Cultivating Inner Strength: Empowering Women through Self-Discovery
On the road to self-discovery, we look at the complexities of quelling validation seeking behaviors, setting healthy boundaries, and cultivating self-worth through introspection and authenticity
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An older man once tried to give me a book on polyamory to attempt to “groom” me into pursuing it with him as a lifestyle choice. If you know me well, you will not be surprised when I tell you that I told him exactly where he could shove his book sideways. However, I’m sure this method of coercion likely worked on a lot of women because many simply have no idea who they are (outside of someone else reflecting a false version of that back to them), how to set appropriate boundaries, or even how not to care what someone else thinks of them when they do.
The reason many women are not saying no to this despite apprehension or conflicting desires is that they are trying to people please their way into getting people to like them. In our current incarnation of society, many women have no idea who they are without the other person serving as a mirror to reflect a personality back to them because they were never taught to cultivate the person they are, to know her well, and to honor who she is, the goals she has, and the choices she would prefer to make.
Instead, many women move through the world like a creepy blank slate, like the “I like whatever you like” princess from Coming to America.
Instead of knowing who they are and using that self-knowledge as a guide for decision making, they absorb a man’s likes and dislikes - and suddenly there’s this all new version of her that emerges who she self-groomed to be “perfect” for whomever she happens to be fixated upon.
Some were never taught their own value or how to figure out who they are when no one else is around. And when someone else’s opinion of them is the only thing that their self-worth is built upon, they might have an identity crisis or an existential crisis when favor is retracted until they find someone else to form the new foundation for their sense of self, filling a void that they should be filling via self-discovery and self-love.
And if the sense of self is this flimsy, what difference does it make if it’s constructed of cobbled together social media metrics instead?
So, I think Coleman was absolutely correct when he discussed this as being an inevitable slippery slope. And he proposed that it’s up to the rest of us to think our way through doing something about that. This is a multifaceted and extremely complex societal issue, as you’ll see from Coleman’s breakdown of the topic, but he encouraged me to add my two cents, and perhaps, if the rest of you add your two cents as well, maybe we can hope to get somewhere better eventually….
The societal story of coercive methods affecting the perception women have about themselves raises a crucial question about contemporary society – how women can develop a solid sense of self in the face of external influences. This narration reveals an issue that is widespread - women who do not know themselves or are not aware how to cultivate self-awareness and why it is important; women who refuse to define their boundaries, preferring instead to look for other people’s approval, rather than knowing and embracing her true self.
By virtue of being genuine and honest with oneself, this voyage helps a woman in developing a strong sense of her identity while empowering herself. Awareness about one’s own worthiness, setting personal limits and searching for validation internally enables a woman to transform herself into her authentic person by embracing her true identity and inner power.
It is common for women to mirror false representations of themselves as they struggle with establishing healthy boundaries and placing authenticity first. When individuals lack real identities, they become susceptible to external factors that determine their self-worth.
Many women would often say yes to requests when deep down they want to respond otherwise, feeling pressured by societal norms that demand them to please others at any cost. In today’s world where self-esteem depends on how others think or see us, many ladies lose their real selves and become molded by the opinions of others around them. Thus relinquishing one’s own personality in favor of the wider agreement perpetuates continuous routine of conforming oneself, living life according to someone else’s standards.
Thus, this absence of education concerning appreciation for oneself leads many ladies into relying on outside recognition as proof that there exists something real inside them. However, when validated only through other people’s eyes, our humanity becomes vulnerable because we no longer know who we are if those judgments ever change. To overcome this quest for external validation after realizing that it does not fill up the inner emptiness left behind once one ceases leaning on affirmation from strangers, it is imperative for a woman’s journey of self-discovery and self-love to facilitate an unshakable sense of identity based on the authentic core.
Commitment to personal development is one major way that a woman can retain her own identity in spite of societal pressure or even coercion. Thus, women are able to feel their uniqueness as they go deep into themselves through introspection where they get to understand their values, beliefs and desires. Self-esteem is at the heart of authenticity; leading women towards embracing who they really are instead of faking their personalities. The foundation of self-love and acceptance cultivated by women based on values, beliefs and aspirations should therefore be rooted in themselves rather than being validated from outside.
When establishing such demarcations as mentioned earlier, it is important for a person to be empowered enough so as not be overtaken by others’ expectations. In order to do this, one must know oneself well enough to actively determine the terms under which interactions take place and expectations are set.
The cornerstone of empowerment is self-love, which enables women to maintain a healthy relationship with themselves and put their mental, emotional, and physical well-being first. With self-care, self-compassion, and self-affirmation practices, women can create a strong sense of self-love as a source of strength and empowerment in every-day life. Shifting this previously imbalanced energy into being driven by self love will then attract partners who appreciate them for who they truly are rather than for the person they pretend to be therefore getting rid of disparities which subsequently lead to better relationships building.
In today’s digital age where social media metrics can affect one's sense of worth, many people, especially women, get confused about their own identities which start forming from unhealthy online socializing patterns without any genuine connections. The temptation to create an idealized persona online may blur the lines between authentic expression and external validation thus leading perpetually seeking approval through virtual sources instead of embracing ones true nature that serves as one's true being in life or the universe.
