This one resonated deeply - thank you!

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So glad it spoke to you Rachel 🙏🏾💫

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Thank you, Rachel! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Love love love all of this!!!

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Thank you 🙏🏾💙💫🤗

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Thank you!!! ❤️❤️❤️

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I 🫶🏼 this. Been all time, yet getting back to JOY IS my latest focus. Love to see sync in it being so beautifully highlighted here.

Also Send Me Angel—yassss!! Such a favorite classic. NIN. Pixies. Goldfrapp. Breathe. Stereo Mc. This is the kind of joy I’m talking about.

So much gratitude to you lovely ladies.

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Thank you so much! I'm so glad this resonated for you! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Hopefully this will be a time of new healing and such, could use that. Also, I'm not very savvy on astrology, all I know is Aries my own sign (got bashed over my head as a kid) which is the best sign and that's it. lmao so this was a very educational article.

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Said like an Aries 😂😂

Love my Aries fire cousins…I’m a Leo Sun 😊

So glad you found our articles informative 🙏🏾💫

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As to Aries' yeah to my understanding we are hot-heads hahahaha. I also know Virgo? I think it is, as my brother is one, though that's the extent of the interest I've taken in such things. The women in my family all love this stuff, but I can't seem to retain any of the info derived haha.

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This one, huge. But then Stereo MCs Connected? All I’ll say with that is Synchronicity. Stopped me in my tracks.

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Thanks Chris!!! It’s been so fun tracking the synchronicities 🙏🏾💫

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I love the meditation- Healing The Shadow Self. Just the name is so profound. 🙏💫💜

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The energy coming through was very much centered around moving through trauma into shadow work to get to joy. I'm glad it's resonating!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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I really needed to read this today. Thanks!

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So happy for you getting the message when you needed it Jeremy 🙌🏾💙💫

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Thank you, Jeremy - I'm so glad it resonated!! 🙏🏻💜💫

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Not me two weeks later reposting this one ☝🏼 !! 👏

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