2022 Numerology: Universal 6 Year, Your Personal Year Reading, and Channeled Messages
Find out how to calculate your personal year and find out what the energies will be like for you for the rest of 2022
We’re In A Universal 6 Year
The digits in 2022 are about faith and trust and they reduce down to a 6, making 2022 a universal 6 year (2+0+2+2 = 6).
We just came out of a universal 5 year (2+0+2+1 = 5) which is an expression of great change, and now we're settling into a 6 year which carries the themes of responsibility, relationships, home, family, love, choice, balance, soulmates, and nostalgia.
A universal 6 year brings with it a nurturing energy. Safety, protection, the sanctuary of the home, and unconditional love are themes within a universal 6 year.
In a 6 year, people tend to focus on family, on beautification of the living space, care, crafts, self-love, strengthening relationships, and seeking stability.
We tend to leave behind uncertainties in a 6 year in order to create firmer foundations, we increase our social circles to echo what is closest to our hearts, and we cultivate environments that provide us with peace of mind.
One of the top priorities to us in a 6 year will be making the people most important to us aware of what they mean to us and how much we appreciate them.
New relationships that begin in a 6 year will have a great impact upon your life for years to come.
Your Personal Year in Numerology
In addition to the universal year number which applies to everyone, we each have a personal year number that changes each calendar year. It combines the energies of the personal birth date with the energies of the universal year.
How To Calculate Your Personal Year
To calculate your personal year, add the digits of your birth month and birth day to the universal year.
If your birth date is tomorrow, for example, this would be 1-9, so you would add 1+9 to the year this year which would be 2+0+2+2=6, which would reduce to 7.
If you were born on 11-22, for example, this would add up to 6, which would then add up to 12 with the year, and the 12 would reduce to a personal 3 year.
If your personal year ever comes out to 11, 22, or 33, these are considered master numbers with their own meanings. We don’t reduce these numbers further.
Personal Year Readings
Once you have calculated your personal year, look below to find your number.
Your reading will include details on themes and energies that will emerge for you as this year unfolds.
At the end of each reading, I have included a channeled message indicating what you can focus on in order to optimize for the energies of your year.
Personal Year 1
The number one symbolizes leadership, taking intiative, and new beginnings.
One years are about starting something brand new. You have completed a cycle and it is likely that you have let go of old energies, people, and situations in the past in order to make room to bring in the new. You are moving forward to plant seeds for the creation of new journeys and adventures.
A one year brings with it a surge of energy and confidence, so now is the time to step out of your comfort zone, believe in your abilities and manifestations, and take action upon your dreams. It is possible that inaction may create a bit of nervous energy you will need to release, so make it a point to stay physically active at this time. You are being guided to remember to put yourself and your desires first.
This would be a great time to take bold action toward the things you have wanted to do in the past but ended up putting on the back burner. As you closed out the cycles of the past, you thought about many things you wished you had done. Now would be a great time to capitalize on that uptick in energy and take action in the direction of those goals.
Now that you’ve cleared the way for new beginnings to come in, work on communicating your dreams in order to manifest them and be open to receiving these gifts from the universe when they arrive. Delving into learning new manifestation techniques would be beneficial at this time.
Personal Year 2
Two years have the energy of relationships, choices, indecision, waiting, slowing down, finding balance, and reconnecting with your intuition.
A personal 2 year brings the opportunity to slow down and reflect upon life choices. Two years often bring with them the feeling of indecision, of being pulled in two directions. It is often that, during a 2 year, your old identities and ways of being integrate with your new ones in order to achieve a sense of balance.
Focus on what you need at this time and try not to take the opinions of others to heart. You will need peace and calm while you reconcile any indecisions you are going through and you need to value your own intuition over the thoughts of others in order to integrate these parts of yourself in a way that makes the most authentic sense to you.
Energies require reciprocity in order to find balance, so be cognizant of any energies that seem imbalanced to you. Where you are taking too much, give; where you are giving too much, receive. Make sure you stay in touch with your intuition at this time.
Now would be a great time to bolster the relationships you have and/or begin new ones, espceially your relationship with yourself. It will be important to take a good look in the mirror to know who you really are; this will help you know how best to optimize what you attract to yourself. Paying attention to the energy of the lunar cycles will help you a lot over the course of this year.
Personal Year 3
The energies of three years are focused around creativity, birth, rebirth, gestation periods, nurturing new projects, working in collaboration, celebrating friendships and connections, exploring our ties to our communities, and waiting for our ships to come in.
This is a time to focus on what makes you feel joy. Moving toward your happiness will keep you in alignment as you cultivate projects and honor your relationships. Let the people in your world know how grateful you are to have them around. Focus on what you have, not what you lack. This will bring in additional abundance.
Your creativity is at the forefront of your energy right now. Think about everything you would like to create and then go for it. Self-expression is a key energy here. Whether you are drawn to painting, writing, singing, drawing, speaking, tinkering, etc., move toward the creative activity that is calling to you and take action on it, even if it’s in small ways every day. Progress is seen over time by putting in the work.
