A Shocking Difference Between Israel and Palestine...
...and the Curious Case of the HMS Queen Elizabeth
A few days ago, we took a look at a pattern that was emerging in Israel, Taiwan, Gibraltar, and Iceland in which we could see that the shot clearly correlated with the spikes in new cases.
The date the shot rolled out in each of these locales, the spike in cases began.
Now, let’s look at this chart which compares data from Israel and Palestine.
The difference is that Israel received the shot and Palestine did not.
So LOGICALLY, why does Israel have a SPIKE in cases and Palestine does not?
If what we are being told by the media and the government were true, wouldn’t this graph present the other way around?
But it doesn’t.
Now, let’s look at another recent incident… this one is important because it’s as close to a controlled experiment as we are likely to ever see when this entire human experiment is being conducted as a real world scenario (without our consent).
Everyone getting on board the HMS Queen Elizabeth gets the shot. That’s 100% of people on the ship that got the shot.
And they went out to sea.
For seven weeks.
And had no contact with anyone else but the other people on the ship.
When they came back to port, 100 of those on board, among whom 100% had gotten the shot, had come down with Covid-19.
We know 100% of the 100 cases had been injected. We know this because everyone on board was injected.
Do you understand now?
Those who opted out of the shot are not giving people Covid. The odds of that having happened would be less than 1 in 2^100 (1.26 followed by THIRTY ZEROS).
You must face facts: There are people who are GETTING Covid from the shots.