“the future is a concept—it doesn’t exist There is no such thing as tomorrow There never will be because time is always now. That’s one of the things we discover when we stop talking to ourselves and stop thinking. We find there is only present, only an eternal now.”
Thank you for sharing your insight - we do need our high vibrational change makers to move past old distractions/pattterns of thinking (in their Divine right timing). In my experience diagnosis often confirms a way of being rather than a way out as many sufferers access no further support once given medication. Or are given support that keeps them focused on a past event. Both anxiety and depression are when the heart intelligence is not communicating with the mind intelligence. And yes, it takes courage to take baby steps, determination to create change, and once that is achieved, know you aren't here to do it alone.
Even better plan once I get these fans to settle or else use a 3D printer to build a closed turbo blade, that is not only quite but double the air flow, so that I can actually reduce the current so that they turn at half speed with a stronger flow. Then use Hugging face with Service Now and build Star Coder. I need Star Coder bc I must build my Cloud architecture in Java.Python is ok and will get the job done but it is not as slick as Java.
Practising the guitar (classical): it's so demanding, it's a kind of meditation. Plus actual meditation, yoga, Qigong. And hiking or doing anything in nature - without headphones, obviously! Listen to the wind and the birds and the insects. And just observe your own feelings and thoughts as they arise.
Yes! And even when you compare the symptoms of "ADHD," they are oddly similar to the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity. I would always recommend having a licensed chelation expert do a test and get the metals out before throwing additional chemicals at an issue that is not likely what we think it is, whether spiritual, trauma, or toxicity.... I feel like we're doing this the wrong way and we should be trying these other things FIRST before going nuclear and throwing drugs at a developing kid.
Have any of y’all read the book ‘the power of NOW’
I have struggled with severe depression and anxiety for years. I have been thinking about detoxifying our whole family but don’t really know where to start.
Such a wonderful book - important to revisit when slipping out of that mindset as well. It has a way of realigning post-reread.
If you're going to do a detox, start with making sure no one has metal fillings. Go to a biologic dentist and get that taken care of first. After that, chelate. Then you can do most other things safely. But if you step outside of this order of operations, you can mobilize metals that have no way of coming back out, and it would do more harm than good. So I'd start with that just to be safe.
They change the definitions so that they can more easily sell drugs (legal drug dealers). Profit kickbacks are a real thing.
Instead of questioning if the very Prussian school system is at fault to begin with - why kids aren't meant for that environment - the answer is always a pill or detention.
I was put on Ritalin in school, just like that nine year fictional boy - I have a definite bone to pick with the whole rigged system.
happening every day all day. thanks for sharing this concept . Although not easy to hold in the present again & again. it is imperative in order to stay healthy & be effective at intercession for the good of the all as well as clear the path for others who cannot see for themselves 💓🙏💓
I’m going to be harding my servers for the next day or two. It might be a good time to scan and backup personal systems. Check ur radios, battery and flashlights. Just in case.
“the future is a concept—it doesn’t exist There is no such thing as tomorrow There never will be because time is always now. That’s one of the things we discover when we stop talking to ourselves and stop thinking. We find there is only present, only an eternal now.”
-Alan Watts
Thank you for sharing your insight - we do need our high vibrational change makers to move past old distractions/pattterns of thinking (in their Divine right timing). In my experience diagnosis often confirms a way of being rather than a way out as many sufferers access no further support once given medication. Or are given support that keeps them focused on a past event. Both anxiety and depression are when the heart intelligence is not communicating with the mind intelligence. And yes, it takes courage to take baby steps, determination to create change, and once that is achieved, know you aren't here to do it alone.
I love this. Thank you, Michelle!
Check this out... Not to subscribe but to build https://www.globalmeet.com/
Even better plan once I get these fans to settle or else use a 3D printer to build a closed turbo blade, that is not only quite but double the air flow, so that I can actually reduce the current so that they turn at half speed with a stronger flow. Then use Hugging face with Service Now and build Star Coder. I need Star Coder bc I must build my Cloud architecture in Java.Python is ok and will get the job done but it is not as slick as Java.
Practising the guitar (classical): it's so demanding, it's a kind of meditation. Plus actual meditation, yoga, Qigong. And hiking or doing anything in nature - without headphones, obviously! Listen to the wind and the birds and the insects. And just observe your own feelings and thoughts as they arise.
The DSM has always been weaponized to then put people on revenue-producing drugs, and keep them locked away.
It's the same reason nine year old boys are put on pseudo-cocaine drugs if they can't sit through a one hour class.
The systems are designed to keep the populace in check. To not let them stray too far from the Overton Window.
Yes! And even when you compare the symptoms of "ADHD," they are oddly similar to the symptoms of heavy metal toxicity. I would always recommend having a licensed chelation expert do a test and get the metals out before throwing additional chemicals at an issue that is not likely what we think it is, whether spiritual, trauma, or toxicity.... I feel like we're doing this the wrong way and we should be trying these other things FIRST before going nuclear and throwing drugs at a developing kid.
Have any of y’all read the book ‘the power of NOW’
I have struggled with severe depression and anxiety for years. I have been thinking about detoxifying our whole family but don’t really know where to start.
Such a wonderful book - important to revisit when slipping out of that mindset as well. It has a way of realigning post-reread.
If you're going to do a detox, start with making sure no one has metal fillings. Go to a biologic dentist and get that taken care of first. After that, chelate. Then you can do most other things safely. But if you step outside of this order of operations, you can mobilize metals that have no way of coming back out, and it would do more harm than good. So I'd start with that just to be safe.
They change the definitions so that they can more easily sell drugs (legal drug dealers). Profit kickbacks are a real thing.
Instead of questioning if the very Prussian school system is at fault to begin with - why kids aren't meant for that environment - the answer is always a pill or detention.
I was put on Ritalin in school, just like that nine year fictional boy - I have a definite bone to pick with the whole rigged system.
👊 the present IS the present (aka gift).
Thank you for this important read!
happening every day all day. thanks for sharing this concept . Although not easy to hold in the present again & again. it is imperative in order to stay healthy & be effective at intercession for the good of the all as well as clear the path for others who cannot see for themselves 💓🙏💓
My remedy is to go to my meditation room, and practice.
In that moment I no longer feel alone with whatever lies in my path.
My cat always joins me for meditation, and afterwards music is a great tool for changing the time frame.
I needed to hear this right NOW. Thank you for this remembrance
You are so welcome!
This is amazingly parallel to some things I’m reading right now. Thank you thank you!
My pleasure! Sending my love!
Most useful ty https://youtu.be/fcNvj12W5Gw?si=P01a_FlwZa_b7i2v
I’m going to be harding my servers for the next day or two. It might be a good time to scan and backup personal systems. Check ur radios, battery and flashlights. Just in case.
Thanks Ineeded that.
Maybe a good idea if we all got some of those inexpensive Chinese shortwave radios.