about them ahead of time.
How all of this is going to play out is really up for grabs. But considering where this could end up going, you might want to prioritize finding your apocalypse partner soon. Don't keep looking for a chair when the music stops or your ass might end up in the wrong kind of seat.
With that, I’d like to open this up to all of you in the comments.
Voice your concerns, bring up your points.
Nothing is “stupid” or “out of bounds” - this is completely new terrain.
If you speak up, I guarantee you you’ll be saying something someone else will be happy you were thinking because they wanted to say it or ask it too.
Also, please - no fighting.
I realize this is a heated topic, but let’s keep the discussion to thoughts, fears, hopes, and actionable protocols to remain safe.
Thank you.
I look forward to hearing your ideas below.
Special thanks to Kurt Jenson and Max Marmer.
Additional resources:
Center for Public Interest Communications, University of Florida. (2020). Guide to COVID-19 vaccine communications : a practioner's guide to the principles of COVID-19 vaccine communications. United Nations Digital Library. [online] Available here:
From the report: “I think we need to avoid the trap of thinking that information or
knowledge is enough, because for a lot of the people, and when you look
at hesitancy and parental vaccine hesitancy in the US, the group who is
most likely to purposefully choose to not vaccinate are highly educated.
In speaking with them, these are people who have read the primary
literature themselves, and they’re correctly interpreting it, so it’s not a
misunderstanding. They have other concerns that go beyond the traditional
public health message of, ‘This is what you should be doing.’ - Emily Brunson, MPH, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Anthropology at Texas State University
Czubaruk, K. (2019). The Belmont Report: What is it and how does it relate to today’s clinical trials? Cancer Support Community. [online] Available here:
Daily Expose. (2021.) EXCLUSIVE – 80% of Covid-19 deaths in August were people who had been vaccinated according to Public Health data. The Expose UK. [online] Available here:
Deoni, S. (2021). Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Early Child Cognitive Development: Initial Findings in a Longitudinal Observational Study of Child Health. MedRxiv. [online] Available here:
From the abstract: “We find that children born during the pandemic have significantly reduced verbal, motor, and overall cognitive performance compared to children born pre-pandemic. Moreover, we find that males and children in lower
socioeconomic families have been most affected. Results highlight that even in the absence of direct SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 illness, the environmental changes associated COVID-19 pandemic is significantly and negatively affecting infant and child development.”
Dijkstra, P. (2016). Intimate relationships of the intellectually gifted: Attachment style, conflict style, and relationship satisfaction among members of the Mensa society. Marriage & Family Review. [online] Available here:
The First Amendement. (2021). Dr. Robert Malone (Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Technology) How to solve the World in 3 Ways. BitChute. [online] Available here:
Frishberg, H. (2021). Babies born during COVID-19 pandemic have lower IQs: Study says. New York Post. [online] Available here:
Ghooi, R. (2011). The Nuremberg Code–A critique. US National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health. [online] Available here:
High, C. (2021). Shedding Woo! BitChute. [online] Available here:
High, C. (2021). Shedding Woo Too! BitChute. [online] Available here:
High, C. (2021). Sun Woo. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Jacqueline. (2021). CDC Data: 12,366 Deaths/545,337 Other Injuries, Adv Reactions Reported. Deep Roots at Home. [online] Available here:
Jacqueline. (2021). Dandelion Tea May Block Spike Protein On Syncitin 1, Prevent Miscarriage. Deep Roots at Home. [online] Available here:
Jacqueline. (2021). Thousands of Women Reporting Miscarriage, Disrupted Menstrual Cycles. Deep Roots at Home. [online] Available here:
Joel, S. (2020). Machine learning uncovers the most robust self-report predictors of relationship quality across 43 longitudinal couples studies. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. [online] Available here:
Murdoch, A. (2021). Canadian gym refuses new memberships to those who’ve had COVID jab due to fear over side-effects. Life Site News. [online] Available here:
New York Times. (2021). See How Vaccinations Are Going in Your County and State. New York Times. [online] Available here:
NewsBlip. (2021). Dr. Tenpenny and Others Discuss Viral Shedding. BitChute. [online] Available here:
Pfizer. (2020). A Phase 1/2/3 Study to Evaluate the Safety, Tolerability, Immunogenicity, and Efficacy of RNA Vaccine Candidates Against COVID-19 in Healthy Individuals. Pfizer. [online] Available here:
[Note: Pfizer document shows transmissibility from variable group to control group. Check pages 68-69 specifically for more information.]
Redwood, L. (2021). Could Spike Protein in Moderna, Pfizer Vaccines Cause Blood Clots, Brain Inflammation and Heart Attacks? The Defender. [online] Available here:
Rockwell, L. (2020). Netherlands: 87,000 Nurses Refuse Covid-19 Vaccine. Lew Rockwell. [online] Available here:
Salk News. (2021). The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness: Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease. Salk News. [online] Available here:
Tetreault, N. (2018). The Gifted Brain Revealed Unraveling the Neuroscience of the Bright Experience. GHF Dialogue. [online] Available here: