Channeled Messages:
You are entering a time of transition and transformation. It is time to retreat and recharge to ground your emotions; this will help you to explore their depths. Doing this helps your soul to grow. Your ultimate spiritual destiny is happiness and freedom. You are being guided to shift your perception before you move forward through the next portal: Do not be frightened of unconditional love or your own spiritual authority. It takes courage to trust yourself and the love of others, and you deserve this.
You have been living in your own head for a while, playing out scenes in your mind of best and worst case scenarios that could happen for you or to you as you move forward toward a fresh start. Your fears of loss and rejection have been getting the better of you. You have been deceived and betrayed in the past and you are scared that this will happen again.
This phase of your life is over now and you are embarking upon a new beginning. Make room for the new by letting go of the old. The divine is presenting you with your ultimate happiness if you are willing to receive it. You are being called to trust in love, faith, your own skills and talents, and the divine, which is within you always. You have the support of your guides and those closest to you; your star family is here to see you through your fears and help you to decide to come to a place of love.
Clairaudience (Earworm):
Simply Red - Stars
Bansuri Music - Healing Mood
1 - A Fresh Start
2 - Cooperation and Peacekeeping
7 - Spiritual Awakening, Enlightenment, and Contemplation
10 - A Symbol of Faith In Yourself
111 - Manifestation, Prosperity, Spiritual Awakening, Urgency, and Confirmation
172 - Focus On The Moment
1172 - Facing the Reality: Be Mindful of Your Next Step
Oracle and Tarot Cards:
The Animals - House of the Rising Sun
CLANN - I Hold You
Filter - Hey Man, Nice Shot
Florence + The Machine - Shake It Out
Lorde - Green Light
Maria S’Agapo - My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2
Meg Myers - Sorry
Metallica - Nothing Else Matters
Röyksopp - What Else Is There
Special thanks to Goddess Renell and Tim the Enchanter.