You’ve really packed in some great advice for clearing negativity. It’s sometimes a battle in me to send it completely away after it’s entered your space. It comes into your life from many directions. In the past when negative it he creeps up I focus on joyful activities. This seems to clear some of the air but not all of it. I see there are more steps I can take.
One thing I did though and it suggestion of a friend is a through away objects which I believe has an attached to negativity. For instance I knew this lady who lives in to Antonella very tight Satanism. She often gave me gifts. And to make a long story short she ended up being a very very bad person in my life. At the suggestion of a friend from Hawaii who is spiritually enlightened from her cultural perspective I threw away all of her gifts and much of that negativity vanished. It was very difficult for me to throw her things out because I wanted to keep them. I had become attached to them. For instance a real cute Mickey Mouse T-shirt I just loved…. Into the trash it went! And maybe it was just me? But I felt that immediate release over the next weeks of some thing in the air just disappearing.
Thank you so much, your advice completes the steps I need to do to banish that energy from my life. Sending you love and much gratitude! ✨💜💫✨💜🤗
Yes!! Anything you can do to clear out your space is helpful - especially objects that you know have energetic resonance attached to a past event or period of time. If it's something you'd like to keep and need to clear the object of energies in order to do so, you can try packing it in sea salt for a while and then setting a new intention over it. That can help too, especially if it's something you'd prefer not to part with. Sending my love!! xoxo
I need to buy a truck load of sea salt! Lol! 😂 Kidding aside, I’ll definitely check out my things…. So much is still boxed up 15 years following my divorce. Throw it out or clean it. Thank you! ♥️
I did something similar with some old books I had inherited from previous generations, including one ancestor in particular who I am pretty sure was attached to them, and her energy was quite negative (I have more evidence than just my own sensing for knowing that about her). Although it felt a bit strange as a person who has degrees in English and is a lover of literature, with the help of a friend I loaded all those old books into boxes and took them to the dump! Some kind fellows helped me unload them, and when they looked inside they were startled that I was disposing of all these books of literature and poetry, with leather covers, some embossed in gold with my ancestor's initials. Getting those books out of the house lightened things up considerably! I'm now using the glass-front cabinet they were in for my home apothecary, herbs, tinctures and cordials.
I so resonate with this, Betsy. I love my books and have several bookcases of treasures but after the lockdown when I had been down all the rabbit holes and re-learned everything, I went through them all and had to get rid of many of them which broke my heart in a way. So much work I had put into reading them and making my notations as I do in all my non-fiction books. It turned out to be a relief though and I'm so glad I did it. Now I am very wary of buying books - especially books about Nature whose authors promote Climate Change - sometimes quite surprisingly so and whose work otherwise is second to none.
Yeah, I hear you on that. I read a LOT between 2010 and 2020 which I would not even give a second look now. Think of all the amazing things I haven't read yet! ARG.
Absolutely, it made me realise the extent of the propaganda and how it's been sneaked in across so many disciplines. Most books I read are about Nature currently and I was concerned at one point that they would all be tarred with the same brush. Fortunately, I am finding this isn't necessarily the case but you have to be vigilant.
Did you feel the negativity would have lingered if you had donated them to a school or college for literature? I have the same problem with huge negativity coming from neighbours I don't know but can feel, and a spirit that died here before I moved can be very invasive.
Yes, I had the thought that anyone I gave the books to, I would quite possibly also be giving the negative ancestral energy. But some of the books were already crumbling, they were so old. Even the intact ones would probably have been declined by any institution. So that made it not such a hard decision to dispose of them.
I missed playing the piano last week because of the hitting my head incident, so they didn't have a pianist. I was back this week and I told them thank you for the cards and the flowers and their thoughts "As long as they were good" - I got a nice laugh out of that. I was dead serious :) Haha. I have been fending off judgements and incorrect depictions of me. It's weird, when you decide that you no longer want anyone's thoughts unless they are loving and kind, suddenly it's like you KNOW. You can TELL whether their thoughts are loving and kind or judgmental and ill intended. I have a bubble around me full of green healing for energy, surrounded by pink love and there is a translucent layer which is a protective layer that can keep me from being seen by those who would wish me ill will. When I produce something negative into my own space (the bubble) from my mind, and realize that I have contaminated it myself, I imagine picking up one side of the bubble and sweeping that idea out. It's working for me. Another good way to clear negative energy on a regular basis is to have people in your life that understand that it is a REAL THING! THANKS to you, Demi. Thanks to you.
