Below you will find an update with additional HAM radio resources, continuing with the Down the Rabbit Hole research series which provides starting points on various relevant topics catering to autodidacts who strive to challenge themselves with new or extended knowledge and/or skill sets.
You can find the other parts of the series here:
8.1: HAM Radio 101: A Collection of Resources for HAM Radio Beginners
8.2: HAM Radio: Additional Resources for Beginners
Additional resources:
AA9PW. (2021). Morse Code Practice - AA9PW. AA9PW. [online] Available here:
AMSTAT Amateur Radio in Space. (2021). SO-50 satellite information. AMSTAT Amateur Radio in Space. [online] Available here:
Anderson, M. (2014). EM Waves. YouTube. [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). (2021). Code characters. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). (2020). FCC to Require Email Addresses on Applications. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). (2021). Find an Online Exam. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). (2021). Hams Help Find Kids by Monitoring FRS Radios. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). [online] Available here:
The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). (2021). Search for ARRL Affiliated Clubs. The American Radio Relay League (ARRL). [online] Available here:
Bevelacqua, P. (2021). The Antenna Theory Website. An intuitive tutorial of antennas and antenna theory. This website is designed to present a comprehensive overview of antennas, from design, to measurement and theory. Unnecessarily complicated math is avoided throughout. The Antenna Theory Website. [online] Available here:
Bitcoin. (2019). Off Grid â‚¿itcoin Transactions Using Ham Radio and Blockstreams Satellites. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Casler, D. (2016). Antenna Types and Terminology: AD#30. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Casler, D. (2017). Solar Power for your Ham Station AD #52. Can you power your station from the sun? Absolutely! This video explains solar power from the panels and batteries to charge controllers and sizing. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Commsprepper. (2013). How radio "privacy tones" or CTCSS tones work. YouTube. [online] Available here:
TheDadNerd. (2019). First Amateur Radio Contact and Conversation. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Dom AZ. (2020). Ultimate ham radio mobile station. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Eversden, A. (2020). Army fortified radio capabilities in 2020 to withstand electronic warfare. C4ISRNet. [online] Available here:
Experiments with Google. (2021). Hello Morse - Experiments with Google. Experiments with Google. [online] Available here:
F4HDK. (2019). Build a Long-Distance Data Network Using Ham Radio. Send data via IPv4 up to 300 kilometers with easy-to-assemble hardware. IEEE Spectrum. [online] Available here:
Fred In The Shed. (2018). T2LT DX Vertical Bazooka - The Cheapest CB Antenna. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio CQ. (2017). Learning CW (Morse Code) Tips for Amateur Ham Radio. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2018). You Have Your Technician License Now What? Ham Radio Crash Course. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2020). Ham Radio EMP Kit, The Tactical Trash Can. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2020). HF Ham Radio for Beginners. Best Practices, Etiquette, Terminology, and Lessons Learned - Livestream. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Ham Radio Crash Course. (2020). What Ham Radio Should I Buy? (Remote Licensing Update!) YouTube. [online] Available here:
HamRadioConcepts. (2018). Installing Your Ham Radio In Your Vehicle, Tips And Tricks For Mobile. YouTube. [online] Available here:
JackofAllTrades383. (2013). Repeater Basics Ham Radio Part 1. YouTube. [online] Available here:
JackofAllTrades383. (2013). Repeater Basics Ham Radio Part 2. YouTube. [online] Available here:
K0LWC. (2020). New Ham Radio Onboard The ISS Is On The Air. K0LWC. [online] Available here:
K6UDA. (2018). Extreme Budget Mobile Ham Radio Install Jeep Wrangler TJ PT1 | K6UDA Radio. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Keiter, K. (2020). Starlink Teardown: DISHY DESTROYED! YouTube. [online] Available here:
