Dutschke's strategy "The Long March Through The Institutions," which gradually infiltrates and subverts society's pillars, is still in active use today - here's how it works and how to stop it
Outstanding analysis, the blueprint here mirrors the Bolshevik revolution, where at the time the women of the aristocracy wore ribbons in support of the revolt which is part and parcel of what is reflected by those on the view. There exist those bleeding hearts in the progressive wing that sympathize with the practitioners of Islam, where if one take a historical perspective a disturbing pattern becomes glaringly obvious and not one of those facts to be easily dismissed by political pandering as most in our political progressive are accustom, Islam is more a strategic method of conquest more than a religion. Excellently presented... But to complicate matters even more is this AI, as I just have documented a scam the likes I must admit had never seen before, and believe me Ive seen a lot. This will complicate matter more than just the obstacles of cash, corporate Ideologues, and air head’s products of our failed educational system.
Ole Antonio Gramsci is probably loving what he started all those years ago. Also, you absolutely nailed it with this, "Ironically, the academic fields and institutions originally founded expressly to pursue universal truths free from bias now find themselves partially colonized [love the use of that word here] by hostile actors using prestige to not advance knowledge, but to immobilize genuine progress by attacking the epistemological foundations of the entire enlightenment project." Wow! Keep up the great writing, TSC.
Infiltration of institutes is the Jesuits favorite tool. From religions to schools to corporations and governments they’ve been known to rot everything from the inside out.
It's become one of the go-to tools for subversion. Takes longer, but long game is more impactful. It's also extremely confusing to the people who are targeted. Very difficult to suss out. We have to keep calling it out for what it is and keep standing up to the effects. That's the best way to counter the tactic.
They like to operate in stealth. And darkness. Undercover. When they are exposed they’re not so brave.
There is a well-known magician who used to try to sabotage our tours by booking his show near ours about a week earlier. Finally no alarm for followers to himself. His conscious never weighed on him.
He finally got busted when we were playing in Fort Worth and he over in Dallas next door. The management of the theater in Fort Worth - Where we were performing were friends with the management of the Dallas theater. Neither theater knew what was happening until it happened. And then I never wanted to see that guy again. Words spread rapidly about his aggressive sabotage tactics.
Booking agents hate that and so do the venues - they tend to coordinate so they don't screw each other over and everyone can profit... splitting the devoted magic audience just makes both venues unable to cover their nut... he basically shot himself in the foot, I'm sure, once they knew he was doing that. Wow. He was so jealous!!
Ours was not the only one targeted. He targeted any magic show on the road. Because he Forwalt his theaters he by passed the booking agents and venue managers until it was too late.
Very aggressive and predatory business practice and behavior.
Great article with great insight. It's too bad freedom organizations still don't get it. The Marxist figured this out decades ago - get into schools and get the young. As an officer in the Libertarian party in the 90s I told them forget college campuses and get into high schools with history and civics speakers. Their response- they sre too young to vote. Now it maybe too late as these Marxist control with an iron fist what is taught.
Smart. Kids need wide exposure to ideas and their consequences in order to make intelligent, tapped in decisions later on. It's a shame they didn't see the clear value in what you were suggesting. The best they are getting now is heavily cherrypicked. Not ideal at all.
I have been tracking the asymmetrical warfare subversion of our instituions for some time as well. This criminal enterprise has been long in development.
You absolutely killed it in this article. So well put. Something that a few bad apples on this platform, have tried to do this past few weeks. Great work and looking forward to more!
The strategy you describe has been successfully implemented by the right-wing in the U.S. - the Supreme Court, the military, law enforcement. Have you read The Power of the Powerless by Vaclev Havel?
The tactic is a tactic. It's a tool. It's agnostic. It is implemented by those attempting to implement hostile takeovers over time. On Substack, currently, the "left" happens to be enacting the tactic. Let's grow to a place where we can see the true point behind these tactics is divide and conquer, where we can identify the tactic for what it is when we see it, call it out, and put a stop to it. It does not matter who is wielding the tactic. It's still wrong. 🙏🏻💜💫
I've been screaming into the void about Dutschke for years. And remember The Kitchen Debate quote from Khrushchev? Mass indoctrination is almost complete. (angry face)
Excellent article, it truly is lamentable that the humanities have been so captured. Truly the days of Campbell, Tolkien, Lewis, et beaucoup d'autres are over. One can only hope that the tide might eventually turn against the power-hungry left.
It takes much time for a a well strategic plan to be implemented. ⏰ My spiritual teachings tells me it’s going to all be undone in a day! These people are already falling.