There were these Sasquatch giants on the side of the road, and I asked them, "Can I take your glowing green heart chakra gem and give it to Amy?" And they said yes because they love you. 💚
A few months ago, I downloaded the Slowdive app because I’d been interested in the solfreggio frequencies. The one I always come back to for my nightly meditation is 528htz. It’s listed as Tree of Life but I love that you call it the Love frequency. It’s a 1 hour and 11 minute meditation - and 1 and 11 are my favorite numbers.
It helps so much! We are so disconnected from the old knowledge about frequency and healing at this point. We need to do a greater deep dive and reverse engineer what our ancestors did to promote healing through sound. I think it's important. I'm glad you found that and that you make it a part of your routine! 🙏🏻💜💫
Excellent list. Being a music producer helps guide me through life's ups and downs - - and I recommend any and all kinds of instruments and drums. Gear4 music has a wonderful (no I don't work there, but I shop there!) array of percussion instruments and I am adding to my collection constantly. One trick is to play along with your favourite artists and any drums will do. Consideration will no doubt be a factor for neighbours since they do *clear the air! I like bongo drums/Tambourine /cow bell/etc., and they don't cost much and are fun to play with South American Bossa Nova and Samba. Indian music is a good choice and there are literally 100s of great percussion drums that are small & cheap. Find an Irish music shop if you don't want to shop online. In London Hobgoblin stocks a beautiful range of Irish flutes and whistles all prices as low as a fiver - - stick with it, you may surprise yourself with some nice notes. Finally, I write in many styles using guitar and alternate tunings (DADGAD) which has a very model sound and makes the guitar easier to play. It's easy to get simple instructions on how to use these tunings and almost everyone has an old guitar gathering dust somewhere in need of some love. Good, good, good, good vibrations. I am using DADGAD on my latest single: Motorcycle Revolution's Son - - Gospel Music. God Bless.
What a beautiful post! I love your breakdown of different negative energy build-ups which is more than helpful. Everything you mention here is so powerful and essential for keeping our channels clear and healthy. I especially love House Plants which I consider to be my friends, I talk to them every day. They respond so well to our vibrations and touch which cannot be underestimated. 'Gregorian Chanting' at 528 Hz is something I find particularly fascinating - something I have been working on today for my next post. Thank you for your generosity and wisdom which makes such a difference and means the world!
Thanks for all these ways of clearing negative energies! I have a couple of questions.
Does "hand smudging" mean just waving in a smudging manner with empty hands, or does it mean with a smudge bundle of some sort?
Secondly, are all Gregorian chant recordings 528Hz? I have had the CDs I listen to for at least 25 years, when no one was talking about frequency or vibration. I've also heard that Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach music is at a particularly beneficial Hz level, I forget which.
For smudging, it's how you're pushing the smoke around, directing it into the four corners of each room or the directionals within each space. You can use your dominant hand or a feather or take a bundle in hand. That's usually how it's done.
528hz - I haven't measured myself, but they are written this way, so if they are performed and recorded correctly, yes, and they're usually recorded in cathedral spaces in which the acoustics of the space are contributing to the shape of the overall sound. I had a lot of videos on this a couple weeks ago that I think you will find SUPER interesting... I'll grab the link....
Yes, that's right. The 528 Hz frequency is one of the Solfeggio Frequencies, a set of six tones used for spiritual healing. This frequency is referred to as the "Love Frequency," as it resonates with the heart chakra and promotes feelings of harmony, love, and compassion.
So much useful information fro clearing negative energy Demi. Thank you. Here's a glimpse of my daily routine: I smudge with sage or palo santo to clear negativity from my home. I use a tea light diffuser to burn lavender oil, to invoke peace and relaxation. I carry crystals in my pockets, wear them when I go out and sleep with them under my pillow. My desk has a variety of crystals within reach for moments when I need a little grounding or release.
It's a decades old practice. At some point I will write about my 2nd business. I made aromatherapy and bath & body products and wholesaled them to retailers. All while raising alone. 💫
Same here, Pamela. My desk is covered in groups of my favourite crystals and every so often on a full moon, I set about clearing and cleansing them, it's quite a challenge. Once I had them all on the same tray and it made me feel quite woozy! Smudging is awesome, I love the Sage Sticks for deep cleansing and my White Sage insense cones, one of which I burn every single day.