Finding validation from within is a powerful tool for females to gain internal confidence and faith in themselves. This spirit promotes women’s acknowledgement, celebration, and affirmation of their achievements that leads to high levels of esteem not based on public opinion or even societal norms.
Basically, the journey towards discovering oneself is an empowering transformation process that enables women to take back their identity, embrace uniqueness and set limits that respect their value. Through developing a deep connection with their true selves while prioritizing self-love women possess the necessary tools required navigating through life with assurance against anything thrown at them but committed always in following what they essentially are.
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Finding Your Authentic Self: A Path to Empowerment
When individuals embark on a journey of self-discovery, they change and turn out to be more powerful than ever before; this helps them to build their own identities that are true and come up with ways that can enable them to set good limits. By deciding to know themselves better, reconcile personal experiences with internal knowledge, and be loyal enough to what you believe in, you may start living your life in much a broader way.
Reflect on Your Values and Beliefs
Start by reflecting upon your core values, beliefs and aspirations. This will help you know what is important for you, and what directs your choices, as well as who you are at the end of it all. In knowing these things about yourself, you may avoid conflicts between actions that do not reflect deeply held convictions.
Explore Your Passions and Interests
Take part in activities which make you passionate and interested. Such hobbies can reveal some aspects about your genuine desires, core strengths, or points where areas need further improvements.
Practice Self-Reflection and Mindfulness
Dedicate time for self-reflection alongside mindfulness practices so as to listen your thoughts and emotions, as well as your inner voice. By becoming introspective, one comes into a deeper understanding of himself/herself such that patterns of behaviors can be recognized while also connecting oneself with his/her intuition.
Set Clear and Respectful Boundaries
Create boundaries that respect the needs of others, values system or individual care. This applies both within personal relationships or even professional situations whereby when saying no becomes an option then it supports ones autonomy through being politely firm concerning their truthfulness.
Embrace Your Uniqueness and Individuality
Rejoice over all those unique qualities in us including eccentricities or strengths we possess. Embracing such individualities devoid of any comparisons allow us stepping out into real people we are without fear thus helping develop our confidence level too; remember authenticity is crucial for empowerment.
Practice Self-Validation and Self-Compassion
Try nurturing personal validation and self-compassion. In difficult times, it can be helpful to recognize your accomplishments as well as growth, plus where you might have failed, and then grant yourself kindness in response. By affirming one’s own worth from inside, resilience becomes built while a positive image of self is also developed.
Seek Support and Guidance
During this search for self, one can reach out to friends whom they trust, mentors, or professionals dealing with psychological health issues. You need authentic people around you who know how to lift your spirits up when needed and provide you with different perspectives as you attempt to empower yourself.
Create a Personal Growth Plan
Develop a personal growth plan that outlines your goals, aspirations, and steps toward self-improvement. The goals should not be too high but achievable. Ensuring that there is a proper investment made on individual development makes people feel motivated in life.
Engage in Continuous Learning and Growth
Make sure you are committed to lifelong learning as well as personal development through trying out new experiences, acquiring new skills, and expanding your knowledge base. These changes represent instances when we grow more resilient, knowing that each stage contributes toward uncovering and nurturing our true selves.
Practice Gratitude and Self-Acceptance
Practice gratitude for who we really are presently, as well as those journeys already taken by us before including where we imagine going next time. When we accept ourselves and our blemishes or even recognize that these form a part of our uniqueness, it creates room for gratitude which leads to happiness within.
By knowing yourself deeply, embracing your uniqueness, and cultivating self-compassion, you pave the way for a more fulfilling and authentic life aligned with your true essence.
Hallelujah! Preach it Sister!
I’m a regular guy - thirsty for The Divine Feminine Energy found here abundantly via your fierce writings and exchanged with your readers. If I may….
Most of the recipes above can be fulfilled via a thorough and honest dive through The Twelve Steps with a Sponsor who has done the work. Everyone who does them deeply - unburdens and finds a connection with Divine Sovereignty within their Magic. Pssst: It’s free.
Everyone in the rooms bears the imprint of Dark Tetrad trauma. It was never safe to form boundaries as our self-advocacy invited further attacks. Numb was a clever Spiritual Solution.
From this purchase, as a PSA, I will quote Gavin DeBecker’s “The Gift of Fear”: men are afraid women will laugh at their unwanted romantic advances. Absolutely true - I hate it. I never once have been concerned about being overpowered.
Women are afraid men will rape or kill them. He says to trust your gut and be disagreeable - risk being called an unpleasant name. And please don’t slip into Accommodative Agreeableness when your life is at stake. I and many others will have your back. Our guts know a wiser Truth than our heads or conditioning.
Rock On! 🙏🏼
I recognize the need to have a strong internal sense of self and we do not exist in a vacuum. The stories we believe about ourselves are handed to us at a very young age and it seems as though, on some level, the larger the discrepancy between what we need to hear, and what our parents, communicate, the greater our struggle to find validation elsewhere, even in ourselves.
As a father, with four kids, two of whom are girls, I have been listening repeatedly to ‘Banks’ by Needtobreath and asking myself how I can be what my kids need without removing their agency or undermining their own sense of strength and capacity.