Three years can sometimes make people a bit more accident prone. Try to avoid any unnecessary risk-taking behaviors at this time as the energies would not support them.
Focus on the positive in yourself and in others. You’ve been a bit closed off and secretive and it’s making you feel isolated. The energy of earth mother spirituality is surrounding you at this time. Male or female doesn’t matter - we all have the creative force. Use this creativity to generate abundance in your community. This might involve preparing food in your community or some kind of community gardening project.
Personal Year 4
Fours are about creating stability and solid foundations. In four years, we see legal matters and tending to the details of your life. Your focus will be on money, finances, daily routines, the home, and your family.
This energy is about getting organized, building patterns, and creating simplicity through repetition. Four years are great for settling down, focusing on financial planning, creating budgets, and delving into the details. If you are buying a home or entering into any other sort of contract in a four year, be very thorough about this process. Any details you don’t catch because you weren’t paying attention might come back to bite you.
Four years are about being disciplined with your routines, so you’ll want to focus on things like bolstering your circadian rhythm, exercising according to a set pattern, and making sure you are consistent with your food and vitamins. Getting all of this down like clockwork will free your mind to focus on other things without allowing tedium to get in the way.
Building strong foundations now will be necessary because part of what this year is bringing in for you is an emotional voyage. Having everything else on lock with solid routines will help keep your mind free to explore so that you can do the inner work necessary as you rest and rejuvenate. Some deep emotions need to come to the surface and stability will support you in allowing that to occur.
Personal Year 5
Fives are all about dramatic changes. This year is going to be full of a powerful momentum that might take you into many directions you hadn’t seen coming. Some people can be frightened by change, but change often occurs when the universe knows movement is needed in a certain area of your life in order to propel you forward.
If you have too much stagnation without coming to a decision and making a plan, often the universe will begin the process on your behalf by creating an event that requires you to make a big shift. Seeing this as happening for you and not to you is the key to mastering this energy. Upheaval happens in order to shake you up to get you moving in the right direction. And upheaval is not always negative. In fact, it usually isn’t. Sometimes it’s just necessary impetus to change gears.
In this year, you might feel the need to travel, relocate, or make plans to do so. Anything restrictive in your life will start to become more expansive if you work with these energies. Your social life might expand, you might decide to commit to learning something new, you might turn a hobby into a career - the sky is the limit.
If you are growing a business or you are in the public eye, this is a great year to increase your efforts in this direction to catalyze positive change. Be careful that you keep your energies focused. Scattering them in too many directions will prove to be unhelpful.
You are being guided to focus on freedom, independence, and self-determination. If these energies are not present in your life, you will start to feel the urge to create them by utilizing the five year energy available to you at this time. You will see that you have the endurance necessary to see you through to your goals. Just keep going. You’ve got this.
Personal Year 6
Restoration and rejuvenation of mind, body, and spirit come to the forefront in a personal 6 year. For you, this year is going to be about home, family, and creating balance.
You are going to want to create a harmonious living space that makes you feel like home is your sanctuary. You will want your environment to feel peaceful and relaxed. Creating this kind of deep serenity means paying attention to everything about your living space in order to optimize it for health, wellness, and a sense of calm.
Healing will be top of mind. Cultivating a health routine that speaks to balancing your needs across the board would be wise at this time - mental, physical, spiritual, emotional, social, and environmental needs will all have to be met in order to create a sense of overall peace. You are drawn to creating this for yourself and your loved ones as your primary focus.
Bolstering your existing relationships and creating strong new ones is a theme this year. Whether you are deciding to add more romance and connection to an existing relationship or you are looking for a new partner to share that with, this is an opportune time to pursue that.
You are going to be receiving signs regarding movement in your love life. Pay attention to messages that are coming in through your dreams or other forms of divination in order to connect more strongly with your emotional intuition. This will be important whether you are looking for a new partner or you are looking for guidance in order to act in support of an existing relationship.
Personal Year 7
Seven years are about spirituality, and you will feel a strong need to retreat, go inward, and reflect. It’s a time when you will want to focus on controlling your emotions and instincts by operating from the space of intuition and wisdom instead. You will be focused on learning to respond rather than react.
You will want to spend a lot of time alone in nature, reflecting. Whether it feels better to you to be in the forest, in a park, in the mountains, or near an ocean, it doesn’t matter - what matters is going where you are drawn and connecting with that space in order to get grounded, find peace, and receive guidance.
Your spirituality will benefit from maintaining a regular practice if your whole heart is in it. You are staying centered and grounded, going deep within to figure out what it is you really want, to do some hardcore soul searching, and to bring back messages out of the depths that will inform your choices moving forward.
Your mind and your heart might not sync up and this might be giving you a lot of confusion. The seven year is about mastery over the mind-heart connection and striking a balance between the heart and mind is going to be key, realizing that favoring one over the other will not get you what you want but only partway there.