I gave my favorite rock away today. I feel like you will understand the implications of that :) I did it on a whim too. It felt needed, so I did it. I now await my new rock, wherever it is. :)
Rocks have a lot of energy and the bigger the better. People living around them are very lucky indeed. Watch Ancient Aliens on BLAZE app. Certain shows speak about the energy in the rocks and mountains and how other higher intelligences have used the energy and left their art, drawings in the rocks and structures. So many shapes and sizes that baffle people today. They are linked to other sites around the world in a huge energy grid.
Rocks do have a lot of energy! I need to look through my photo files for some lovely rock up in Maine with a beautiful vein of quartz running through it.
Thanks for this great list. I use many of them I have prayer books from Summit University Press that ar a big help. Violet Flame prayers and other techniques.
All of these things are great. I’ve learned in doing Ho’oponopono that it’s important to recognize what you’re apologizing for. Simply saying that I’m sorry for being so unconscious isn’t enough.
It’s important to recognize not to take on the problems of others. If you’re taking responsibility for other people’s problems, then that’s a miserable existence. You’re taking responsibility for how you react to other people’s actions/experiences and how they make you feel.
So if someone does something thats disgusting, then you’re sorry for feeling disgusting and you love the feelings of disgust and love the experience that made you feel disgusted.
You don’t apologize for the actions or feelings that the other person experienced. That is minimizing the other person, it’s an act of sabotage by not letting them take full responsibility as well. It’s also bad karma.
I’ve made a tremendous amount of growth in practicing energetic hygiene. All of these things work. Also, when you are fully embodied and have your energy field contained, anything that’s not yours will just bounce off. It’s the most effective way to protect yourself. However, it is not something even the most experienced can do 100% of the time which is why it’s important to have a safe space where you can let yourself get a break from yourself.
My biggest challenge in all of this is the clutter. I have so much clutter and it’s not easy for me to get it organized or thrown away. I am getting better at it, and I’m also open to suggestions
There might be an attachment you have to the objects or to the accumulation of objects. I would meditate in a focused on why it feels difficult to clear some of these objects and be open to whatever thoughts, emotions, or downloads start to emerge. Then you can do a deep dive into what's making you feel that way. It's not the objects themselves. It's something they represent to you. I hope that helps!! 🙏🏻💜💫
I'm going to be returning to this, probably, but I thought it was funny that you got scooped on that surrender-and-let-go ritual by none other than Drake:
"But same time I'm quick to forget
I'm 'bout to roll me up a blunt with my list of regrets
I’m feeling a lot of blocked energy now. With Ascension I’m exhibiting all the symptoms of that as well so I’m getting a lot of blockage. I know you mentioned a meditate are there any particular videos meditation videos that you recommend, should I look at the meditation videos that you list on your daily channel emails? Thanks much, Kathy.
Great. Right after I wrote that that came to my mind almost immediately lol I guess I should’ve thought it through before I sent the message. Ha ha. Have a great day.
My home and entire being have been feeling off for weeks now. I didn't even think that part of it may be because I stopped diffusing oils every night. So much for me being lazy🤦
Something that I will definitely be trying more is just stepping outside, as my house doesn't have many windows to open, and because I work in a basement. Employing chants is something I enjoy very much, but the Ho'oponopono mantra sounds like an interesting one to try as well.
You’ve really packed in some great advice for clearing negativity. It’s sometimes a battle in me to send it completely away after it’s entered your space. It comes into your life from many directions. In the past when negative it he creeps up I focus on joyful activities. This seems to clear some of the air but not all of it. I see there are more steps I can take.
One thing I did though and it suggestion of a friend is a through away objects which I believe has an attached to negativity. For instance I knew this lady who lives in to Antonella very tight Satanism. She often gave me gifts. And to make a long story short she ended up being a very very bad person in my life. At the suggestion of a friend from Hawaii who is spiritually enlightened from her cultural perspective I threw away all of her gifts and much of that negativity vanished. It was very difficult for me to throw her things out because I wanted to keep them. I had become attached to them. For instance a real cute Mickey Mouse T-shirt I just loved…. Into the trash it went! And maybe it was just me? But I felt that immediate release over the next weeks of some thing in the air just disappearing.
Thank you so much, your advice completes the steps I need to do to banish that energy from my life. Sending you love and much gratitude! ✨💜💫✨💜🤗
Yes!! Anything you can do to clear out your space is helpful - especially objects that you know have energetic resonance attached to a past event or period of time. If it's something you'd like to keep and need to clear the object of energies in order to do so, you can try packing it in sea salt for a while and then setting a new intention over it. That can help too, especially if it's something you'd prefer not to part with. Sending my love!! xoxo
I need to buy a truck load of sea salt! Lol! 😂 Kidding aside, I’ll definitely check out my things…. So much is still boxed up 15 years following my divorce. Throw it out or clean it. Thank you! ♥️
I wonder if washing things in the sea would be enough ?
If they are waterproof items, I don't see why not.
I did something similar with some old books I had inherited from previous generations, including one ancestor in particular who I am pretty sure was attached to them, and her energy was quite negative (I have more evidence than just my own sensing for knowing that about her). Although it felt a bit strange as a person who has degrees in English and is a lover of literature, with the help of a friend I loaded all those old books into boxes and took them to the dump! Some kind fellows helped me unload them, and when they looked inside they were startled that I was disposing of all these books of literature and poetry, with leather covers, some embossed in gold with my ancestor's initials. Getting those books out of the house lightened things up considerably! I'm now using the glass-front cabinet they were in for my home apothecary, herbs, tinctures and cordials.
Sometimes the energy is just that thick. It feels better, so you know you did the right thing!! 🙏🏻💜💫
I so resonate with this, Betsy. I love my books and have several bookcases of treasures but after the lockdown when I had been down all the rabbit holes and re-learned everything, I went through them all and had to get rid of many of them which broke my heart in a way. So much work I had put into reading them and making my notations as I do in all my non-fiction books. It turned out to be a relief though and I'm so glad I did it. Now I am very wary of buying books - especially books about Nature whose authors promote Climate Change - sometimes quite surprisingly so and whose work otherwise is second to none.
Yeah, I hear you on that. I read a LOT between 2010 and 2020 which I would not even give a second look now. Think of all the amazing things I haven't read yet! ARG.
Absolutely, it made me realise the extent of the propaganda and how it's been sneaked in across so many disciplines. Most books I read are about Nature currently and I was concerned at one point that they would all be tarred with the same brush. Fortunately, I am finding this isn't necessarily the case but you have to be vigilant.
Did you feel the negativity would have lingered if you had donated them to a school or college for literature? I have the same problem with huge negativity coming from neighbours I don't know but can feel, and a spirit that died here before I moved can be very invasive.
Yes, I had the thought that anyone I gave the books to, I would quite possibly also be giving the negative ancestral energy. But some of the books were already crumbling, they were so old. Even the intact ones would probably have been declined by any institution. So that made it not such a hard decision to dispose of them.
...In the past when negative it he creeps up"
negative-it-he ? negativity?
Deliberate clever word play or is the unconscious speaking here?
Just wondering.
I missed playing the piano last week because of the hitting my head incident, so they didn't have a pianist. I was back this week and I told them thank you for the cards and the flowers and their thoughts "As long as they were good" - I got a nice laugh out of that. I was dead serious :) Haha. I have been fending off judgements and incorrect depictions of me. It's weird, when you decide that you no longer want anyone's thoughts unless they are loving and kind, suddenly it's like you KNOW. You can TELL whether their thoughts are loving and kind or judgmental and ill intended. I have a bubble around me full of green healing for energy, surrounded by pink love and there is a translucent layer which is a protective layer that can keep me from being seen by those who would wish me ill will. When I produce something negative into my own space (the bubble) from my mind, and realize that I have contaminated it myself, I imagine picking up one side of the bubble and sweeping that idea out. It's working for me. Another good way to clear negative energy on a regular basis is to have people in your life that understand that it is a REAL THING! THANKS to you, Demi. Thanks to you.
There were these Sasquatch giants on the side of the road, and I asked them, "Can I take your glowing green heart chakra gem and give it to Amy?" And they said yes because they love you. 💚
AH! You gave me my rock back. I gave away my favorite rock today. I will love my sasquatch green heart chakra forevermore.
