An Important Note Regarding Loopholes From Attorney Robert Barnes
Remember to protect yourselves by reading the fine print.
“A common pattern I am seeing is employers, educators, and governments making broad, big, boastful claims of "Everyone Must Get the Vaccination", but then, buried in the small print, is a big, fat loophole. Usually, this entails alternative mitigation measurements (Covid test, masks, remote work options), a right to request an exception (usually includes both religious and medical exemption requests), and a limitation on actual punishment (e.g., referral to human resources rather than actual termination or suspension, etc). As just one example, as multiple board members noticed yesterday, the much ballyhooed DOJ opinion letter green lighting vaccines (a letter without any legally binding effect, by the way) actually had a huge loophole mentioned in a footnote: basically making clear that the ADA may prohibit such a compelled vaccine for anyone other than the federal government. Here is just one such recent example identified by RFK's Children Health Defense site, which is a great site to stay updated on these issues. A university letter "deliberately omits any reference to a student’s right to submit medical and religious exemption requests, thereby giving the false impression that such requests are no longer valid or able to be considered" when compared to the actual university policy.” -Robert Barnes