I can confirm many of this post’s insights from a personal association I had for decades with a think tank. I didn’t the infiltration, I simply chalked strange behaviors and events to “everyone is different and they have idiosyncrasies.” And it wasn’t my job and my association had little impact on my art career or creative time. What pissed me off is I was used, as others, as a front to give imposters and association credibility. It is difficult to disclose as it involves the CIA it’s fine of $50k and ten years imprisonment for exposing CIA operatives. The motives of some of the nefarious actors are not simple, plus as covert people they are trained in effective deflection. Some motivations are suffering from James Bond Syndrome, they love feeling like spies, world travelers, having taxpayer funded expense accounts, and effecting cultural change (which they feel impotent to do as individuals). These people are useful idiots. They are not the masterminds. An interesting angle is that some of them are anarchists, that don’t want any government, their aim to is create a global corporation paradise, with private security armies. Like the Mafia. So they are all in to destroy the United States as we’ve known it. They also are brilliant in keeping their enemies close, posing as one of the team, amused at the con.
Many of them don’t make any sense when they should. They love to set themselves up as arbitrators, often having caused the conflict. They often appeal to one’s vanity. Sincerity and transparency don’t exist for them. They also don’t produce professional works that should match their professions, they are dividing their time between covert assignments and doing just enough to maintain their front.
What saved me from getting entrapped is love. I love what I do, love special moments of authentic engagements with transparent people, and I love clear goals, mine and others. Love is their Achilles’s Heel.
Shining a light on them and like what Demi is doing by exposing their playbook, are good ways to ‘disrupt’ them. In PsyOp disruption is one of most important end games. Ha, very doable. 😀
Thank you, Michael! The more we understand, the more we can make better decisions. I figure calling people out by name only serves to throw one person under the bus - and then twelve others emerge to take their place. It's more useful to know the playbook so that you can still spot the play when someone new comes along doing the same thing without having to rely on some drawn out exposé and a bunch of red string. If you're able to see the play on hello, you can navigate away from the players easily enough during each iteration. It's a more resilient self-protection tactic so that people just trying to live their lives peacefully and honestly do not get caught in the crossfire.
Yes, understanding the playbook! Frances Stonor Saunders did that for me in her The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. Eye opener, and then I could see everywhere. Doing the dossiers once on the trustees was a good lesson. Now when I suspect an organization, like an art museum, I go first to their trustees that tells me more about their playbook instead of all their mission statement BS propaganda. For me the jury is out about strategically exposing a key player, though I would leave it if my creativity was being harmed, but so far I am rocking it.
We must subvert subversion. Yuri tried to warn us in 1984: https://yuribezmenov.substack.com/p/how-to-reason-with-a-demoralized
Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫
You are a fantastic writer, keep it up!
As are you - I'm honored! Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫
Outstanding analysis, the blueprint here mirrors the Bolshevik revolution, where at the time the women of the aristocracy wore ribbons in support of the revolt which is part and parcel of what is reflected by those on the view. There exist those bleeding hearts in the progressive wing that sympathize with the practitioners of Islam, where if one take a historical perspective a disturbing pattern becomes glaringly obvious and not one of those facts to be easily dismissed by political pandering as most in our political progressive are accustom, Islam is more a strategic method of conquest more than a religion. Excellently presented... But to complicate matters even more is this AI, as I just have documented a scam the likes I must admit had never seen before, and believe me Ive seen a lot. This will complicate matter more than just the obstacles of cash, corporate Ideologues, and air head’s products of our failed educational system.
This is absolute fire, and I am soooo here for it!
Fantastic piece, Demi!
Thank you so much!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Ole Antonio Gramsci is probably loving what he started all those years ago. Also, you absolutely nailed it with this, "Ironically, the academic fields and institutions originally founded expressly to pursue universal truths free from bias now find themselves partially colonized [love the use of that word here] by hostile actors using prestige to not advance knowledge, but to immobilize genuine progress by attacking the epistemological foundations of the entire enlightenment project." Wow! Keep up the great writing, TSC.
Thank you! 🙏🏻💜💫
Thank you!!
Infiltration of institutes is the Jesuits favorite tool. From religions to schools to corporations and governments they’ve been known to rot everything from the inside out.
It's become one of the go-to tools for subversion. Takes longer, but long game is more impactful. It's also extremely confusing to the people who are targeted. Very difficult to suss out. We have to keep calling it out for what it is and keep standing up to the effects. That's the best way to counter the tactic.
They like to operate in stealth. And darkness. Undercover. When they are exposed they’re not so brave.
There is a well-known magician who used to try to sabotage our tours by booking his show near ours about a week earlier. Finally no alarm for followers to himself. His conscious never weighed on him.
He finally got busted when we were playing in Fort Worth and he over in Dallas next door. The management of the theater in Fort Worth - Where we were performing were friends with the management of the Dallas theater. Neither theater knew what was happening until it happened. And then I never wanted to see that guy again. Words spread rapidly about his aggressive sabotage tactics.
Booking agents hate that and so do the venues - they tend to coordinate so they don't screw each other over and everyone can profit... splitting the devoted magic audience just makes both venues unable to cover their nut... he basically shot himself in the foot, I'm sure, once they knew he was doing that. Wow. He was so jealous!!
Ours was not the only one targeted. He targeted any magic show on the road. Because he Forwalt his theaters he by passed the booking agents and venue managers until it was too late.
Very aggressive and predatory business practice and behavior.