Instantaneous favorite rock replacement!! 💚
I took a screenshot and labeled it "memorable shit right there"
YES!!! 💚💚💚
I am dumbfounded. *speechless
A few months ago, I downloaded the Slowdive app because I’d been interested in the solfreggio frequencies. The one I always come back to for my nightly meditation is 528htz. It’s listed as Tree of Life but I love that you call it the Love frequency. It’s a 1 hour and 11 minute meditation - and 1 and 11 are my favorite numbers.
It helps so much! We are so disconnected from the old knowledge about frequency and healing at this point. We need to do a greater deep dive and reverse engineer what our ancestors did to promote healing through sound. I think it's important. I'm glad you found that and that you make it a part of your routine! 🙏🏻💜💫
Nice user manual 😁. One should come with every birth 🤔. 💜
Excellent list. Being a music producer helps guide me through life's ups and downs - - and I recommend any and all kinds of instruments and drums. Gear4 music has a wonderful (no I don't work there, but I shop there!) array of percussion instruments and I am adding to my collection constantly. One trick is to play along with your favourite artists and any drums will do. Consideration will no doubt be a factor for neighbours since they do *clear the air! I like bongo drums/Tambourine /cow bell/etc., and they don't cost much and are fun to play with South American Bossa Nova and Samba. Indian music is a good choice and there are literally 100s of great percussion drums that are small & cheap. Find an Irish music shop if you don't want to shop online. In London Hobgoblin stocks a beautiful range of Irish flutes and whistles all prices as low as a fiver - - stick with it, you may surprise yourself with some nice notes. Finally, I write in many styles using guitar and alternate tunings (DADGAD) which has a very model sound and makes the guitar easier to play. It's easy to get simple instructions on how to use these tunings and almost everyone has an old guitar gathering dust somewhere in need of some love. Good, good, good, good vibrations. I am using DADGAD on my latest single: Motorcycle Revolution's Son - - Gospel Music. God Bless.
Thank you so much, Cliff! These are wonderful suggestions - I appreciate it!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫
What a beautiful post! I love your breakdown of different negative energy build-ups which is more than helpful. Everything you mention here is so powerful and essential for keeping our channels clear and healthy. I especially love House Plants which I consider to be my friends, I talk to them every day. They respond so well to our vibrations and touch which cannot be underestimated. 'Gregorian Chanting' at 528 Hz is something I find particularly fascinating - something I have been working on today for my next post. Thank you for your generosity and wisdom which makes such a difference and means the world!
Thanks for all these ways of clearing negative energies! I have a couple of questions.
Does "hand smudging" mean just waving in a smudging manner with empty hands, or does it mean with a smudge bundle of some sort?
Secondly, are all Gregorian chant recordings 528Hz? I have had the CDs I listen to for at least 25 years, when no one was talking about frequency or vibration. I've also heard that Beethoven, Mozart, and Bach music is at a particularly beneficial Hz level, I forget which.
Thanks again! Very valuable information.
For smudging, it's how you're pushing the smoke around, directing it into the four corners of each room or the directionals within each space. You can use your dominant hand or a feather or take a bundle in hand. That's usually how it's done.
528hz - I haven't measured myself, but they are written this way, so if they are performed and recorded correctly, yes, and they're usually recorded in cathedral spaces in which the acoustics of the space are contributing to the shape of the overall sound. I had a lot of videos on this a couple weeks ago that I think you will find SUPER interesting... I'll grab the link....
Yes, that's right. The 528 Hz frequency is one of the Solfeggio Frequencies, a set of six tones used for spiritual healing. This frequency is referred to as the "Love Frequency," as it resonates with the heart chakra and promotes feelings of harmony, love, and compassion.
Oh my gosh, i was going to say…see other comments below! Clearly this posts resonates with many of us. I’m printing it out. Thank you.
Happy to help!! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫
So much useful information fro clearing negative energy Demi. Thank you. Here's a glimpse of my daily routine: I smudge with sage or palo santo to clear negativity from my home. I use a tea light diffuser to burn lavender oil, to invoke peace and relaxation. I carry crystals in my pockets, wear them when I go out and sleep with them under my pillow. My desk has a variety of crystals within reach for moments when I need a little grounding or release.
Perfect!! I'm glad you're making it an intentional part of your day!! 🙏🏻💜💫
It's a decades old practice. At some point I will write about my 2nd business. I made aromatherapy and bath & body products and wholesaled them to retailers. All while raising alone. 💫
Same here, Pamela. My desk is covered in groups of my favourite crystals and every so often on a full moon, I set about clearing and cleansing them, it's quite a challenge. Once I had them all on the same tray and it made me feel quite woozy! Smudging is awesome, I love the Sage Sticks for deep cleansing and my White Sage insense cones, one of which I burn every single day.