KM4ACK. (2020). Ham Radio EDC Go Bag. Take a look at what I have chosen for my 2M every day carry ham radio go bag. YouTube. [online] Available here:
KM4ACK. (2020). Secure Comms with Ham Radio. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Lalumia, J. (2017). Ham Radio CLUBS- should you join? YouTube. [online] Available here:
List, J. (2020). Ham Radio Needs To Embrace The Hacker Community Now More Than Ever. Hackaday. [online] Available here:
Living Survival. (2015). Baofeng for Dummies UV5R+ HAM Radio Tutorial. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Loughin, K. (2017). Ham Radio - New Hams tip. Making that first contact on the repeaters. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Loughin, K. (2020). Ham Radio - New hams tips. Using I.F. Shift to reduce nearby interfering stations. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Masunaga, S. (2020). Earthlings and astronauts chat away, via ham radio. [online] Available here:
Mike-M0MSN. (2020). HAM RADIO: Building a magnetic loop antenna Part 1. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Mike-M0MSN. (2020). HAM RADIO: Building a magnetic loop antenna Part 2. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Nardi, T. (2020). Literally Tearing Apart A SpaceX Starlink Antenna. Hackaday. [online] Available here:
NCARC. (2018). Repeater 101 for new Amateur Radio Operators. YouTube. [online] Available here:
OH8STN Ham Radio. (2018). Super Antenna MP1 | Ham Radio Antenna. YouTube. [online] Available here:
OH8STN Ham Radio. (2019). Backup Battery Power | Grid Down Communications. YouTube. [online] Available here:
The Ponderosa. (2020). Do You Want A Ham Radio License? This Is The Place To Start!! You may have heard of Ham Radio (Amateur Radio) and have some interest, or you are trying to study to pass your exam but the books aren't doing it. You also may have heard me talk about Ham Radio on The Ponderosa channel and you have no idea what I'm talking about. If you are into RVing, traveling, off-grid adventures, boondocking, emergency prepardness, FPV drones CB or actual radio communications in general, then ham radio is a must have for all these applications. The beginning of this video will show a couple of examples of what I have done over several videos from my other YouTube channel "HamRadioConcepts." YouTube. [online] Available here:
QRZ Forums. (2010). 10 Ultra Stealth Antenna Designs For HOA's. QRZ Forums. [online] Available here:
RadioHamGuy. (2011). Ham Radio Mobile Radio Installation.MOV. YouTube. [online] Available here:
RedWagonTechnology. (2019). Amateur Radio Technician License Course. YouTube. [online] Available here:
SHTF Preparedness. (2021). HAM Radio for Preppers: The Complete Guide (2021 Update). Communications is one the most often overlook parts of prepping. This HAM radio guide will let you stay in touch when all else fails. SHTF Preparedness. [online] Available here:
TheSmokinApe. (2016). How to Program a Baofeng HAM Radio with Chirp. YouTube. [online] Available here:
TheSmokinApe. (2018). Easy Baofeng Repeater Programming. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Stathis, J. (2020). There's No Better Time to Be an Amateur Radio Geek. Wired. [online] Available here:
Talon Survival. (2019). Baofeng for Beginners: How to Use Baofeng UV-5R Buttons and More. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Tech Minds. (2020). ISS International Space Station Cross Band FM Repeater. YouTube. [online] Available here:
T.REX ARMS. (2020). An Introduction to Radios and Emergency Communication. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Temporarily Offline Ham Radio. (2020). #56 How To Start a Ham Radio Club and build a Club Shack. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Turner, S. (2015). Near Vertical Incidence Skywave. NVIS ham radio technique. NVIS antenna example. Summary of popular recommendations for NVIS ops. Ham Radio School. [online] Available here:
Urban, A. (2020). Top 10 SHTF Communications. In this video, Sensible Prepper talks about the top 10 ways to communicate after the SHTF. This is a very important topic that too many preppers overlook. Urban Survival Site. [online] Available here:
Warrior Poet Society. (2017). Intro to Ham Radios: The WHY, WHAT, and WHERE. YouTube. [online] Available here:
Williams, A. (2020). M17 Aims To Replace Proprietary Ham Radio Protocols. Hackaday. [online] Available here: