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Sep 11, 2023Liked by The Starfire Codes

Thank you for sharing your insight - we do need our high vibrational change makers to move past old distractions/pattterns of thinking (in their Divine right timing). In my experience diagnosis often confirms a way of being rather than a way out as many sufferers access no further support once given medication. Or are given support that keeps them focused on a past event. Both anxiety and depression are when the heart intelligence is not communicating with the mind intelligence. And yes, it takes courage to take baby steps, determination to create change, and once that is achieved, know you aren't here to do it alone.

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I love this. Thank you, Michelle!

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Even better plan once I get these fans to settle or else use a 3D printer to build a closed turbo blade, that is not only quite but double the air flow, so that I can actually reduce the current so that they turn at half speed with a stronger flow. Then use Hugging face with Service Now and build Star Coder. I need Star Coder bc I must build my Cloud architecture in Java.Python is ok and will get the job done but it is not as slick as Java.

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