I gave my favorite rock away today. I feel like you will understand the implications of that :) I did it on a whim too. It felt needed, so I did it. I now await my new rock, wherever it is. :)
Rocks have a lot of energy and the bigger the better. People living around them are very lucky indeed. Watch Ancient Aliens on BLAZE app. Certain shows speak about the energy in the rocks and mountains and how other higher intelligences have used the energy and left their art, drawings in the rocks and structures. So many shapes and sizes that baffle people today. They are linked to other sites around the world in a huge energy grid.
Rocks do have a lot of energy! I need to look through my photo files for some lovely rock up in Maine with a beautiful vein of quartz running through it.
I used to burn a lot of white coal but switched to sage in recent years.
The perfect cleanser, I love my White Sage, it's my favourite. 💫
Thanks for this great list. I use many of them I have prayer books from Summit University Press that ar a big help. Violet Flame prayers and other techniques.
All of these things are great. I’ve learned in doing Ho’oponopono that it’s important to recognize what you’re apologizing for. Simply saying that I’m sorry for being so unconscious isn’t enough.
It’s important to recognize not to take on the problems of others. If you’re taking responsibility for other people’s problems, then that’s a miserable existence. You’re taking responsibility for how you react to other people’s actions/experiences and how they make you feel.
So if someone does something thats disgusting, then you’re sorry for feeling disgusting and you love the feelings of disgust and love the experience that made you feel disgusted.
You don’t apologize for the actions or feelings that the other person experienced. That is minimizing the other person, it’s an act of sabotage by not letting them take full responsibility as well. It’s also bad karma.
I’ve made a tremendous amount of growth in practicing energetic hygiene. All of these things work. Also, when you are fully embodied and have your energy field contained, anything that’s not yours will just bounce off. It’s the most effective way to protect yourself. However, it is not something even the most experienced can do 100% of the time which is why it’s important to have a safe space where you can let yourself get a break from yourself.
This is excellent advice - thank you, Dakota! 🙏🏻💜💫
My biggest challenge in all of this is the clutter. I have so much clutter and it’s not easy for me to get it organized or thrown away. I am getting better at it, and I’m also open to suggestions
There might be an attachment you have to the objects or to the accumulation of objects. I would meditate in a focused on why it feels difficult to clear some of these objects and be open to whatever thoughts, emotions, or downloads start to emerge. Then you can do a deep dive into what's making you feel that way. It's not the objects themselves. It's something they represent to you. I hope that helps!! 🙏🏻💜💫
I'm going to be returning to this, probably, but I thought it was funny that you got scooped on that surrender-and-let-go ritual by none other than Drake:
"But same time I'm quick to forget
I'm 'bout to roll me up a blunt with my list of regrets
Burn it all, burn it all, I'm starting it fresh."
Really good stuff, here. Really helpful.
Thanks! LOL! I might do it sans blunt, but yeah. I'll give it back to the universe if it no longer serves. :)
I’m feeling a lot of blocked energy now. With Ascension I’m exhibiting all the symptoms of that as well so I’m getting a lot of blockage. I know you mentioned a meditate are there any particular videos meditation videos that you recommend, should I look at the meditation videos that you list on your daily channel emails? Thanks much, Kathy.
The daily videos are perfect for that - absolutely! :)
Great. Right after I wrote that that came to my mind almost immediately lol I guess I should’ve thought it through before I sent the message. Ha ha. Have a great day.
No worries, love! 🙏🏻💜💫
Thank you ! This is very helpful 💖🙏
Happy to help! Sending my love!! 🙏🏻💜💫
My home and entire being have been feeling off for weeks now. I didn't even think that part of it may be because I stopped diffusing oils every night. So much for me being lazy🤦
If you're being lazy, there are so many other quick and easy fixes on this list that might help, depending upon your energy level at the time.
Something that I will definitely be trying more is just stepping outside, as my house doesn't have many windows to open, and because I work in a basement. Employing chants is something I enjoy very much, but the Ho'oponopono mantra sounds like an interesting one to try as well.
Check out this story. This is part of how the chant became more well known outside of Hawaii.