Blurrrrrrrrsday, the Firsteenth of Dodecatober: Shiny Rocks In My Underwear and an Affinity For Chaos
Channeled Messages 10-1-2021 through 10-4-2021
I can't tell the days apart anymore. It's Blurrrrrrrrsday, the Firsteenth of Dodecatober. Calendar makes weird noises, morphs into Bucky Ball... grows feet... runs out of frame like a Terry Gilliam animation. (This was not on my Bingo card.) I'll take sentences I never thought I'd say for $1000, Alex.
The story you can draw out of it for each is completely fucking different. But the energies are there. But there will be some that I can just tell by the titles "not my cluster" and I skip it. So now when I shuffle I ask and set an intention and the top one in the list is always my energy. But if I browse instead, there are tons that I know intuitively are not my energy even though I have 10/12 signs in my chart (so I can pick up just about any energy and it will resonate on some level.
Eventually the readers figured out the signs don't matter - there's more resonance in the reading titles. They still use the signs because the viewers like them. The viewers think they matter. But they don't. If you're drawn to the title, it's for you, and it'll either play out from your perspective or some other person's. But because you have so many placements/signs/houses in your chart, most people have most energies represented.
So narrowing down an astrological energy for a collective read is kind of a moot point. Really what we're looking to do isn't to distill an energy out and define it - it's to learn to surf them all in unison. If I can see the wave coming, I can catch it and ride it out.
I'm leaving out the syncs because there are too many. My notes have acquired matryoshka nesting notes connecting astrological cycles. We’ll get to that another time.
14 - Symbol of Constant Changes
44 - Hard Work
75 - A Sign of Assurance
100 - Completion of Life’s Tasks
109 - Life Purpose: Having Good Health
333 - Symbol of Trinity
411 - Let Yourself Free: Do Not Hold Yourself From Succeeding
841 - Fresh Beginnings: Precious Time
1040 - Control Your Mind: Personal Success
1250 - Dreams Come True: Respect Others
1974 - Trust In Your Angels: Make Great Choices
2340 - Find What Works For You: Be a Good Judge of Character
2400 - Get Rid of Distractions: Challenge Yourself
4141 - The Path To Your Soul’s Real Purpose: How Universal Energies Influence Our Day To Day Lives
5000 - Embracing Changes In Life
5113 - Focusing On Growth: Surrendering Your Past
Oracle Cards:
A Sense of Purpose - Evergreen
A Sense of Purpose - Saudade
Ice Cube - It Was A Good Day
Melissa Etheridge - Like The Way I Do
Protest The Hero – Drumhead Trial
The Stranglers - Always The Sun
Tori Amos - A Sorta Fairytale
Special thanks to Sophia.