You will want to be alone to create your own sanctuary so that you can do some deep soul searching in peace and privacy. You are searching for ways to navigate away from restrictions and escape captivity. Focus on rebuilding the health of your auric field. Do not force change.
Personal Year 8
You have been working hard and now it’s time to watch your hard work pay off. The seeds you have planted are sprouting and you begin to see the fruits of your labor emerge. This is a great time to follow your passions and make bold moves.
Now is a great time to pursue your dreams, to take risks on finding your fulfillment, to do all of the things you’ve been putting off. What is it that you want to do? You’ve been playing small for a while. It’s time to stop limiting your idea of who you are and to make bigger moves.
Your leadership abilities come to the forefront at this time and whatever you choose to pursue with passion will be fruitful. Any challenges that emerge are for your continued growth.
You have been feeling restricted by your environment and your circumstances up until now. You have been acting in the pursuit of knowledge in order to find your way out of a self-imposed or societal cage. You are being guided to focus on cultivating freedom and independence for yourself, your family, and your community.
Personal Year 9
Nines are resonant with completion and humanitarianism. In a nine year, you tend to reflect upon what you have learned over the course of the past cycle and begin teaching what you’ve learned to others.
People will be drawn to you to hear about all of the things that you’ve learned and will be excited about what you are able to teach them. They will ask for advice and guidance from you. You will need to find the confidence in yourself to trust that your wisdom is needed and that your teaching abilities are sound.
Because you are spending a lot of time reflecting upon what you have learned, there is a tendency to focus on the past, so make sure that you are mindful of staying in the present. Cultivating a regular meditation practice will help to ground you, keep your mind centered, and hone your intuition.
If you have any looming unfinished business in a nine year, you’ll want to tie up loose ends. Take stock of what you have learned, reap the rewards, and get ready to begin a new cycle. The ultimate goal for you will be to learn from your experiences and move on from them into what the future brings.
After you process your thoughts and feelings from the last cycle and learn from them well enough to be able to teach what you have learned, you are being guided to let go of this cycle and give it over to the universe. Doing so will provide you with the energy you need to manifest the endurance necessary to enter into the next cycle full steam.
Personal Year 11
Elevens are about amplification. This year is a master number and it brings with it amplified gains and amplified challenges. An eleven year is basically the energy of the 2 year (read above) kicked into overdrive.
Your intuition is firing off full tilt. Tuning into your inner voice above all others is going to be important this year. If you focus on using your intuition and always showing up as your authentic self, you will be able to counterbalance the challenges you face for smoother sailing.
If you are feeling called to teach, heal, or take up some kind of creative work, now would be a great time to do so. If your relationship with yourself is solid, this would be a great year to start a new relationship.
You will need to make sure you are protecting your energetic boundaries and creating balance in all areas of your life. You are being guided to protect your energy by being cognizant of your energetic field. You will need it as you work on projects that require sustained effort over long periods of time, like building a business or a legacy. If you are interested in pursuing energy healing as a practice, this would be a great time to do so.
Personal Year 22
This is a master number, so this year will amplify the essence of the four (read above). This means amplified growth, challenges, and rewards. Cultivating the discipline it takes to build your dreams is going to be key here as you build the strength and stamina to rise to the occasion and make your dreams come true. Taking action and stepping into your power is going to be necessary in order to make things happen.
You will need to be super disciplined about your habits, from what you eat to when you sleep to how much exercise you are getting on a daily basis. If you make all of this fun, you’re more likely to adhere to it. With all of this ironed out, you’ll be able to free your mind to focus on achieving greater goals.
Twenty-two is the year of the master builder, so anything you would like to build would be a fantastic focus for you this year, from building a business to building a home. Teaching and investing are also favorable activities in this energy.
You are being guided to take stock of your inner self, to go inward and use this time to look in the mirror to figure out not only who you are but who you would prefer to become. This will require going deep into the depths of your emotions to support your inner child in healing, bringing up to the surface the parts of you that require integration.
Personal Year 33
The 33 year is an amplification of the 6 year energy (read above). You will have amplified challenges, growth, and rewards in the areas of unconditional love, home, work, family, and responsibility.
Because the energy is amplified, you might feel quite a lot of pressure surrounding this. You will need to learn to work with others in order to delegate to alleviate any burdens you might be feeling when your responsibilities have you feeling like you are at a breaking point.
You will need to achieve energetic balance in your life and this means knowing when to give and when to receive, when to reinforce energetic boundaries and when to let people in, when to say yes and when to say no. You are going to need to be vigilant about self-care, which needs to be centered around a deep nurture for your soul and your being. Make time to get creative and do what you love. If you feel like you don’t have the time, you’re not delegating enough.
Perfectionism is counterproductive. Done is often better than perfect. If you are using perfection and achievement to gain the love of others, it is time to set this down and let it go, especially if your perfectionism is causing you to procrastinate.
Utilize the lunar cycles to help you make plans and prioritize where to place your focus. You are being guided to meditate during the new and full moons in order to go deep and bring back information about yourself that requires integration moving forward. Doing inner child work would be advantageous at this time.