Great article with great insight. It's too bad freedom organizations still don't get it. The Marxist figured this out decades ago - get into schools and get the young. As an officer in the Libertarian party in the 90s I told them forget college campuses and get into high schools with history and civics speakers. Their response- they sre too young to vote. Now it maybe too late as these Marxist control with an iron fist what is taught.
Smart. Kids need wide exposure to ideas and their consequences in order to make intelligent, tapped in decisions later on. It's a shame they didn't see the clear value in what you were suggesting. The best they are getting now is heavily cherrypicked. Not ideal at all.
I have been tracking the asymmetrical warfare subversion of our instituions for some time as well. This criminal enterprise has been long in development.
The Paradigms of Societal Power https://substack.com/@shanghaimoon/note/c-41856116?r=1lcdri
Great compendium of information here! Thank you for posting!! 🙏🏻💜💫
Thank you 😇
You absolutely killed it in this article. So well put. Something that a few bad apples on this platform, have tried to do this past few weeks. Great work and looking forward to more!
Thank you so much - I appreciate it!
This is an excellent and thorough explanation of the Marxist infiltration of our institutions. Great information here that everyone should read.
Thank you!
The strategy you describe has been successfully implemented by the right-wing in the U.S. - the Supreme Court, the military, law enforcement. Have you read The Power of the Powerless by Vaclev Havel?
The tactic is a tactic. It's a tool. It's agnostic. It is implemented by those attempting to implement hostile takeovers over time. On Substack, currently, the "left" happens to be enacting the tactic. Let's grow to a place where we can see the true point behind these tactics is divide and conquer, where we can identify the tactic for what it is when we see it, call it out, and put a stop to it. It does not matter who is wielding the tactic. It's still wrong. 🙏🏻💜💫
I've been screaming into the void about Dutschke for years. And remember The Kitchen Debate quote from Khrushchev? Mass indoctrination is almost complete. (angry face)
Excellent article, it truly is lamentable that the humanities have been so captured. Truly the days of Campbell, Tolkien, Lewis, et beaucoup d'autres are over. One can only hope that the tide might eventually turn against the power-hungry left.
We can turn it, not to put it back the way it was, but to make it better than it's ever been. 🙏🏻
You're an optimist, not an easy thing to be, hat (or rather helm)'s off to you!
It takes much time for a a well strategic plan to be implemented. ⏰ My spiritual teachings tells me it’s going to all be undone in a day! These people are already falling.
I can confirm many of this post’s insights from a personal association I had for decades with a think tank. I didn’t the infiltration, I simply chalked strange behaviors and events to “everyone is different and they have idiosyncrasies.” And it wasn’t my job and my association had little impact on my art career or creative time. What pissed me off is I was used, as others, as a front to give imposters and association credibility. It is difficult to disclose as it involves the CIA it’s fine of $50k and ten years imprisonment for exposing CIA operatives. The motives of some of the nefarious actors are not simple, plus as covert people they are trained in effective deflection. Some motivations are suffering from James Bond Syndrome, they love feeling like spies, world travelers, having taxpayer funded expense accounts, and effecting cultural change (which they feel impotent to do as individuals). These people are useful idiots. They are not the masterminds. An interesting angle is that some of them are anarchists, that don’t want any government, their aim to is create a global corporation paradise, with private security armies. Like the Mafia. So they are all in to destroy the United States as we’ve known it. They also are brilliant in keeping their enemies close, posing as one of the team, amused at the con.
Many of them don’t make any sense when they should. They love to set themselves up as arbitrators, often having caused the conflict. They often appeal to one’s vanity. Sincerity and transparency don’t exist for them. They also don’t produce professional works that should match their professions, they are dividing their time between covert assignments and doing just enough to maintain their front.
What saved me from getting entrapped is love. I love what I do, love special moments of authentic engagements with transparent people, and I love clear goals, mine and others. Love is their Achilles’s Heel.
Shining a light on them and like what Demi is doing by exposing their playbook, are good ways to ‘disrupt’ them. In PsyOp disruption is one of most important end games. Ha, very doable. 😀
Thank you, Michael! The more we understand, the more we can make better decisions. I figure calling people out by name only serves to throw one person under the bus - and then twelve others emerge to take their place. It's more useful to know the playbook so that you can still spot the play when someone new comes along doing the same thing without having to rely on some drawn out exposé and a bunch of red string. If you're able to see the play on hello, you can navigate away from the players easily enough during each iteration. It's a more resilient self-protection tactic so that people just trying to live their lives peacefully and honestly do not get caught in the crossfire.
Yes, understanding the playbook! Frances Stonor Saunders did that for me in her The Cultural Cold War: The CIA and the World of Arts and Letters. Eye opener, and then I could see everywhere. Doing the dossiers once on the trustees was a good lesson. Now when I suspect an organization, like an art museum, I go first to their trustees that tells me more about their playbook instead of all their mission statement BS propaganda. For me the jury is out about strategically exposing a key player, though I would leave it if my creativity was being harmed, but so far I am rocking it.
Thank you for this. I learn so much reading your work. 🙏🏽
Thank you so much! 🙏🏻💜💫
Perfect description of the phases
Thank you!!