Have been thinking sometime about how much more advanced in society we'd be if we didn't have allopathic medicine. We'd be able to access the higher realms of the universe for fresh insight in a creative way to advance humanity versus depending on the medical industrial complex to keep the economy going. Being creative with God or the universe guiding us to increase economic growth would be a better solution. I wonder what that would look like. We'd be more advanced.

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Not as impressive as your Metaphysics and Science essay to me, Demi. But, as a talk therapist who also uses Zoloft daily for the last two years - I was impressed.

Psychiatrists seem to multiply like flies near dead deer. Plus, the get all sorts of perks like +1 free meals at classy restaurants at the expense of all of the Big Pharmaceutical companies. Like everything from church to politics to drugs to warfare in this country it’s a-lot about scamming the smaller fry and further bloating the wealth of those who already have too much.

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Wow, that was a well invested 11:12 mins. I would love to know if he has plans on having an audiobook version of his book and him reading it is a delight.

I have experienced a version of what he described. My attitude about life changed noticeably when I stop watching so many TV shows and especially the ones like Dexter, Breaking Bad, True Crime, 24, etc. and found other ways away from the screen to occupy my time.

I’ve started watching a selection of TV shows once I felt better but recently after watching season 1 of Bosch : Legacy, I thought it might be time to be lot more selective again.

I don’t have to watch TV or be aware of most of what’s happening on internet to be effectively social or to be satisfied with my life. (Mantra to self)

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Good news - he said that many people have asked and that he had been putting it off but that he is seriously considering it at this stage. So that will likely happen sometime this year, then! :)

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OH YEAAAAAH! 🥳🥳🥳 Thank you Demi! It’s so funny I was just thinking how grateful I felt for having listened to this, for witnessing the arising awareness.

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You're so welcome!! ☺️🙏🏻💜💫

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I left him a message to see if he has any audiobook plans! We'll see! ☺️

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Oh! I want to read this book now! And clicking on his link I also want to eat his food! 😋😋😋how fortunate for you to have him as a lifelong friend! I look forward to reading his book, thank you for introducing him to your readers! ✨💖

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Wow!! This is so good. I am adding it to my list. I would love to have him narrate the whole thing. Excellent.

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Good news - he said that many people have asked and that he had been putting it off but that he is seriously considering it at this stage. So that will likely happen sometime this year, then! :)

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I wonder if he has plans to do that - he may! I'll check! 🙏🏻💜💫

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